Trade Name: Segment, and others (formerly Vantage) | Common Name: sethoxydim | Formulation: 1 EC |
Postemergence herbicide for selective control of weedy grasses in nonbearing food crops, trees, ornamentals, groundcovers, bedding plants, and Christmas trees, including seed and transplant beds. May be applied over the top of many dormant or actively growing broadleaf plants and conifers (see label for exceptions). May also be used in sod suppression programs (see label for specific guidelines).
Amount of Active Ingredient | Amount by Formulation | |
1 EC | ||
Per Acre | 0.28 to 0.47 lb | 36 to 60 fl oz |
Per 1,000 sq. ft. | 0.8 to 1.4 fl oz | |
Spot Treatment | 2 to 3 oz/gal |
Major Weeds Controlled
Emerged annual and perennial grasses. Particularly effective on summer annual grasses including crabgrass and Japanese stiltgrass.
Major Weeds Not Controlled
Does not control annual bluegrass, annual or perennial sedges, or broadleaf weeds. The following species are also tolerant: red, chewings, and hard fescues; and sweet vernal grass.
For Best Results
Apply to small, actively growing grasses that have not been mowed. Thorough coverage is essential. For optimum control of perennial grasses, apply in the spring when grasses are 4 to 8 inches tall. Repeat applications are often necessary for season-long control of perennial grasses.
Cautions and Precautions
Do not cultivate between 5 days before and 7 days after application. Do not mow before or within 7 days after treatment. Do not apply when rain or irrigation will occur within 1 hour. Injury has been reported on some ornamentals including `Snow' azalea, potentilla varieties ‘Jackmanni' and ‘K. Vandyke', privet, and oak. These instances have usually been associated with higher than labeled rates applied to young tissues.
Residual Activity
Primarily a foliar-applied, postemergence herbicide. No soil residual activity should be expected. However, do not seed grass crops for two weeks after application.
Volatility and Leaching Potential
Loss from volatility is minimal. There is little potential for leaching as sethoxydim is rapidly decomposed in soil.
Symptoms and Mode of Action
Growth inhibition occurs within 48 hours. Meristems turn black shortly thereafter. Yellow to red foliage develops in about 7 to 10 days, and plants die within about 14 days. Inhibits cell division by blocking acetyl Co A carboxylase, an enzyme involved in lipid biosynthesis. WSSA Group 1; HRAC Group A.
Additional Information
Worker Protection Standards | REI: 12 hours |
PPE: coveralls, chemical-resistant gloves, shoes plus socks | |
Manufacturer: BASF Corporation | EPA Reg. # 7969-88 |
Publication date: May 9, 2016
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