NC State Extension Publications


Improving drainage of poorly drained soils improves trafficability for timely field operations. In addition, drainage improves crop yield by eliminating prolonged periods of excess water. An important advantage of subsurface drains is that drainage occurs without taking land out of production. In North Carolina, subsurface drains are installed with closer spacing than typical open ditches. Subsurface drains, along with good surface drainage, effectively protect crops from excessive soil water conditions.

Subsurface drainage cost in North Carolina can vary depending on location and is highly dependent on soil properties. The most important soil property affecting the cost per acre for drainage installation is soil texture, which determines the ability of the soil to move water both vertically and laterally. A fabric filter can be used with tile to prevent fine sand from entering and clogging the drains. Figure 1 shows drain tile without and with fabric “sock.” Figure 2 and Table 1 show the estimated costs of material and installation for subsurface drainage pipes in North Carolina with varying drain spacing. These cost estimates are based on 47 cents per linear foot of 4-inch perforated drains without fabric; 68 cents per linear foot with fabric filter; with average installation cost of 60 cents per linear foot. Installation cost may vary depending on the number of acres drained, drain depth, connections, system design, transportation costs and ease of installation. The material cost of 4-inch drains may also vary depending on the supplier and transportation cost. You should choose the drain spacing that provides adequate drainage while avoiding unnecessary installation costs.

Coiled black drain tile without a fabric filter (left) and coiled black drain tile covered with a filter (right).

Figure 1. Drain tile without fabric and with filter fabric.

Graph showing subsurface drainage costs per acre decreasing as tile spacing increases.

Figure 2. Estimated per acre subsurface drainage cost (68 cents per linear foot with fabric; 47 cents per linear foot without; 60 cents per linear foot for installation).


Table 1. Estimated per acre subsurface drainage cost (68 cents per linear foot for 4-inch drains with fabric; 47 cents per linear foot for 4-inch drains without fabric; 60 cents per linear foot for installation)



With Fabric


No Fabric




30 $1,859 $1,554 $305
40 $1,394 $1,165 $229
50 $1,115 $932 $183
60 $929 $777 $152
70 $797 $666 $131
80 $697 $583 $114
90 $620 $518 $102
100 $558 $466 $91
110 $507 $424 $83
120 $465 $388 $76
130 $429 $359 $70
140 $398 $333 $65
150 $372 $311 $61
160 $348 $291 $57
170 $328 $274 $54
180 $310 $259 $51
190 $293 $245 $48
200 $279 $233 $46
210 $266 $222 $44
220 $253 $212 $42
230 $242 $203 $40
240 $232 $194 $38
250 $223 $186 $37
260 $214 $179 $35
270 $207 $173 $34
280 $199 $166 $33
290 $192 $161 $32
300 $186 $155 $30


Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist
Biological & Agricultural Engineering
Biological & Agricultural Engineering
William Neal Reynolds and Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Biological & Agricultural Engineering

Publication date: Jan. 10, 2020
Reviewed/Revised: Feb. 19, 2025

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