NC State Extension Publications

North Carolina Facts

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  • Wood delivered to sawmills represents over $841.4 million in 2014, up $38.5 million (4.8%) from 2013.
  • Forestry, primary and secondary wood products manufacturing contributed $29.4 billion to NC’s 2013 economy, 144,000 jobs, and a payroll of $7.4 billion1.

2011 Harvest Utilization2

Sawlogs: 279 million cubic feet

Pulpwood: 251 million cubic feet

Veneer logs: 42 million cubic feet

Composites (and other industrial products): 51 million cubic feet


1 2013 IMPLAN contribution analysis for NC Forest Industry

2 2011 USFS Timber Products Output Survey.

Decorative image of timber being loaded onto truck


County Acres of Timberland1 % Timberland Stumpage2 Value Delivered3 Value Rank4
Alamance 137,680 51% $2,582,545 $5,302,694 59
Alexander 100,215 60% $2,039,676 $3,845,617 70
Alleghany 68,072 45% $2,411,053 $4,567,802 64
Anson 221,174 65% $12,015,785 $23,092,225 4
Ashe 177,162 65% $2,905,300 $5,407,676 57
Avery 133,979 85% $302,666 $545,331 98
Beaufort 344,141 65% $24,548,352 $45,201,030 1
Bertie 314,977 70% $11,454,258 $23,005,119 5
Bladen 401,291 72% $8,080,976 $17,040,868 13
Brunswick 422,713 78% $9,719,375 $19,209,174 9
Buncombe 221,755 53% $1,999,412 $3,778,563 73
Burke 238,407 73% $2,204,150 $4,736,641 63
Cabarrus 90,513 39% $1,140,709 $2,272,770 89
Caldwell 224,326 74% $3,790,402 $7,061,391 45
Camden 74,195 48% $890,266 $1,968,535 90
Carteret 155,176 48% $3,647,468 $6,890,474 48
Caswell 184,967 68% $3,624,656 $8,390,079 37
Catawba 94,776 37% $2,262,582 $4,418,194 65
Chatham 266,915 61% $9,655,131 $16,650,770 15
Cherokee 251,120 86% $1,102,153 $2,937,968 81
Chowan 51,790 47% $754,238 $1,479,564 92
Clay 92,810 68% $464,510 $1,322,250 93
Cleveland 132,981 45% $2,713,296 $5,978,014 52
Columbus 378,468 63% $10,217,154 $20,411,393 7
Craven 264,529 58% $13,154,817 $23,947,460 2
Cumberland 233,868 56% $3,026,765 $7,043,868 46
Currituck 40,819 24% $972,700 $2,870,831 82
Dare 54,836 22% $56,232 $106,948 99
Davidson 189,637 54% $5,197,538 $9,883,364 30
Davie 85,308 50% $1,262,653 $2,589,882 85
Duplin 269,926 52% $4,259,531 $9,642,198 31
Durham 95,315 52% $1,089,172 $1,913,323 91
Edgecombe 168,452 52% $3,316,872 $7,185,052 43
Forsyth 110,051 42% $1,842,484 $3,752,772 74
Franklin 197,641 63% $4,825,042 $11,051,897 25
Gaston 101,809 45% $2,033,614 $3,821,539 72
Gates 120,924 55% $5,728,980 $11,776,266 24
Graham 146,458 78% $275,718 $695,161 97
Granville 218,881 64% $4,450,872 $9,385,519 32
Greene 62,549 37% $2,396,548 $5,414,314 56
Guilford 188,401 46% $5,368,994 $9,953,030 29
Halifax 289,849 63% $9,221,229 $19,865,013 8
Harnett 208,674 55% $2,461,697 $5,069,353 61
Haywood 198,951 56% $3,592,652 $7,138,380 44
Henderson 162,492 68% $1,855,135 $3,313,228 76
Hertford 165,982 73% $3,206,153 $6,401,050 49
Hoke 170,810 68% $1,826,243 $4,013,241 69
Hyde 198,746 51% $3,777,396 $7,559,661 41
Iredell 115,079 31% $3,974,342 $7,664,828 40
Jackson 254,275 81% $2,144,685 $3,843,327 71
Johnston 230,491 46% $3,007,204 $5,990,090 51
Jones 224,587 75% $8,769,359 $17,205,465 12
Lee 98,530 60% $3,283,490 $5,942,440 53
Lenoir 135,442 53% $2,380,754 $5,381,316 58
Lincoln 83,570 44% $2,604,639 $4,914,134 62
Macon 238,139 72% $1,334,558 $2,856,938 83
Madison 266,214 93% $1,746,887 $3,036,096 79
Martin 220,862 75% $11,007,329 $20,717,209 6
McDowell 217,641 77% $3,139,047 $6,301,932 50
Mecklenburg 99,649 30% $535,158 $1,015,519 95
Mitchell 97,573 69% $2,316,793 $4,072,936 68
Montgomery 239,923 76% $10,286,713 $18,700,237 10
Moore 327,925 73% $13,527,121 $23,766,492 3
Nash 184,431 53% $3,337,550 $6,934,562 47
New Hanover 37,652 31% $420,898 $764,462 96
Northampton 233,689 68% $6,961,319 $15,348,562 18
Onslow 357,909 73% $7,068,215 $14,685,041 21
Orange 136,229 53% $4,134,354 $7,406,122 42
Pamlico 144,367 67% $7,917,184 $14,217,539 22
Pasquotank 32,757 23% $1,280,492 $2,427,389 87
Pender 426,822 77% $7,637,908 $15,190,972 19
Perquimans 71,054 45% $1,038,037 $2,355,032 88
Person 133,775 53% $3,544,459 $8,441,487 36
Pitt 161,922 39% $8,797,871 $17,761,044 11
Polk 107,825 71% $1,429,630 $3,134,076 78
Randolph 285,252 57% $8,087,882 $15,062,952 20
Richmond 243,691 80% $9,169,450 $16,812,808 14
Robeson 332,736 55% $5,517,904 $12,409,125 23
Rockingham 253,228 70% $4,728,411 $10,591,679 26
Rowan 134,064 41% $4,429,477 $8,838,007 34
Rutherford 229,324 64% $3,889,891 $10,312,646 27
Sampson 269,626 45% $3,777,004 $8,708,933 35
Scotland 140,196 69% $3,016,499 $5,449,048 55
Stanly 118,285 47% $2,127,661 $4,170,622 67
Stokes 210,823 73% $3,928,843 $8,006,810 38
Surry 210,154 62% $3,915,370 $7,861,042 39
Swain 90,068 27% $641,382 $1,138,210 94
Transylvania 217,927 90% $18,548 $33,919 100
Tyrrell 102,469 41% $1,494,150 $2,692,755 84
Union 160,451 40% $1,392,696 $3,035,176 80
Vance 102,566 63% $2,271,501 $5,215,584 60
Wake 157,276 29% $5,458,688 $10,184,406 28
Warren 212,970 78% $7,267,756 $16,020,370 17
Washington 97,017 44% $2,305,092 $4,210,136 66
Watauga 123,116 62% $1,388,067 $2,542,090 86
Wayne 165,319 47% $1,551,624 $3,397,784 75
Wilkes 337,989 70% $8,124,604 $16,259,300 16
Wilson 84,742 36% $3,820,571 $9,342,270 33
Yadkin 83,959 39% $2,903,537 $5,922,980 54
Yancey 149,826 75% $1,801,322 $3,192,699 77
State Total 18,115,917 58% $422,379,074 $841,394,088

*this document was revised 2/18/16 using 2011 TPO data and 2014 FIA timberland area data

1Timberland = forested area not subject to preservation

2Stumpage = price paid to landowner for standing timber

3Delivered = price paid to timber buyer upon delivery of timber to the mill

4Ranking is highest (1) to lowest (100) based on counties’ delivered income values.

Sources: US Forest Service, 2014 Forest Inventory and Analysis Data (02/18/2016), 2011 Timber Products Output Survey, and 2014 Timber Mart South, Vol. 39

Pie chart shows 86% private, 7% national forest, 5% state and local, and 2% other federal

2014 Area of Timberland by Ownership

Pie chart shows 46 % non-forest land, 53% unreserved forest land (timberland), and 2% reserved forest land

2014 Forested Area of North Carolina


Extension Associate
Forestry & Environmental Resources
Associate Dean of Extension, Department Extension Leader & Professor
Forestry & Environmental Resources

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Publication date: March 30, 2015

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