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Managing Longleaf Pine Straw

By: Jameson Boone, Mark Megalos, Mary Lou Addor, Rick Hamilton, Sarah Crate, Jerry Holder Woodland Owner Notes

Longleaf pine trees deposit an annual blanket of needles, often called pine straw, on the forest floor. Many forest owners do not realize that it is possible to sell this straw. But in fact, wise management of this resource can substantially increase an owner’s income from forestland.

What Does ‘The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’ Have for Forestry? A Brief Overview

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Laurel Kays

In this note, we explore the key provisions and funding allocations affecting forestry, wildfire management, and workforce development.

Construction Materials, Furnishings, and Landscaping Goods

By: Aubrey Greene, Joshua Mesimer, Frederik Laleicke Wood Products Extension Research Project

This publication highlights a variety of wood construction, home furnishing, and landscaping products produced in North Carolina. It provides land, farm, and forest owners information about possible products they can produce from wood harvested from their land.

Woodscaping Your Woodlands

By: Robert Bardon

Improving small woodlands is a step-by-step process. This publication will help wooodland owners become familiar with these steps, with the concepts of woodscaping and with ways to integrate concerns for wildlife, beauty and resource management in a manner that is compatible with current land-use activities.

Economic Contributions of North Carolina's Pine Straw Industry

By: Eric McConnell Forestry Impacts

This note provides an overview of the pine straw industry's contributions to North Carolina's economy.

A Close Look at the North Carolina Logging Industry: Historical Trends and Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

By: Rajan Parajuli

Amidst the looming COVID-19 pandemic, the logging industry has sustained a 30-35% loss in the last three months, which translates to around a $60-70 million loss to the North Carolina economy.

2019 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

2019 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

2016 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

2016 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

Crafts and Specialty Goods

By: Aubrey Greene, Joshua Mesimer, Frederik Laleicke Wood Products Extension Research Project

This publication highlights a variety of wood art,craft, and specialty good products produced in North Carolina. It provides land, farm, and forest owners information about possible products they can produce from wood harvested from their land.

2014 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon

Estimates of income of North Carolina timber harvested and delivered to mills.

2020 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

List of 2020 income by county of North Carolina timber harvested and delivered to mills. Data includes acres and percentage of timberland, stumpage value, delivered value and rank within the state.

2017 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

2017 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

2015 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon

2015 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

2013 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon

This factsheet provides an estimate of income derived form standing timber and upon delivery to the mill by county for all 100 counties in North Carolina. It also provides an estimate of timberland in each county.