While much rarer than the twospotted spider mite in North Carolina, cyclamen mites (Phytonemus pallidus, Acari: Tarsonemidae) can cause significant problems in strawberries when they do occur. Since 2021, severe infestations with cyclamen mites have been reported in some strawberry farms in North Carolina and Virginia. However, these infestations are sporadic and often originate with infested nursery seedlings.
Adult cyclamen mites are about 0.25 mm long and require a 20X hand lens or dissecting microscope to detect them. As these mites thrive in humid conditions, they can be a problematic greenhouse pest. However, they can also be found in the field, usually originating from contaminated nursery stock. Adult female mites lay oblong eggs on strawberry leaves that hatch into tiny, white, six-legged larvae. They have eight legs once they reach adulthood. Adult mites are pear-shaped and a translucent, creamy orange color. The adults show sexual dimorphism (different sexes of the same organism look different). In males, the final pair of legs end in a claw like structure. In females, the final pair of legs are skinny with a long hair protruding from the tip. The entire life cycle of the cyclamen mite is less than 3 weeks so, once established, populations can build rapidly.
When originating from nursery stock, cyclamen mites usually overwinter in few numbers on the developing plants and resumen reproduction in spring when temperatures are above 50 F. Infestations are usually detected in March or April when large populations are present.
Cyclamen mites use their piercing-sucking mouthparts to feed on plant material. These mites usually established in folded, tiny, developing leaves close to the crown of the plant. When large populations are established, cyclamen mites can be found feeding on young unfolded leaves. However, symptoms of infestation can be found throughout the plant. Infested leaves will appear stunted and crumpled, flowers will wither, and fruit will be shrunken with protruding seeds. By the time these symptoms appear in spring, it is too late to limit damage, so cyclamen mites must be managed with the mindset of prevention. Treatments should be applied when 1 leaf in 10 shows cyclamen mite infestation.
Management Options
Cyclamen mite infestations in North Carolina are usually due to contamination of transplants at the nursery. Transplants should be checked for cyclamen mites with a 20X hand lens or dissecting microscope before adding to them to the field or greenhouse.
Conventional Miticides
Conventional miticides are available to control this pest. Because cyclamen mites are established deep in the craon of the plan in folded leaves, reaching these areas with contact insecticides may be challenging. Thus, high volume applications at standard presure may inprove control. For commercial recommendations in North Carolina see the North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual, and see the Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium Strawberry IPM Guide for regional recommendations. For control recommendations for areas outside of the southeast, please check with your local extension agent.
Biological Control
Releases of the predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus have been shown to be effective in controlling cyclamen mites in other states. These predatory mites have been observed feeding on cyclamen mite infested strawberries in Virginia in 2022 and 2023 open field trials. Predatory mites can reach the depts of the strawberry crowns where cyclamen mites establshied. When severe infestations are encountered, a combination of miticides and predatory mites is prefered to manage cyclamen mites.
More Information
Cyclamen Mite in Virginia Strawberries - Virginia Tech
Guidelines for purchasing and using Commercial Natural Enemies - University of Florida
Cyclamen Mite - University of Florida Entomology and Nemotology
Strawberry Cyclamen Mite - UC IPM
North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual
Strawberry IPM Guide - Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium
Publication date: May 15, 2014
Reviewed/Revised: Dec. 29, 2024
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