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This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses food donations given directly to food banks and food pantries in North Carolina.
This publication provides information and success stories related to food banks, food pantries, food donation programs, and other resources for addressing food insecurity.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses the process of gleaning in North Carolina.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, describes food banks and food pantries and their role in North Carolina.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses setting up a market or farm stand at a food pantry in North Carolina.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses 4-H projects that raise and harvest chickens for local food pantries in North Carolina.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses venison donation programs in North Carolina.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses using community and home gardens to supplement food for food banks and pantries in North Carolina.