NC State Extension Publications


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Trade Name: Fuerte Common Name: flumioxazin + prodiamnine Formulations: 0.875GR (0.125 + 0.75%)

Preemergence control of most annual broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in container or field grown nursery crops, and some field grown cut flower plantings. May be used on many woody and herbaceous ornamental species. Not for use in landscape plantings.

Amount of Active Ingredient Amount of Formulation Herbicide*
Per Acre

0.875 lb
(0.125 flumioxazin + 0.75 prodiamine)

100 lb
Per 1,000 sq ft 2.3 lb

*Note: do not exceed two applications per year.

Major Weeds Controlled

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Broad spectrum control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds including bittercress, spurge, phyllanthus, livid amaranth, chickweed, henbit, groundsel, annual bluegrass, crabgrass, carpetweed, and many others.

Major Weeds Not Controlled

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Perennials and established weeds. Weak on eclipta, dogfennel, cutleaf eveningprimrose, rice flatsedge and morningglory. Variable results on crabgrass and spotted spurge have been observed. Does not control nutsedge.

For Best Results

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Apply to dry foliage and shake plants to remove granules from growing points. In newly potted or planted crops, the soil or substrate should be settled by irrigation before herbicide application. In established container crops, hand weed before treatment and irrigate immediately after application.

Cautions and Precautions

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Injury to small transplanted lines may occur. Do not apply Fuerte to recently transplanted liners with root balls less than 4 inches in diameter until plants have been actively growing for at least 6 weeks. Do not apply to nursery seedbeds or transplant beds or to unrooted liners or cuttings. Delay applications to bare-root transplants for three weeks. Do not use in enclosed structures. Do not apply more than a total of 200 lb per acre per year. Check label for details and additional precautions.

Residual Activity

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Duration of weed control varies with management practices and prevailing weather conditions. In cool climates or seasons, longer residual is expected than in warm climates or seasons. In containers, residual weed control rarely lasts more than 60 days in the southeastern U.S. Shorter residual is to be expected in mid-summer, longer residual in cooler weather.

Volatility and Leaching Potential

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Moderately volatile but readily absorbed by soil organic matter. Leaching is not expected to be significant.

Symptoms and Mode of Action

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Flumioxazin is a PPO inhibitor herbicide. The most common injury symptom is localized necrotic spots (contact burn) on leaves where granules adhere to the foliage. Symptoms are more severe when applied to moist foliage – including tip necrosis and dieback in particularly susceptible species such as hydrangea and ligustrum. Symptoms develop rapidly, within days. Herbicide is generally not systemic, but in some susceptible species young plants (e.g. wax myrtle and spirea) development of red pigments in the main veins of leaves, suggests translocation. Prodiamine inhibits root growth through interference with cell division. Stem girdling and swelling at the soil line may occur in some sensitive species. Root tips exposed to the herbicide will swell producing “club-like” roots. Mode of Action Groups: Flumioxazin - Group 14. Prodiamine - Group 3

Additional Information

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Worker Protection Standards REI: 12 hours
PPE: applicators plus coveralls, chemical-resistant gloves, socks and closed shoes
Manufacturer: OHP EPA Reg. # 59807-20


Professor of Weed Science, Extension Specialist & Department Extension Leader
Horticultural Science

Publication date: July 29, 2020
Reviewed/Revised: Sept. 22, 2020

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