NC State Extension Publications

Timber Income Data, North Carolina, 2023

Skip to Timber Income Data, North Carolina, 2023
County Acres of timberland1 Percent Timberland Stumpage Value2 Delivered Value3 Rank4
Alamance 139,175 51% $ 2,574,213 $ 7,107,018 60
Alexander 106,645 64% $ 2,131,588 $ 5,713,452 67
Alleghany 69,667 46% $ 1,612,159 $ 3,744,258 74
Anson 209,307 62% $ 23,711,582 $ 45,860,389 1
Ashe 174,382 64% $ 4,207,882 $ 10,819,900 42
Avery 123,468 78% $ 1,679,410 $ 4,038,113 72
Beaufort 342,647 64% $ 14,128,159 $ 30,727,691 6
Bertie 320,463 72% $ 15,502,647 $ 34,313,893 4
Bladen 398,716 71% $ 10,437,299 $ 22,675,328 13
Brunswick 395,415 73% $ 14,353,486 $ 29,722,971 8
Buncombe 223,239 53% $ 1,208,221 $ 3,166,596 83
Burke 234,795 72% $ 2,679,116 $ 7,682,227 56
Cabarrus 81,233 35% $ 2,588,208 $ 6,720,486 63
Caldwell 239,692 79% $ 3,787,675 $ 9,914,842 45
Camden 73,727 48% $ 480,076 $ 839,186 96
Carteret 152,097 47% $ 5,546,706 $ 9,493,957 49
Caswell 193,293 71% $ 2,648,658 $ 8,866,736 53
Catawba 81,433 32% $ 1,826,651 $ 5,250,709 71
Chatham 254,033 58% $ 8,539,221 $ 21,289,315 15
Cherokee 255,671 88% $ 476,705 $ 1,493,950 91
Chowan 51,715 47% $ 1,192,871 $ 3,246,814 82
Clay 87,369 64% $ 349,183 $ 1,061,766 92
Cleveland 140,931 47% $ 1,076,356 $ 3,985,062 73
Columbus 369,018 61% $ 14,163,607 $ 32,420,520 5
Craven 266,906 59% $ 14,684,359 $ 29,633,441 9
Cumberland 228,425 55% $ 4,598,629 $ 10,394,255 43
Currituck 35,324 21% $ 104,497 $ 234,475 100
Dare 49,507 20% $ 161,084 $ 314,483 99
Davidson 186,962 53% $ 8,599,331 $ 19,896,870 20
Davie 73,137 43% $ 2,576,912 $ 7,184,137 59
Duplin 263,613 51% $ 5,743,180 $ 13,696,521 33
Durham 90,225 49% $ 174,205 $ 846,754 95
Edgecombe 169,829 53% $ 4,486,578 $ 11,865,555 38
Forsyth 100,470 38% $ 2,391,384 $ 6,848,050 61
Franklin 184,119 58% $ 9,018,213 $ 19,965,367 19
Gaston 94,825 42% $ 607,060 $ 1,800,347 89
Gates 120,472 55% $ 4,458,048 $ 11,348,516 39
Graham 145,598 78% $ 296,213 $ 928,583 94
Granville 231,190 68% $ 6,562,428 $ 14,686,824 31
Greene 55,698 33% $ 2,226,951 $ 5,786,079 66
Guilford 170,838 41% $ 2,393,972 $ 6,787,040 62
Halifax 292,635 63% $ 10,380,516 $ 27,911,289 10
Harnett 207,476 54% $ 12,532,865 $ 23,296,231 12
Haywood 198,802 56% $ 1,113,772 $ 2,977,391 84
Henderson 140,906 59% $ 952,726 $ 2,622,964 86
Hertford 161,334 71% $ 5,325,877 $ 13,560,154 34
Hoke 178,377 71% $ 4,674,845 $ 9,620,636 47
Hyde 173,723 44% $ 1,259,739 $ 2,846,473 85
Iredell 116,294 32% $ 3,264,034 $ 9,733,900 46
Jackson 259,742 83% $ 1,383,649 $ 3,711,074 75
Johnston 229,515 45% $ 7,178,555 $ 15,414,299 28
Jones 222,336 74% $ 10,226,644 $ 21,500,046 14
Lee 94,558 58% $ 8,021,887 $ 14,857,893 30
Lenoir 129,713 51% $ 4,459,259 $ 8,995,528 52
Lincoln 88,027 46% $ 348,241 $ 1,020,556 93
Macon 241,399 73% $ 668,436 $ 2,103,392 88
Madison 266,400 93% $ 1,312,628 $ 3,616,228 76
Martin 211,432 72% $ 8,361,277 $ 18,465,484 21
McDowell 222,510 79% $ 1,126,877 $ 3,509,018 78
Mecklenburg 91,392 27% $ 2,788,257 $ 9,270,568 50
Mitchell 110,305 78% $ 2,048,599 $ 5,380,328 70
Montgomery 249,972 79% $ 18,738,888 $ 38,308,975 2
Moore 310,822 70% $ 17,251,864 $ 35,038,693 3
Nash 183,493 53% $ 6,950,537 $ 17,442,207 23
New Hanover 30,544 25% $ 587,661 $ 1,597,044 90
Northampton 239,228 70% $ 8,403,684 $ 19,995,764 18
Onslow 349,285 72% $ 7,324,699 $ 16,303,898 26
Orange 129,356 51% $ 1,213,064 $ 3,511,070 77
Pamlico 150,649 70% $ 8,759,030 $ 15,697,381 27
Pasquotank 27,106 19% $ 1,359,027 $ 3,397,161 79
Pender 427,081 77% $ 8,663,107 $ 20,203,617 17
Perquiman 71,329 45% $ 1,418,373 $ 3,285,859 81
Person 141,838 56% $ 2,983,370 $ 9,934,773 44
Pitt 162,323 39% $ 7,861,290 $ 18,034,941 22
Polk 84,504 56% $ 1,159,119 $ 3,355,466 80
Randolph 281,007 56% $ 11,949,661 $ 30,190,406 7
Richmond 241,068 80% $ 12,915,685 $ 27,021,733 11
Robeson 346,696 57% $ 3,402,445 $ 9,507,312 48
Rockingham 241,017 67% $ 2,418,496 $ 7,669,027 57
Rowan 130,605 40% $ 4,810,223 $ 12,426,284 36
Rutherford 230,110 64% $ 2,827,784 $ 7,646,612 58
Sampson 252,743 42% $ 9,851,409 $ 20,926,476 16
Scotland 135,543 66% $ 3,954,067 $ 9,078,202 51
Stanly 107,715 43% $ 4,563,476 $ 11,310,784 40
Stokes 187,243 65% $ 2,083,118 $ 6,260,560 64
Surry 204,290 60% $ 4,140,771 $ 12,598,209 35
Swain 87,541 26% $ 296,134 $ 811,191 97
Transylvania 213,755 88% $ 286,673 $ 758,108 98
Tyrrell 109,034 44% $ 1,197,868 $ 2,451,527 87
Union 155,517 38% $ 2,672,387 $ 8,312,679 54
Vance 114,057 71% $ 1,821,525 $ 5,518,430 68
Wake 164,308 31% $ 7,411,047 $ 17,179,723 24
Warren 221,510 81% $ 7,088,431 $ 16,757,622 25
Washington 99,189 45% $ 2,561,198 $ 5,829,796 65
Watauga 118,684 59% $ 2,113,834 $ 5,493,117 69
Wayne 169,083 48% $ 5,469,901 $ 11,172,464 41
Wilkes 342,336 71% $ 5,687,780 $ 15,112,419 29
Wilson 82,823 35% $ 6,027,980 $ 12,054,933 37
Yadkin 83,010 39% $ 5,048,406 $ 14,258,031 32
Yancey 155,741 78% $ 3,183,211 $ 8,187,187 55
State Total 17,854,300 57% $ 499,870,627 $ 1,157,425,605

1Timberland = forest land capable of producing in excess of 20 cubic feet per acre per year of industrial wood in natural stands.

2Stumpage = price paid to landowners for standing timber.

3Delivered = price paid to timber buyers upon delivery of timber to the mill.

4Ranking is highest (1) to lowest (100) based on counties’ delivered income values.

Data sources: US Forest Service, Evalidator Version 2.1.4, Forest Inventory and Analysis Data (Retrieved 01/31/2025), Timber Products Output Data (Retrieved 01/31/2025), and 2023 Timber Mart South, Vol. 48.

North Carolina Facts

Skip to North Carolina Facts
  • In 2023, the value of timber harvests (stumpage value) in NC was $499.8 million, down 8.2% ($111 million) from 2022.
  • Wood delivered to mills represents about $1,151 million in 2023, down $65,314 million (5.3%) from 2022.

2023 Harvest Utilizationa

(million cubic feet)

Sawlogs 334
Pulpwood 230
Veneer logs 30
Composites (other industrial, bioenergy) 161

Sources: a USDA Forest Service Timber Products Output Data

Distribution of unreserved forest, reserved forest and non-forest land in North Carolina, 2023

North Carolina is over 30.9 million acres of land that is distributed between reserved forest land (2%) unreserved forest land (58%) and non-forest land (40%). Reserved forestland is withdrawn from the potential to be managed for wood products through statute or administrative designation. Examples include designated Federal wilderness areas, national parks and monuments, and most State parks. Unreserved forest land is available to be managed for production of wood products.

Area of timberland by ownership in North Carolina, 2023

North Carolina has approximately 18 million acres of unreserved forestland that is classifed as timberland; which is unreserved forestland capable of producing 20 cubic feet or more of commercial timber. Of the 18 million acres 85 percent is privately owned, 8 percent is owned by the federal government and 7 percent is owned by state and local governments.

Pie chart showing percentage of unreserved forest (58%), reserved forest (2%) and non-forest (40%) land in North Carolina in 2023.

Distribution of unreserved forest, reserved forest and non-forest land in North Carolina, 2023

Distribution of timberland by ownership, 85% private landowner, 8% Federal government, and 7% State and Local governments

Area of timberland by ownership in North Carolina, 2023


Associate Dean of Extension, Department Extension Leader & Professor
Forestry & Environmental Resources

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Publication date: Jan. 31, 2025

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