- Be sure names and phone numbers of customers who need to be contacted are available and current.
*For farmers with only one CSA program, you should know their main contact and a back up for them. - Be sure of names and phone numbers of media representatives, proper authorities (FDA, NCDA&CS, etc.), and legal council.
- Identify the problem and assess the health risks.
- Determine the products and lot numbers involved.
- Determine quantities involved.
- Determine current inventory on the premises.
- Determine the amount of product in the marketplace.
- Identify the customers who have received the product.
- Collect pertinent documentation regarding the affected product. *Inputs and outputs of affected field, notes on unusual events (flooding, wildlife activity, etc).
- Determine the percent effectiveness of the mock recall. The total amount of suspect product must equal the sum of the product shipped and the amount still in inventory.
(B + C + D) ÷ A x 100 = % effectiveness
A = total amount of product
B = amount still on inventory
C = amount delivered to customers
D = incidental usage (product dropped on the ground, etc.) - Outline the shortcomings in our recall plan and what corrective actions will be taken. *For example, taking longer than 2 hours and not being able to account for 100% of the product.
*Testing these programs is the best way to ensure their effectiveness and to best ensure preparedness for an actual recall.
Publication date: Jan. 16, 2015
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This publication printed on: March 03, 2025