NC State Extension Publications

Description and Biology

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Pales weevils, Hylobius pales, overwinter as adults in the forest floor litter. (The common name is pronounced PAY-leez.) This is a very dark, elongate, oval insect up to 1/2 inch long with indistinct to distinct gray or pale orange spots of scales on the wings and thorax. Pales weevil grubs are typical legless weevil grubs with white bodies and brown heads. The adults are active in warm weather at night and hide during the day. In spring, the adults feed at night on the thin bark of conifer seedlings or near the tips of branches of larger plants before they fly to cut, damaged or recently dead pines to breed. After mating, females burrow underground to lay their eggs on the roots of these stumps and trees. They chew small niches and lay one to three eggs in each. New eggs are oval and white. Grubs tunnel downward in the roots as they mature. When mature, each grub fashions a cocoon of wood chips and pupates inside it. A new generation of weevils emerges in late summer or fall. Depending upon timing and altitude, we may have two generations of pales weevils per year in North Carolina.

A pales weevil with pale gray spots

Pales weevils are very dark and usually have gray or orange spots.

Side view of a pales weevil with orange spots

This pales weevil has orange spots.

Pales weevils gathered on a pine stump

Pales weevils are attracted to freshly cut pine stumps.

Pales weevil grubs feeding under the bark of a pine stump.

Pales weevil grubs are legless and white with brown heads.

Host Plants

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Pales weevils breed in all species of pines, hemlocks, junipers, spruces, firs and cedars. It likely attacks any conifer growing near an area where pines or other conifers are harvested. The pales weevil is the most serious insect pest of pine reproduction in cutover pine land, and it readily invades landscapes. When pales weevils feed on bark, they eat it down to the wood and often girdle twigs that eventually flag and dieback. White, crystallized resin that resembles sugar forms over the wounds.

Pales weevil adult feeding damage to pine twig

Pales weevils chew away the bark of seedlings and twig.

Flagging on a white pine

This flagging was caused by pales weevils girdling twigs.

Pales weevil grub damage to a pine sapling

Pales weevils readily breed in fresh stumps.

Residential Recommendations

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Other than two parasitic fungi, little is known about biological control of pales weevils. Pyrethroid insecticides should protect conifers from weevil attack.When used as directed, pyrethroids are very toxic to insects but are not particularly hazardous to humans and pets (other than fish—avoid using pyrethroids around pools, ponds, and streams). These should be applied just as soon as the damage is first noticed. Pyrethroid insecticides labeled for landscape use are available in the plant sections of big box stores and nurseries.

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This Factsheet has not been peer reviewed.


Professor Emeritus
Entomology & Plant Pathology

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Publication date: Feb. 18, 2019
Reviewed/Revised: Nov. 30, 2023

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