NC State Extension Publications

General Knowledge Information

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Taking part in a 4-H Livestock Project can be exciting and rewarding experience. Through the beef project you are given the opportunity to learn about taking care of an animal, working with other young people, and developing sound judgment skills. When beginning with any new project or activity it is a learning experience for all involved. More knowledge is gained by taking part than by watching others.

Below are the most important aspects that you should know about your project animal to make your learning experience complete. Remember that the more you work with the beef project the more knowledge that you can gain.

Items to Learn and Know

Skip to Items to Learn and Know
  • Breed of animal exhibited and/or other breeds in the class
  • Date of birth / age of animal
  • Current weight of animal
  • Feeding (what and when)
  • Gender of animal

Body Parts to Know

  • Hock
  • Quarter
  • Loin
  • Shoulder

Basic Equipment to Know

  • Show halter
  • Rope halter
  • Show stick
  • Brush
  • Scotch comb
  • Clippers
Diagram of beef cattle body parts.

Diagram of beef cattle body parts.

Basic equipment for beef cattle showmanship.

Basic equipment for beef cattle showmanship.

Beef Showmanship Danish Standards for 5 and 6 Year Old Exhibitors

Skip to Beef Showmanship Danish Standards for 5 and 6 Year Old Exhibitors

Showmanship provides the opportunity to show an animal to the best of your ability. You are judged on how well you show your animal. Judging for showmanship does not include the conformation of the animal. Practice and planning will help you improve your showmanship skills. The Beef Cattle Showmanship factsheet offers more in-depth coverage of showmanship styles and care of the project animal.

Below are the showmanship standards for 5 and 6 year old youth. These standards are established to provide youth with guidelines of the more important aspects of developing showmanship skills.

Showmanship Skills to Develop

  1. Lead and control animal from the animal's left side.
  2. Learn to follow directions from the ring steward and/or judge.
  3. Keep good eye contact with the judge.
  4. Attempt to set the animal up in the proper position.
  5. Wear appropriate show ring attire.
  6. Have animal clean and presentable.
  7. Display good showmanship and polite conduct.
  8. Answer age-appropriate questions.

Description of Group Ribbon Colors

Purple: Far exceeds established showmanship standards

Blue: Exceeds established showmanship standards

Red: Meets established showmanship stanards

White: Does not meet established showmanship standards


Special acknowledgment is extended to the following individuals for their valuable contribution to the development of this educational material. Frank Bolick, Watauga County; J.D. Brooks, Buncombe; Kathy Bunton, Alexander County; Walter Earle, Wilson County; Michael Hobbs, Buncombe County; Brinton Hopkins, PhD, Department of Animal Science; Ronald Huges, Johnson County; Kenneth Vaughn, Iredell County.


Extension Livestock Specialist
Animal Science
Extension Livestock Technician
Animal Science

Find more information at the following NC State Extension websites:

Publication date: Jan. 1, 2003
Reviewed/Revised: May 3, 2022

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