County | Acres of Timberland1 | Percent Timberland | Stumpage Value2 | Delivered Value3 | Rank4 |
Alamance | 131,863 | 49% | 2,385,910 | 4,335,867 | 79 |
Alexander | 102,745 | 62% | 1,877,504 | 3,255,677 | 81 |
Alleghany | 69,520 | 46% | 2,990,032 | 6,213,060 | 66 |
Anson | 203,063 | 60% | 14,723,576 | 28,113,015 | 8 |
Ashe | 172,579 | 63% | 3,594,875 | 6,452,580 | 64 |
Avery | 127,101 | 80% | 414,626 | 1,693,232 | 95 |
Beaufort | 348,354 | 65% | 20,376,393 | 41,023,468 | 1 |
Bertie | 321,332 | 72% | 18,032,629 | 36,140,470 | 4 |
Bladen | 406,791 | 73% | 19,417,837 | 37,013,038 | 3 |
Brunswick | 414,264 | 76% | 14,116,499 | 27,215,727 | 9 |
Buncombe | 215,592 | 51% | 846,388 | 1,924,557 | 91 |
Burke | 234,571 | 72% | 4,126,779 | 8,415,299 | 49 |
Cabarrus | 93,110 | 40% | 4,337,814 | 7,659,550 | 56 |
Caldwell | 239,321 | 79% | 2,485,486 | 4,337,906 | 78 |
Camden | 72,433 | 47% | 897,717 | 1,760,442 | 93 |
Carteret | 163,290 | 50% | 2,180,666 | 5,339,924 | 68 |
Caswell | 195,266 | 72% | 2,881,125 | 6,515,374 | 63 |
Catawba | 82,411 | 32% | 7,981,254 | 15,107,756 | 29 |
Chatham | 255,764 | 59% | 9,906,741 | 17,608,428 | 23 |
Cherokee | 256,986 | 88% | 644,052 | 2,291,489 | 87 |
Chowan | 51,909 | 47% | 860,326 | 1,823,790 | 92 |
Clay | 85,662 | 62% | 458,894 | 1,708,869 | 94 |
Cleveland | 135,572 | 46% | 2,927,398 | 7,290,287 | 58 |
Columbus | 368,952 | 61% | 20,061,067 | 40,953,859 | 2 |
Craven | 272,309 | 60% | 17,486,884 | 34,178,394 | 5 |
Cumberland | 232,833 | 56% | 7,784,598 | 14,427,203 | 34 |
Currituck | 41,015 | 24% | 82,669 | 205,145 | 99 |
Dare | 53,073 | 22% | 952,208 | 2,333,544 | 86 |
Davidson | 185,288 | 52% | 9,318,163 | 16,729,876 | 26 |
Davie | 78,273 | 46% | 3,497,395 | 8,188,782 | 53 |
Duplin | 262,098 | 50% | 7,633,665 | 14,774,102 | 31 |
Durham | 91,167 | 50% | 868,966 | 3,118,512 | 83 |
Edgecombe | 170,027 | 53% | 6,628,444 | 12,943,800 | 36 |
Forsyth | 104,712 | 40% | 3,583,098 | 10,029,385 | 44 |
Franklin | 195,130 | 62% | 11,135,812 | 20,731,533 | 15 |
Gaston | 99,989 | 44% | 2,368,739 | 5,291,564 | 70 |
Gates | 120,294 | 55% | 3,769,263 | 7,655,099 | 57 |
Graham | 147,080 | 79% | 1,456,849 | 4,599,140 | 75 |
Granville | 230,174 | 68% | 8,011,791 | 14,718,239 | 32 |
Greene | 56,930 | 33% | 2,362,689 | 4,673,456 | 73 |
Guilford | 171,346 | 41% | 4,871,851 | 13,285,627 | 35 |
Halifax | 290,521 | 63% | 11,543,755 | 23,826,250 | 12 |
Harnett | 212,936 | 56% | 9,409,365 | 16,768,982 | 25 |
Haywood | 204,201 | 58% | 756,043 | 2,137,956 | 88 |
Henderson | 155,809 | 65% | 1,049,975 | 2,615,475 | 84 |
Hertford | 161,134 | 71% | 7,920,617 | 15,715,177 | 28 |
Hoke | 173,292 | 69% | 5,206,917 | 9,695,317 | 45 |
Hyde | 186,236 | 48% | 1,701,301 | 4,291,016 | 80 |
Iredell | 116,215 | 32% | 4,646,743 | 8,243,091 | 52 |
Jackson | 265,312 | 84% | 2,278,568 | 6,438,337 | 65 |
Johnston | 231,501 | 46% | 6,876,625 | 12,717,681 | 38 |
Jones | 221,557 | 73% | 12,153,785 | 22,791,826 | 13 |
Lee | 96,772 | 59% | 8,177,596 | 14,941,109 | 30 |
Lenoir | 135,181 | 53% | 6,668,828 | 11,994,429 | 39 |
Lincoln | 87,069 | 46% | 3,940,234 | 6,978,223 | 61 |
Macon | 245,610 | 74% | 854,663 | 2,067,711 | 89 |
Madison | 271,839 | 94% | 863,252 | 2,045,237 | 90 |
Martin | 216,994 | 74% | 8,747,983 | 19,103,361 | 18 |
McDowell | 221,972 | 79% | 3,498,587 | 7,262,116 | 59 |
Mecklenburg | 95,008 | 28% | 2,646,205 | 5,324,747 | 69 |
Mitchell | 103,735 | 73% | 717,077 | 2,522,602 | 85 |
Montgomery | 242,742 | 77% | 13,537,448 | 25,912,021 | 11 |
Moore | 313,850 | 70% | 13,399,484 | 28,726,324 | 6 |
Nash | 184,832 | 53% | 9,412,160 | 19,077,873 | 19 |
New Hanover | 36,149 | 29% | 4,014,270 | 10,352,619 | 42 |
Northampton | 238,560 | 69% | 9,347,603 | 18,831,587 | 21 |
Onslow | 343,924 | 71% | 9,389,571 | 18,064,485 | 22 |
Orange | 127,680 | 50% | 426,992 | 1,033,761 | 96 |
Pamlico | 153,232 | 71% | 6,831,746 | 12,830,666 | 37 |
Pasquotank | 28,666 | 20% | 2,301,437 | 5,006,361 | 71 |
Pender | 428,246 | 77% | 9,831,336 | 19,919,859 | 17 |
Perquiman | 72,687 | 46% | 3,290,207 | 7,967,743 | 54 |
Person | 140,280 | 56% | 4,012,718 | 8,400,741 | 50 |
Pitt | 167,615 | 40% | 9,811,901 | 18,988,327 | 20 |
Polk | 90,082 | 59% | 1,055,677 | 3,213,995 | 82 |
Randolph | 294,104 | 59% | 10,681,013 | 20,511,177 | 16 |
Richmond | 240,320 | 79% | 13,592,814 | 26,184,227 | 10 |
Robeson | 339,387 | 56% | 14,589,476 | 28,374,757 | 7 |
Rockingham | 250,352 | 69% | 4,210,842 | 8,291,203 | 51 |
Rowan | 137,178 | 42% | 5,548,565 | 10,301,887 | 43 |
Rutherford | 217,280 | 60% | 4,983,624 | 11,496,217 | 40 |
Sampson | 254,278 | 42% | 8,460,179 | 16,095,818 | 27 |
Scotland | 135,862 | 67% | 5,668,485 | 10,832,686 | 41 |
Stanly | 118,460 | 47% | 4,941,785 | 9,044,103 | 46 |
Stokes | 201,868 | 70% | 2,795,081 | 5,816,060 | 67 |
Surry | 201,444 | 59% | 2,484,712 | 4,338,331 | 77 |
Swain | 85,963 | 25% | 327,912 | 567,674 | 97 |
Transylvania | 213,847 | 88% | 53,159 | 214,649 | 98 |
Tyrrell | 102,751 | 41% | 2,493,820 | 4,653,707 | 74 |
Union | 153,792 | 38% | 3,111,138 | 7,129,828 | 60 |
Vance | 111,575 | 69% | 3,859,792 | 8,993,013 | 47 |
Wake | 162,317 | 30% | 10,991,212 | 22,404,913 | 14 |
Warren | 219,868 | 80% | 8,438,755 | 17,447,355 | 24 |
Washington | 98,755 | 45% | 3,232,129 | 6,924,196 | 62 |
Watauga | 118,368 | 59% | 1,864,018 | 4,678,394 | 72 |
Wayne | 169,949 | 48% | 4,517,487 | 8,436,145 | 48 |
Wilkes | 342,314 | 71% | 7,703,406 | 14,431,561 | 33 |
Wilson | 83,287 | 35% | 4,158,192 | 7,753,264 | 55 |
Yadkin | 83,488 | 39% | 2,611,315 | 4,528,790 | 76 |
Yancey | 150,795 | 75% | 0 | 0 | 100 |
State Total | 18,009,230 | 58% | 577,978,257 | 1,157,334,028 |
1Timberland = forest land capable of producing in excess of 20 cubic feet per acre per year of industrial wood in natural stands. ↵
2Stumpage = price paid to landowners for standing timber. ↵
3Delivered = price paid to timber buyers upon delivery of timber to the mill. ↵
4Ranking is highest (1) to lowest (100) based on counties’ delivered income values Data sources: Retrieved from the FIA program, US Forest Service. Forest Inventory and Analysis Data (02/17/2023), 2021 Timber Products Output Data (02/20/2023), and 2021 Timber Mart South, Vol. 45. ↵
North Carolina Facts
- In 2021, the value of timber harvests (stumpage value) in NC was $578 million, down $12 million (2.2%) from 2020.
- Wood delivered to mills represents about $1,157 million in 2021, down $25.9 million (2.2%) from 2020.
2021 Harvest Utilizationa
(million cubic feet)
Sawlogs | 337 |
Pulpwood | 261 |
Veneer logs | 32 |
Composites (other industrial, bioenergy) | 166 |
Sources: a 2021 USFS Timber Products Output Survey ↵
Area of Timberland by Ownership (Figure 1)
Forested Area of North Carolina (Figure 2)
Prepared by Robert Bardon, Ph.D.
Professor & Extension Specialist
Campus Box 8008
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8008
Publication date: Feb. 22, 2023
N.C. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, gender identity, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation and veteran status.