NC State Extension Publications

Description and Biology

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The cane lace bug or bamboo lace bug, Leptodictya simulans, is a small lace bug with the flattened extensions (paranota) of the thorax creased and folded back onto the thorax. Unlike most common lace bugs, the top wing and paranotum do not have noticeable humps. Little has been published on the immature stages and biology of the cane lace bug. If its biology is anything like that of other lace bugs, the cane lace bug inserts its eggs into plant tissue to protect them from the environment and teeny-weeny parasitic wasps. The nymphs probably feed in groups when young. Lace bugs inject saliva as they feed resulting in a pale spot at each feeding site. Nymphs probably develop through five stages as they grow. We probably have four or five generations per year in North Carolina, and these lace bugs probably overwinter as eggs inside cane leaves.

Host Plants

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In North Carolina, the cane lace bug has been collected from cane, Arundinaria spp., and from black bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra), an ornamental that can readily escape to become an invasive weed.

Rsidential Recommendations

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The cane lace bug is undoubtedly susceptible to Orthene insecticide and other insecticides useful for lace bug suppression in the landscape.

Other Resources

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This factsheet has not been peer reviewed.


Professor Emeritus
Entomology & Plant Pathology

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Publication date: Sept. 12, 2020

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