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In central North Carolina almost any type of vegetable or fruit can be grown successfully provided you choose appropriate varieties and plant at the right time. This publication covers climate, season and potential pests that all affect the selection of what and when to plant. Also included is a planting chart and calendar.
This comprehensive guide offers information on different grasses for North Carolina lawns, as well as how to establish, care for, maintain, and renovate a new lawn.
This publications provides tips for preventive home maintenance.
This Entomology Insect Note discusses different mite pests whose biting and bloodsucking behavior may cause discomfort or allergic reactions to their hosts (domestic animals and people).
This publication describes common fabric pests, their habits, and what to do if you find an infestation of these pests and how to prevent damage.
If you use a septic system or if you are buying a home with a septic system, this owner's guide can help you be sure that your septic system is used and maintained properly. This guide also provides a place to record and keep important information, such as a copy of your permit, a sketch of your system, and maintenance records.
This article describes and defines the different types of insects that sting and are also often mistaken for honey bees.
This factsheet offers instructions for cleaning and sanitizing kitchen dishes, utensils, and cooking implements after a flood.
This factsheet tells homeowners how to recognize and prevent problems with home septic systems. How septic systems work, where septic systems can be used, and maintenance on septic systems are covered.
This Entomology Insect Note offers tips for baiting ants in an around homes.
This publication provides basic information on the nutrient needs of trees and shrubs, types of fertilizers to apply and recommended methods and times of application.
This Entomology Insect Note describes the identification, biology, behavior and control of the kudzu bug.
This factsheet will review common questions and answers about head lice.
Grain products and other foodstuffs kept in kitchen cabinets, pantries, or storage areas can arrive infested or become infested with insects and other arthropods. These food thieves are colloquially referred to as “pantry pests'' since they invade foods that are frequently stored in the pantry. Most human food products, and even pet or wild animal foods, are susceptible to damage by stored product pests. Beetles (Order: Coleoptera) and moths (Order: Lepidoptera) are the most important insect groups responsible for contamination of foodstuffs in the United States, so we will focus on these groups for this fact sheet.
Phorid flies are small flies that breed in moist, decaying organic matter and can be a problem in and around homes. This factsheet covers their identification, biology, habits, management and control.
This Entomology Insect Note discusses identifying spiders and how to control them indoors.
Expressing feelings can lead to improved interpersonal relationships.
This Entomology Insect Note describes how to identify and control drain flies, a common nuisance in and around homes and commercial buildings.
Ants are probably the most common insect pests that invade our homes and become an extreme nuisance. Controlling ants can be difficult and frustrating at times but will more likely succeed if you have a basic understanding of ant behavior and some specific information about the particular ant species you have infesting your home.
This publication provides pictures and descriptions of snakes found in North Carolina. This chapter includes snakes in the family Colubridae.
In this publication you will find ideas to get you started growing your own edibles. Included are simple designs and potential settings for a single container, a small group of containers and a larger grouping of containers. The benefits and challenges of various planting options will also be explored.
This Entomology Insect Note provides information on the identification and control of fungus gnats in the household.
This Entomology Insect Note provides tips on preventing the spread of bedbugs.
This publication provides homeowners with recommended chemical control options to use in combination with an integrated management plan for managing common diseases in the landscape or garden.
This factsheet provides basic information about prevention and control of Africanized honey bees prior to their expected arrival in North Carolina. (Part 2 of a 3-part series.)
This publication provides pictures and descriptions of snakes found in North Carolina.
A rainwater harvesting system captures stormwater runoff, often from a rooftop, and stores the water in a cistern for later use. In this guide for homeowners, the authors describe the components of a rainwater harvesting system and how they work together. Guidelines for choosing, sizing and installing the components are included.
This publication covers a variety of foods that can be prepared even if there is no gas or electricity for cooking.
This factsheet describes the biology of the multi-colored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis, and provides residential management recommendations.
This Entomology Insect Note discusses the steps to take before a pest management company arrives to treat your home for bedbugs.
This publication discusses strategies and techniques for stabilizing stream banks where erosion is an issue.
This factsheet covers the type of scorpions found in North Carolina and measures to take to control them, both indoors and outdoors.
A factsheet discussing the basics of flea biology, health risks posed by fleas in North Carolina, signs of infestation, and recommended steps for prevention and control.
This publication describes common causes for septic tank failures and suggests steps you can take to prevent failure of your system.
This publication covers the supplies you will need at home in the event of an emergency or disaster.
This publication describes how children cope with stress and summarizes practices that parents can use to help a child deal with stress.
This factsheet describes the biology of the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet outlines the history, movement, distribution, and present status of the Africanized honey bee in the United States. (Part 1 of a 3-part series)
This publication offers general guidelines for cleaning or replacing flood-damaged carpets and rugs.
This Entomology Insect Note addresses mosquito biology and how to control mosquitoes around homes and in communities.
This Entomology Insect Note describes how to control camel crickets if they become an indoor pest.
This Entomology Insect Note offers information on how to identify and control earwigs in the household.
This FactSheet provides a guide to understanding and addressing PFAS in our communities, which may be helpful for Extension agents, community members, and others who are interested in learning more about PFAS and their potential impacts.
This Entomology Insect Note describes the biology, behavior and management of silverfish infestations.
This publication provides definitions of the Program Planning and Evaluation Model and the Reactive Programming Model for Extension work and how these models inform the work of NC State Extension.
This document is presented to answer some commonly asked questions about repellents and mechanical devices that allegedly repel insects and ticks.
This publication offers a guide to growing edible plants year-round in containers. Includes planting and harvest guides.
This factsheet describes the processes of creating fermented foods like yogurt, pickled vegetables, and sourdough bread.
In preparation for an emergency, keep the following food items that do not need refrigeration on hand or in an evacuation kit.
Brown marmorated stink bug description, life history, damage, and control.
A publication covering the fundamentals of German cockroach biology and behavior, as well as their history alongside humans and health risks posed by infestation.
This Entomology Insect Note discusses identifying bedbugs and how to control them in households.
This guide lists the problems that can arise in making sweet gherkin pickles and describes how to prevent them by taking precautions during each step in the process, from preparing the cucumbers to making the brine and packing the pickles.
A factsheet covering best practices for rat surveillance, conducive conditions, mechanical management, and chemical management strategies.
This publication for parents and caregiver describes strategies for building a child's sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, motivation and initiative.
This publication shows how to recognize the signs of gang involvement and offers advice on how to prevent children from joining gangs.
This Entomology Note discusses the biology and life cycle of human lice, as well as proper treatment strategies for the management of lice infestations.
This publication describes the basic reasons for a child's misbehavior and how you can become an "emotion coach" to help children handle difficult feelings. It also summarizes developmental milestones for preschool years and middle childhood and poses some questions for parents to consider as they help their children learn and grow.
This publication provides recommendations for removing mold from most household items.
This Entomology Insect Note contains information about booklice, a small household pest that feeds on fungi and mold but does not bite or transmit disease.
This factsheet covers the description, biology, and management of the jumping earthworm, a common pest in North Carolina gardening.
This factsheet describes the biology of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, and provides management recommendations.
This publication offers tips to deal with snakes, both indoors and outdoors, during the recovery process of a flood or disaster with strewn debris.
This factsheet is a guide to introducing children to common garden insects in an early childcare setting. It includes age-appropriate activities for childcare providers to engage young children in identifying garden insects at all life stages.
This factsheet describes the biology of the basilica orbweaver spider, Mecynogea lemniscata, and provides residential management recommendations.
A publication covering the biology and behavior of the Eastern Subterranean termite.
This publication covers items to consider when trying to salvage flood-damaged appliances.
This publication is a guide for researchers, scholars, extension agents, government officials, and others interested in engaging stakeholders and community members to identify and address potential environmental and societal issues.
This factsheet describes the biology of the Florida predatory stink bug, Euthyrhynchus floridanus, and provides residential management recommendations.
This publication describes how communities can develop and implement backyard composting programs that reduce the amount of waste in the landfill and return nutrients to the soil.
This publication provides checklists to guide potential buyers as they check out homes before they put in a purchase offer.
Right at your doorstep may be many of the answers to the social, educational, and health challenges faced by children, parents, and teachers in the United States. Tips for encouraging outdoor activities with children are included, along with strategies for setting a standard to be outdoors, care for the environment, and spend time with family.
This Entomology Insect Note discusses the life cycle, habits, and control of springtails in the household.
This factsheet answers basic questions about Africanized honey bees. (Part 3 of a 3-part series)
Supplemental hand weeding accounts for the majority of landscape bed maintenance costs. When used exclusively, it can cost 10 to 100 times as much as an effective herbicide or mulching program. However, many of the costly and unsightly weed problems can be avoided or at least minimized with a little planning. Developing a landscape weed management plan involves five basic steps.
This publication discusses how to prevent mold growth in the home environment.
This factsheet describes the biology of the buckeye butterfly, Junonia coenia, and provides residential management recommendations.
This publication offers tips to people returning to their homes and communities after evacuation during an emergency or disaster.
Strawberries are the perfect fruit for early childcare centers. Their life cycle is short (planted in September and harvested in April) so children can plant, watch the flowers bloom, observe pollinators in action, watch the fruit develop, and enjoy the delicious, nutritious result of their newly acquired gardening skills. Many children are familiar with strawberries and eager to eat the fruit. Easy to grow, they have very few pests or diseases to challenge inexperienced gardeners.
This factsheet provides an overview of German cockroach management, the do’s and don’ts, and the information needed to consult and hire a professional pest management company
One of the more enjoyable Christmas traditions is to replant a living Christmas tree into your landscape after the holiday season. This article describes the process of successfully selecting, caring for and replanting a living Christmas tree.
Ways parents can support career exploration by children and teenagers.
This publication covers the supplies you will need for a lengthy stay in a shelter during an emergency or disaster.
This publication offers information on tornadoes and tornado season in North Carolina.
This publication answers common questions dog owners may have about lawn care. Topics include what kinds of grasses to use in high traffic areas; how to deal with damage to lawns caused by dogs; dogs' exposure to pesticides; and why dogs occasionally eat turfgrass.
The key to surviving a hurricane is preparation. This factsheet takes you through the thought process of what needs to be done before a storm so that you are prepared.
“Se hacen puentes al andar” es sobre resaltar la importancia de sentirse parte de la familia y los riesgos asociados con el rechazo familiar, la falta de representación positiva de personas LGBTQ+, y el cumplimiento a los rígidos roles tradicionales de género. Cada historia que contamos proviene de un estudio de jóvenes latinos LGBTQ+ dentro de un contexto familiar e incluye recomendaciones correspondientes para usted—el padre, el tutor o el ser querido de un joven LGBTQ+—basadas en evidencia y en las experiencias de los participantes.
This publication seeks to broaden understanding about the creative process for parents and others who work with children and youth.
After a power outage, you might not have heat, refrigeration, or water. This publication explains how to safely prepare food when you have no power.
This publication offers guidelines if a recent storm results in water damage to pesticide containers or application equipment in your home or on your property.
This factsheet describes the biology of the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri, and provides residential management recommendations.
An extension factsheet covering mouse biology and behavior.
This publication provides pictures and descriptions of snakes found in North Carolina. This chapter describes snakes in the family Viperidae.
This publication covers steps to take to clean up your kitchen after a disaster or emergency.
This factsheet describes different parenting styles and lists suggested measures parents can take to discipline their children.
Ways to support career exploration by preschool-aged children
This publication discusses the pros and cons of mold testing in a home.
Ways to promote teenagers' awareness of career options
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses food donations given directly to food banks and food pantries in North Carolina.
List of items that can and cannot be composted at home.
This publication offers information and guidance on how to clean and recondition tractors that have been submerged in floodwaters.
This factsheet offers instruction on what to do with your well after a flood.
“Se hacen puentes al andar” is about highlighting the power of family belonging and the risks associated with family rejection; lack of positive LGBTQ+ representation; and rigid adherence to traditional gender roles. Each story featured is drawn from a study about Latino LGBTQ+ youth belonging within a familial context and includes corresponding research-based and participant-informed recommendations for you—the parent, caregiver, or loved one of an LGBTQ+ youth.
A factsheet covering Eastern Subterranean termite signs, monitoring, and management in North Carolina.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explains how to make a composting bin to house earthworms and recycle food scraps.
This publication discusses how to possibly restore furniture, including antiques, damaged by floodwaters.
This checklist describes household conditions that can be hazardous to the elderly and recommends ways to improve home safety for older people.
Earthworms can turn food scraps into a soil amendment called vermicompost — worm castings — which increases plant growth and reduces attacks by plant diseases and pests. Vermicomposting is easy, involves little work, and can be done indoors or outdoors. All you need is a container, bedding, worms, and worm food.
This factsheet describes the biology of the longtailed mealybug, Pseudococcus longispinus, and provides residential management recommendations.
This publication covers potential moisture problems in attics, crawl spaces and walls after a flood or other disaster.
In the event of economic stress or hardship, it is a good time to step back and take stock of your many resources. These resources may be personal, that is, something within you, or from your family and community. Ideas for identifying and making the most of these sources of strength and support for getting by when times are tough are included in this factsheet.
This factsheet describes the biology of the citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella, and provides residential management recommendations.
Early childhood educators can easily engage children in growing, harvesting, and preparing tree fruits that provide numerous opportunities for hands-on learning. Fruit trees add year-round value to childcare outdoor learning environments and provide opportunities for children to follow seasonal changes. In addition, fruit trees help to increase the natural diversity of the spaces and provide pockets of shade. While growing fruit trees can be a very rewarding process, proper planning, preparation, and care of the trees takes time and is essential for success.
This publication offers 6 lessons for a school curriculum on the importance of vermicomposting, setting up a worm bin, anatomy of earthworms and how to reduce waste and recycle. Lesson objectives an activities are provided.
Both before and in the aftermath of a disaster, every household item prone to movement, falling, breakage, or fire poses a potential hazard. To mitigate the risk of danger, it is advisable to conduct a thorough inspection of your home promptly, identifying and rectifying any potential hazards.
Suggestions for supporting career exploration by elementary school aged children.
This factsheet describes the biology of the boisduval scale, Diaspis boisduvalii, and provides residential management recommendations.
This publication focuses on managing weeds in the Outdoor Learning Environment (OLE) of childcare centers. Included are general strategies to help childcare centers identify and manage weeds in childcare center production gardens.
This factsheet describes how to process mature sweet sorghum into ethanol and how this process could be implemented on a farm or private residence in the southeastern United States.
This publication offers tips on dealing with stress.
There are many different ways to buy local food, and this guide provides information that childcare centers and technical assistance providers can use to understand where to find local food, what to expect, and how to decide which local food source is right for different centers.
This factsheet describes the biology of the adult lilac borer, Podosesia syringae, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the Australian cockroach, also known as a waterbug and the shad roach, Periplaneta australasiae.
In addition to their delicious fruit, blueberries also provide year-round interest in the garden. Bell-shaped white flowers are popular with native bees in the spring, the fruit is beautiful and nutritious in the summer, and the fall leaves are gorgeous. Best of all, blueberries are relatively easy to grow.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to keep detailed records of butterfly observations and recommends which plants would be most beneficial to local butterflies.
Many people assume that floods, storms, hurricanes and other disasters happen to someone else, and many people postpone taking care of family papers. This factsheet helps you to determine what papers you should worry about protecting.
This publication addresses the dangers of carbon monoxide and provides ways to protect families from harm or death related to carbon monoxide.
El radón es un gas inodoro, incoloro, radiactivo que ocurre naturalmente el cual se encuentra asociado al cáncer al pulmón. Esta publicación analiza cómo realizar una prueba de radón en su casa y qué debe hacer con los resultados.
This short article describes using gutters to manage moisture around the home.
On January 22, 2024, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published a new rule changing the Individual Assistance Program. These changes aim to make the Individual Assistance program more equitable by expanding eligibility for some types of assistance, removing procedural barriers to entry, and simplifying certain processes overall.
New and existing professionals working in the realm of climate education, research, and outreach need to be clear in their terminology and usage. This glossary compiles the most commonly used terms and definitions for academics, researchers, and educators to communicate effectively in this emerging arena. To enhance understanding, key terms include a separate interpretative explanation of the concept “Why this matters.”
This publication provides practical tips on how to promote health eating by incorporating fresh, local foods into nutrition education and cooking classes. Topics include getting started, knowing what's in season, and where to buy local foods.
This publication focuses on inspecting your home for potential mold and moisture issues.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explains how to identify a wide variety of animal tracks.
This publication covers the supplies needed for an evacuation due to an emergency or disaster, as well as a checklist of things to do before leaving your house.
Esta publicación analiza los peligros del monóxido de carbono y brinda formas de proteger a las familias de daños o muertes relacionadas con el monóxido de carbono.
This publication describes how to recognize a child's readiness for toilet learning and how parents can help their child learn to use the toilet.
This publication focuses on easy-to-grow, child-friendly, fruits suitable for childcare center gardening. It provides information about what, how, and when to plant. This is part of the Local Foods: Childcare Center Production Gardens series.
While children are having fun growing, harvesting, and eating delicious, nutritious, fresh fruits and vegetables they also become stewards of the environment and develop healthy life skills. Muscadine grapes, a native North Carolina treasure, are easy to grow and bursting with flavor and nutrients. This publication provides information on how to grow muscadines in childcare center production gardens.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explains which bodies of water are suitable for amphibian growth and development.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains basic rules for being a good sportsman while hunting or fishing on another’s property.
Most North Carolina homeowners could easily reduce their indoor water consumption by about 30 percent through the installation of very simple water conserving devices. This publication covers a few suggestions to reduce household water use.
Don’t be reluctant to talk with your family about the possibility of a hurricane, fire, tornado, or flood. Thought and action before the disaster hits usually helps family members react wisely. Families that work together to prepare for the problem will cope better than those who do not take precautions.
This publication covers how to spot a tornado, where to go during a storm and tornado survival rules and tips.
This publication offers a list of steps to take for cleanup and repair of your home following a disaster or emergency.
This publication offers general information and guidance on how to recondition farm equipment that has been submerged in floodwaters.
Getting involved in your teen's homework routine can help your teen develop discipline and problem-solving skills.
This factsheet describes how to safely thaw frozen foods.
This publication illustrates the NC State Extension Model for Program Planning and Evaluation for proactive and reactive programming.
This publication provides pictures and descriptions of snakes found in North Carolina. This section describes snakes in the family Elapidae.
This factsheet explains the problems related to nitrate in drinking water and how to prevent it from affecting your water supply.
This publication offers safety tips and first aid procedures to prevent and treat heat stress disorders that may occur during clean-up after a hurricane or other disaster.
The factsheet focuses on reasonable accommodations and modifications covered under fair housing law.
This publication addresses family stress after a disaster.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to recognize and record wild turkey vocalizations; then give an oral presentation discussing how turkeys communicate.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to properly handle, store, dress and prepare wild game or fish.
This factsheet covers selecting the right Christmas tree for your needs, as well as caring for your tree after purchase.
This publication contains important information and safety tips regarding gasoline-powered generators to be used in an emergency or disaster.
This publication covers best freezing practices for a variety of fruits.
This publication provides information and success stories related to food banks, food pantries, food donation programs, and other resources for addressing food insecurity.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses venison donation programs in North Carolina.
The Gardening Activity Guide is designed to expose young children to seasonal fruit and vegetable gardening in childcare centers. Based on the Preventing Obesity by Design (POD) model, the guide provides a resource for teachers to encourage children’s physical activity and outdoor learning through gardening and related activities.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to build a model of a wetland and its functions or map how stormwater flows between their neighborhoods and the ocean.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to collect used materials, construct and strategically place nest boxes for wood ducks.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to collect and identify stream insects and other tiny invertebrates in a group outing.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains the physical and technical skills expected of entry-level wildlife and fishery biologists and/or law enforcement officers, and explains how to evaluate personal abilities along with educational and vocational needs and opportunities.
This publication explains the pelleting process and considerations for consumers interested in either developing small-scale heating pellet production systems or burning pellets to meet their heating needs.
Heating and cooling your home account for approximately 43 percent of your utility bill. This publication suggests some ways that you and your family can save money on your heating and cooling costs.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses the process of gleaning in North Carolina.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses 4-H projects that raise and harvest chickens for local food pantries in North Carolina.
If a major disaster has been declared in your area, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance from FEMA. There are four ways to apply for federal disaster assistance: online, in the FEMA app, by phone, or in person.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explains characteristics of lizards that distinguish them from other animals.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 offers information about turtles and their role in nature.
Making arrangements for your pets should be part of your household disaster planning. If you must evacuate your home, it’s always wise to take your pets with you. Although trained service dogs are allowed in emergency shelters, other pets are not allowed due to public health and safety reasons. You need to have other plans for your pets. Advance planning is essential; it could save a pet’s life.
If you stay at your house during an emergency or disaster, take the following actions to ensure you are well prepared.
This publication for farmers covers the guidelines to deal with pesticide storage facilities that may have been damaged by a flood or other disaster.
This publication provides some general guidelines for normal infant social, physical and cognitive development.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses using community and home gardens to supplement food for food banks and pantries in North Carolina.
This factsheet describes the biology of the Mexican mealybug, Phenacoccus gossypii, and provides residential management recommendations.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explains how to build, place and monitor a suitable nesting structure for mourning doves.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explains how to identify snakes and their behavior in nature.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to observe urban wildlife, record information and use findings to develop a wildlife habitat improvement plan.
This publication offers tips on choosing a contractor for home repairs after an emergency or disaster.
This publication describes the physical, emotional and mental changes that preschoolers experience. It provides information that parents can use to support their children through this stage of development.
Research tells us that communication and commitment are keys to a strong family. This publication can help you foster both by making time for family meetings.
Taking care of a parent, spouse or older relative while holding down a full-time job can be very demanding and stressful. This publication offers information on how to assess your situation and identify additional resources to help.
This publication offers tips to rid your refrigerator of odors after an extended loss of power due to an emergency or disaster.
This factsheet offers information on how to deal with food that may have come into contact with floodwaters.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses setting up a market or farm stand at a food pantry in North Carolina.
Most water in North Carolina is suitable for drinking and other home uses. There are, however, circumstances which can lead to contamination of water supplies. The question of whether or not to test your water is a serious one which concerns the health of you and your family. The purpose of this factsheet is to give you general guidelines to follow when deciding to test your home water quality.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to plant food plots and manipulate the seed bank to improve food resources for white-tailed deer and other wildlife species.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explores food preferences in animals through inquiry-based learning strategies.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explains the different types of baits and lures and their effectiveness in attracting fish.
Is losing your job a possibility or a reality? Few families have savings to buffer their expenses until they find work again. Acting as if nothing has happened and keeping kids in the dark — letting them think everything is normal — can only last a short while.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explores studying beaver biology and behavior through inquiry-based learning strategies.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explains how to identify and locate household materials to recycle in the construction of archery equipment.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to identify nuisance wildlife situations and make recommendations for minimizing damage.
Durante e inmediatamente después de un desastre, cualquier artículo de la casa que puede moverse, caerse, romperse, o causar un incendio y volverse peligroso. Para reducir la posibilidad de peligro, inspeccione su hogar para encontrar y corregir peligros potenciales.
Foodborne illness is nearly 100 percent preventable if food is handled safely from the time it is purchased until the time it is served. Read this publication to find out what you can do to keep food safe to eat at home.
This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to collect information on fish populations and evaluate it to determine management recommendations for ponds.
This factsheet describes the biology of the Cottony Azalea Scale, Pulvinaria ericicola, and provides residential management recommendations.
This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explores the nesting and feeding requirements of birds and explains how to build nesting boxes.
This guide describes common types of well construction in North Carolina and offers advice for safely constructing and caring for a well.
Cuando el dinero es escaso, busque maneras de reducir los gastos del hogar. Hay una serie de cosas sencillas sin costo o a bajo costo que usted y su familia pueden hacer para ayudar a ahorrar dinero en sus facturas/recibos de servicios públicos (electricidad, agua, gas).
Calentar y enfriar su hogar representan aproximadamente el 43 por ciento de su factura de servicios públicos. Aquí encontrará algunas recomendaciones sobre cómo usted y su familia pueden ahorrar dinero en los costos de calefacción y aire acondicionado.
This factsheet discusses reasonable accommodation and reasonable modification and fair housing law.
The home water treatment industry has expanded tremendously in recent years. New products are constantly being introduced which claim to solve a variety of water quality problems. Consumers often make costly decisions about water treatment equipment without being well-informed. Many people simply do not know what questions to ask to ensure wise investments. This fact sheet offers the 12 questions consumers should ask of water treatment manufacturers or distributors.
When money is tight, look for ways to reduce household expenditures. This publication offers a number of simple no cost/low cost things you and your family can do to help save money on your utility bill.