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In central North Carolina almost any type of vegetable or fruit can be grown successfully provided you choose appropriate varieties and plant at the right time. This publication covers climate, season and potential pests that all affect the selection of what and when to plant. Also included is a planting chart and calendar.
This publication provides information about planning and maintaining a home vegetable garden. Topics include site selection, soil preparation, and pest and disease management.
In eastern North Carolina, almost any type of vegetable or fruit can be successfully grown provided you choose appropriate varieties and plant at the right time. This publication covers climate, season, and potential pests that all affect the selection of what and when to plant. Includes a planting chart and calendar.
Blueberries can be grown in home gardens anywhere in North Carolina if the right species and proper soil modifications are used. Blueberries are typically used in the landscape as hedges for screening purposes, but they can also be used in cluster plantings, or as single specimen plants. Blueberries are an ideal year round addition to the landscape. They have delicate white or pink flowers in the spring, the summer fruit has an attractive sky blue color, and the fall foliage adds great red and yellow colors to the landscape.
In western North Carolina, almost any type of vegetable or fruit can be successfully grown provided you choose appropriate varieties and plant at the right time. This publication covers climate, season, and potential pests that all affect the selection of what and when to plant. Includes a planting chart and calendar.
This publication covers the keys to a successful community garden of individual plots including forming a strong planning team, choosing a safe site accessible to the target audience with sunlight and water, organizing a simple transparent system for management and designing and installing the garden. Appendices offer a sample layout, sample by-laws, sample budgets and a list of resources.
Many farmers and home gardeners have reported damage to vegetable and flower crops after applying horse or livestock manure, compost, hay, or grass clippings to the soil. The symptoms reported include poor seed germination; death of young plants; twisted, cupped, and elongated leaves; misshapen fruit; and reduced yields. These symptoms can be caused by other factors, including diseases, insects, and herbicide drift. Another possibility for the source of these crop injuries should also be considered: the presence of certain herbicides in the manure, compost, hay, or grass clippings applied to the soil.
This publication discusses the environmental, economic, health, and community benefits that local food systems provide to communities.
North Carolina’s climate and soils are well suited to grow many types tree fruits. This publication will focus on the three main tree fruits produced for market in North Carolina: peaches, apples, and pecans. In addition to these main crops, information on pears, persimmons, plums, nectarines, Asian pears, and figs is presented as they grow well in North Carolina’s temperate climate. These tree fruits require similar management regimes described in this publication.
The onion is a cool season crop that will withstand moderate freezes. It may be grown either by seeding directly in the field, or by setting transplants. North Carolina growers have an excellent market opportunity in June and July when very few onions are available. Yield will range from 400 to 800 (50-pound) sacks per acre depending on the year and cultural practices. A premium is paid for large onions during our harvest season.
This series of publications provides information about how to grow, harvest, and prepare a variety of fruits and vegetables from your garden. Each publication features recipes, recommended uses, nutrition information, and more.
This fact sheet provides key strategies for marketing local foods based on demographic trends seen in recent scholarly literature.
Luffa are tropical, vining plants that produce large fruits similar to cucumbers. When young and small the fruit can be cooked and prepared like summer squash. When the fruit mature, they have a rough, fibrous interior which is referred to as the sponge and is used to make a wide variety of products. Currently, luffa sponge products are most popular as personal care products and are readily available in the cosmetic and bath sections of department stores, discount stores, pharmacies, and specialty shops. This factsheet covers how to plant, harvest, and process luffa gourds in a temperate environment.
Ramps, also known as wild leeks, are native to the eastern North American mountains. They can be found growing in patches in rich, moist, deciduous forests and bottoms from as far north as Canada, west to Missouri and Minnesota, and south to North Carolina and Tennessee. In early spring, ramps send up smooth, broad, lily-of-the-valley-like leaves that disappear by summer before the white flowers appear. The bulbs have the pleasant taste of sweet spring onions with a strong garlic-like aroma.
In this publication you will find ideas to get you started growing your own edibles. Included are simple designs and potential settings for a single container, a small group of containers and a larger grouping of containers. The benefits and challenges of various planting options will also be explored.
This series of publications provides information about how to grow, harvest, and prepare a variety of fruits and vegetables from your garden. Each publication features recipes, recommended uses, nutrition information, and more.
This factsheet describes the processes of creating fermented foods like yogurt, pickled vegetables, and sourdough bread.
This series of publications provides information about how to grow, harvest, and prepare a variety of fruits and vegetables from your garden. Each publication features recipes, recommended uses, nutrition information, and more.
In North Carolina, pole beans are grown commercially in the mountain counties and, on a limited scale, in a few of the eastern counties. They are produced in home gardens throughout the state. With the rising interest in heirloom vegetables, pole beans are increasing in popularity. Pole beans are grown for their distinctive flavor, long pods, high yield, long harvesting season, and high price.
This measurement guide is part of Appendix H of the Extension Gardener Handbook and gives weight measurement and count measurement for a variety of vegetables.
Participation in conservation practices and restrictions comes in various forms, from revocable-at-will, revocable with penalty, and irrevocable agreements concerning use of land in farming and forestry. Different agreements come with different obligations, and different pathways to termination and modification, when allowed. This fact sheet explores the spectrum of conservation agreements (generally modifiable) to conservation easements (generally revocable). The information herein is the product of the author's research of relevant statutes and regulations, as well as professional experience with such conservation instruments and programs. Note: citations are referenced in numerical superscript and correspond to citations in the endnotes section.
This publication offers a guide to growing edible plants year-round in containers. Includes planting and harvest guides.
Much success in growing tomatoes can be attributed to use of a few proven techniques. Choosing a variety that has proven to be a true performer should be at the top of every gardener's list. Better Boy, Whopper, Celebrity, and Mountain Pride are among some of the best selections. Better Boy, Celebrity, and Whopper are VFN, which means they carry resistance to verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, and root-knot nematodes. It is best to experiment with several varieties in order to find the ideal tomato for your taste buds.
This document provides essential information on broccoli cultivation, including optimal planting dates for North Carolina, soil and nutrient requirements, and cultivation techniques. It emphasizes proper spacing, high nitrogen levels, and effective harvesting and postharvest methods. This guide offers practical advice for maximizing broccoli yield and quality.
Blueberries are a native North American fruit, and North Carolina is one of the largest producers of highbush blueberries. Although commercial production is mostly limited to southeastern North Carolina, blueberries can be grown anywhere in the state if the right blueberry species and proper soil modifications are used. Limiting factors include pH, water availability and cold-hardiness.
This publication is intended for food processors who manufacture, pack, repack, hold, warehouse or distribute foods under the jurisdiction of the FDA. Topics include preparing a recall plan, implementing and communicating during an active recall and post-recall evaluation. Resources provided for mock templates, FDA websites, listservs and the Reportable Food Registry.
This publication provides an overview of the Present-Use Value (PUV) property tax program in North Carolina, with an emphasis on disposition and transfer situations that may imperil continued enrollment.
This publication is a useful resource that shell egg producers can use to identify egg defects and possible factors contributing to egg quality issues. It also provides corrective measures for each defect so that producers can incorporate these solutions into their production systems.
This publication provides information about how producers can prepare for selling produce to wholesale distributors. It includes tips and examples to help farmers expand their businesses.
This Youth, Community, and Therapeutic Gardening Chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook helps volunteers understand how these types of gardens can be sucessful and the steps needed to be an effective mentor.
This publication provides farmers or landowners with an overview of rules of liability for any injuries or property damage caused by livestock, whether on the farm or loose outside the property. It covers North Carolina fence law, impoundment of loose livestock, off-farm injury from loose livestock, injury by livestock on the farm, "visitor liability defense” statutes, and animal injury to trespassers.
The grape and wine industry in North Carolina is now worth in excess of $30 million dollars. To assist North Carolina growers in the production a quality grapes for quality wines, a newly revised 196 page guide has been written for winegrape growers, called the North Carolina Winegrape Grower’s Guide. This publication provides grape growers with practical information about choosing an appropriate site for a vineyard, establishment, and operation of commercial vineyards in North Carolina.
Many organic vegetable farmers are interested in producing sweet corn. Organic sweet corn can be grown in North Carolina and throughout the Southeast, but special considerations for variety selection, insect and disease control, economics, and markets must be made for it to be a profitable crop.
This factsheet summarizes the benefits of fruit and vegetable gardening with children. It includes age-appropriate activities for childcare providers to engage young children using fresh produce from the garden for cooking and eating.
Social media usage is at an all time high, with the majority of individuals older than 18 saying they regularly use platforms like Facebook and YouTube. More than 60% of adults ages 18 to 29 routinely use Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. This means that one of the most effective ways to market local food to all age groups, and Millennials and Generation Z in particular, is through social media. Age, however, is not the only demographic to consider when marketing local food. Data also shows that gender plays a significant role in social media usage; women are more likely to use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok than men regardless of their age. Agents should consider this when using social media and should focus on marketing to female consumers–a demographic that has already been shown to have favorable opinions of local food. Marketing local food is important for Extension agents who work in the local food space because N.C. Cooperative Extension’s purpose is to support agriculture and the people of North Carolina. The following is a set of best practices for social media usage to promote local food.
Though impossible to measure the incidence of neighbor complaints against farmers, North Carolina public policy to protect production agriculture rests on the presumption of a legal pathway by which one landowner can curtail the farming practices of another. These concerns may arise when a neighbor complains to the farm operator about aspects of their land use they find displeasing. Other times when a neighbor discovers that the landowner plans to expand or implement new farming practices on land in their proximity, the neighbor may threaten to “sue” the farmer, or may call local authorities (e.g. zoning office, sheriff’s office, animal control) demanding they use their power to stop the offending farming activity. Such complaints call into force North Carolina’s Right to Farm Law, as well as the Bona Fide Farm exception to county zoning regulations. This short fact sheet provides an overview and contrast between these two policy concepts in farm operation support.
This publication provides basic information for small or medium-scale North Carolina egg producers to start marketing their products to retail stores.
This publication focuses on developing fruit and vegetable production gardens in the Outdoor Learning Environment (OLE) of childcare centers. Included are basic garden design and layout to help childcare centers get started in year-round gardening activities. This is the second of fifteen publications about childcare center production gardens.
This publication serves as a guide on building local food economies for planners, economic developers, and local government professionals.
This publication provides information and guidance on using computer code to access the National Agricultural Statistics Service's survey data to view data from multiple years, crops, and other categories.
This publication addresses the two major soil problems found on residential properties and how to rectify them: lack of the three necessary nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium) and soil pH.
Muskmelons, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, eggplant, watermelons, pumpkins, and okra are vegetable crops that have shown significant increases in earliness, yield, and fruit quality when grown on plastic mulch. Some less valuable crops such as sweet corn, snap beans, and southern peas have shown similar responses. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of using plastic mulches are outlined in this publication.
This publication is a how-to guide for starting a garden-related standard compost bin in a childcare center Outdoor Learning Environment (OLE). Included is guidance on design, construction, and management of compost bins as well as curriculum connections. This is the seventh of fifteen publications about childcare center production gardens.
List of items that can and cannot be composted at home.
This factsheet provides an overview of a farmer or landowner’s obligations to visitors — invited and otherwise — to the property, including a description of each of the visitor liability defense statutes.
This publication focuses on easy-to-grow, child-friendly, fruits suitable for childcare center gardening. It provides information about what, how, and when to plant. This is part of the Local Foods: Childcare Center Production Gardens series.
This publication focuses on easy-to-grow, child-friendly, cool-season vegetables suitable for childcare center gardening. This is the fourth of fifteen publications about childcare center production gardens.
This factsheet describes the symptoms of a synthetic auxin (SA) herbicide injury.
This publication introduces producers to general principles for successfully creating new value-added products and where to find specific guidance at each developmental stage.
This publication covers the basics of leasing land for farming operations, from both a landowner and tenant perspective.
This publication provides guidance to retail and wholesale buyers about purchasing local foods for grocery stores.
This chapter of the Farm to Early Care and Education Resource Guide for North Carolina Extension Agents discusses special considerations for early childhood gardening, cooking, and local food programs and provides resources for successful Farm to ECE initiatives.
This publication is a how-to guide for starting a garden-related vermicomposting bin in a childcare center Outdoor Learning Environment (OLE) or indoors. Included is guidance on design, construction, and management of vermicomposting bins as well as curriculum connections. This is the eighth of fifteen publications about childcare center production gardens.
This factsheet gives an overview of the different federal, state, and county agencies that regulate food businesses.
This publication provides production protocol guidelines developed by North Carolina State University and Amazing Grazing to assist producers in creating local grass-fed beef production systems.
There are many different ways to buy local food, and this guide provides information that childcare centers and technical assistance providers can use to understand where to find local food, what to expect, and how to decide which local food source is right for different centers.
This publication focuses on easy-to-grow, child-friendly, warm-season fruits and vegetables suitable for childcare center gardening. This is the third of fifteen publications about childcare center production gardens.
In addition to their delicious fruit, blueberries also provide year-round interest in the garden. Bell-shaped white flowers are popular with native bees in the spring, the fruit is beautiful and nutritious in the summer, and the fall leaves are gorgeous. Best of all, blueberries are relatively easy to grow.
This publication focuses on managing weeds in the Outdoor Learning Environment (OLE) of childcare centers. Included are general strategies to help childcare centers identify and manage weeds in childcare center production gardens.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses food donations given directly to food banks and food pantries in North Carolina.
The fig is native to the Mediterranean Basin. You may already be familiar with some members of the fig family, such as the ornamental rubber tree, the mulberry, and the Osage orange or hedge apple. Figs are grown over much of eastern North Carolina and westward into the Piedmont. If your soil is well-drained and reasonably fertile, you most likely will have success growing figs in North Carolina.
This publication shares the result of a survey study that aims to discover whether visiting agritourism facilities would spark an interest in local foods and local agricultural products by participants.
This guide provides an overview of sheep and goat production for small and beginning farmers in North Carolina, emphasizing planning considerations for a successful small ruminant enterprise. This publication is a starting reference for anyone interested in raising sheep and goats on small farms.
Strawberries are the perfect fruit for early childcare centers. Their life cycle is short (planted in September and harvested in April) so children can plant, watch the flowers bloom, observe pollinators in action, watch the fruit develop, and enjoy the delicious, nutritious result of their newly acquired gardening skills. Many children are familiar with strawberries and eager to eat the fruit. Easy to grow, they have very few pests or diseases to challenge inexperienced gardeners.
Early childhood educators can easily engage children in growing, harvesting, and preparing tree fruits that provide numerous opportunities for hands-on learning. Fruit trees add year-round value to childcare outdoor learning environments and provide opportunities for children to follow seasonal changes. In addition, fruit trees help to increase the natural diversity of the spaces and provide pockets of shade. While growing fruit trees can be a very rewarding process, proper planning, preparation, and care of the trees takes time and is essential for success.
North Carolina has one of the most varied climates of any eastern state, and a diverse number of grape species and varieties can be grown. But to be a successful commercial winegrape grower, it is critical that you select varieties that grow well in your region and that have an established market.
This publication contains contact information for the authors of The North Carolina Winegrape Grower's Guide.
Factsheet summarizing the economic impact of North Carolina's shellfish mariculture industry.
This document is part of Appendix H of the Extension Gardener Handbook and provides a table for tracking harvest for many different vegetables.
This publication provides information and success stories related to food banks, food pantries, food donation programs, and other resources for addressing food insecurity.
This publication guides small- and medium-scale pastured meat producers in North Carolina through the steps of selling niche meat products to grocery stores.
This factsheet explains the necessity of manufacturing acidified food products according to a scheduled process. A scheduled process is a process selected by a processor as adequate for use under the conditions of manufacture for a food in achieving and maintaining a food product that will not permit the growth of microorganisms having public health significance.
While children are having fun growing, harvesting, and eating delicious, nutritious, fresh fruits and vegetables they also become stewards of the environment and develop healthy life skills. Muscadine grapes, a native North Carolina treasure, are easy to grow and bursting with flavor and nutrients. This publication provides information on how to grow muscadines in childcare center production gardens.
This guide provides home gardeners with instructions for growing strawberries, blueberries, brambles (blackberries and raspberries), and grapes.
This publication explains how microentrepreneurs can use emerging web-based marketplaces to sell services, goods, and experiences to untapped markets.
The tomato is a warm season crop. With special production practices you can produce your first tomatoes in 60 days. This crop can be grown for production from June through November by choosing the right varieties and production practices. Generally, tomatoes require a large investment in time and labor, but increase in intensity of management is repaid by increased yields and profits.
This publication provides production protocol guidelines developed by North Carolina State University and Amazing Grazing to assist producers in creating local pasture-raised and pasture-finished beef production systems.
PLU and UPC codes are two widely used tracking mechanisms that help retailers efficiently ring produce into the register in the checkout lane, track sales, control inventory, and market products. Being knowledgeable about these labels in advance of approaching a retailer shows a grower’s awareness of the retailer’s industry. This factsheet contains information adapted from the Produce Marketing Association (Produce Marketing Association 2013).
This publication discusses the practice of leasing estuarine waters on the North Carolina coast for shellfish mariculture. It covers how shellfish are grown in North Carolina, how shellfish leases work, what constitutes a shellfish growing area and shellfish harvest closure, and the process for reopening after a closure.
This factsheet answers common questions about kombucha production.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of state agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
Planting date, pre-plant soil and bed preparation and plant quality are the three important pillars that make the foundations for a successful crop. In this guide we will describe what to do before and after a late planting, as well as how to use floating row covers to improve growing degree days and plant growth.
The per-capita consumption of processed tomatoes has increased steadily in recent years. This has been due to changes in eating habits and development of new and better products. Over 8 million tons of processed tomatoes are produced in the United States annually. Average yields for the United States are 25 tons per acre while the range is 9 to 40 tons per acre. North Carolina growers can produce high yields of processing tomatoes. Satisfactory color, pH, sugar and acid content needed to produce a fine quality canned product can be attained if tomatoes are grown according to recommended practices.
This guide provides information to Extension educators on Farm to University programming so farmers can take advantage of student demand for fresher, local foods. This programming helps drive campus demand for local foods and create connections between farmers and campus food services.
In the Southeast United States (USA), strawberries are grown as an annual crop. Several on-farm research studies have been conducted over the last 15 years to develop economically viable non-fumigant soil-borne disease management programs. Researchers discovered ‘Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD)’, also known as ‘Biological Soil Disinfestation (BSD)’, is a ‘game changer’ alternative for managing several soil-borne diseases, plant-parasitic nematodes, and weeds in vegetable and fruit crops.
This publication contains a glossary of the terms used in The North Carolina Winegrape Grower's Guide.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, describes food banks and food pantries and their role in North Carolina.
This publication will help you start selling fluid milk directly to grocery stores. Approaching retailers, labeling, invoicing, vendor requirements and delivery are covered.
This publication provides production protocol guidelines developed by North Carolina State University and Amazing Grazing to assist producers in creating beef finishing systems.
This publication documents the lessons learned by agritourism operators whose businesses were impacted by the COVID-19 crisis in North Carolina. Understanding the practices used by these operators provides insights for strengthening the industry's resilience during a public health crisis.
This guide provides an overview of market gardens for small and beginning farmers in North Carolina, with a focus on planning that can result in a profitable market garden enterprise. This publication is a starting reference point for anyone interested in market gardens.
The basis of any promotional program is product excellence. If your product or operation is excellent, promotion will enhance your sales. If your product is poor, all the advertising in the world will not help. This publication offers some suggestions for promoting your agritourism business.
Grapes grown in North Carolina are sometimes exposed to unfavorable climatic conditions and biological pests that can reduce crops and injure or kill grapevines. Climatic threats include low winter temperatures, late spring frosts, excessive summer heat, and unpredictable precipitation. Biological pests include fungal pathogens and insects that attack the foliage and fruit of vines, as well as birds, deer, and other wildlife that consume fruit and shoots.Vineyard site selection greatly affects both the frequency and severity of these problems and is one of the most important factors affecting profitability in viticulture.
This chapter discusses the principles of grapevine dormant pruning, reviews reasons for vine training, and describes systems appropriate for use in North Carolina. Profitable grape production requires that grapevines be managed so that a large area of healthy leaves is exposed to sunlight. Such vines are likely to produce large crops of high-quality fruit each year. Grapevines must be trained and pruned annually to achieve this goal. The training system chosen generally dictates how the vines are pruned. Thus, pruning practices and training systems are discussed together in this chapter.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses setting up a market or farm stand at a food pantry in North Carolina.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Johnson County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Richmond County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This publication is an introduction to the three production protocol guidelines developed by North Carolina State University and Amazing Grazing to assist producers in creating beef finishing systems.
Throughout 2020, food supply chains and market channels across the state and nation continued to be disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This factsheet highlights the impact the pandemic had on specialty crop producers in North Carolina from May through July 2020 and from October through December 2020. These surveys were part of a series of surveys conducted by the Center for Environmental Farming Systems, the NC State Local Foods Program, and the NC State Department of Horticultural Science throughout 2020 to capture the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on specialty crop producers within North Carolina.
This publication provides information to help farms make decisions about raising prices on meat products in a landscape of price increases.
Like other perennial plants, mature grapevines have extensive root systems and therefore, unlike shallow-rooted annual plants, they are fairly tolerant of mild droughts. Nevertheless, a certain amount of moisture is necessary to support growth and development. Lacking sufficient moisture, vines will suffer water stress, which can reduce productivity as well as fruit quality. Supplemental moisture can be provided by permanent (solid-set) or temporary irrigation systems. Drip irrigation has become the standard water delivery system for North Carolina vineyards in recent years. Drip irrigation can represent a substantial investment (see chapter 2 for details), but the benefits can far outweigh the costs in many vineyards. In 2005, it was estimated that drip irrigation would cost $22,743 to purchase and install the equipment required for a 10-acre drip system, or $2,274 per acre. Drip irrigation can be as effective on steep slopes as on rolling and flat surfaces.
This publication presents the results of interviews with women in agritourism across North Carolina. It discusses the successes, challenges, and opportunities these women face in the agritourism industry and offers conclusions on strategies to overcome challenges and improve success.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Mecklenburg County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This chapter of the Farm to Early Care and Education Resource Guide for North Carolina Extension Agents discusses the roles and benefits of farm to ECE programs.
This publication is intended for entrepreneurs interested in exploring agritourism. It offers suggestions for small farms with an emphasis on three areas: fall events, weddings, and educational activities (classes and camps).
Crop prediction or estimation is the process of projecting as accurately as possible the quantity of crop that will be harvested. Why estimate the crop? The most obvious reason is to know how much crop will be present for sale or utilization. Beyond that fundamental reason, it is also important to know whether vines are undercropped or overcropped. In the absence of methodical crop estimations, the experienced grower can rely on past vineyard performance.This approach is subject to error, however, especially in grape regions subject to spring frosts or winter injury, which can greatly affect a vineyard’s productivity from year to year.
This publication includes simple recipes that childcare center cooks and educators can use to engage children in snacking and cooking with fresh warm-season fruits and vegetables from on-site production gardens and elsewhere. This is the fifth of fifteen publications about childcare center production gardens.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses 4-H projects that raise and harvest chickens for local food pantries in North Carolina.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Yadkin County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
Vineyard establishment involves careful planning, thorough site preparation, vineyard design, planting, and trellis construction. Unlike dormant pruning or other annual activities, designing and establishing a vineyard must be done correctly the first time. In addition, the process must be tailored to the particular site and the grower’s intentions. This chapter discusses the basic steps in establishing a vineyard and offers suggestions for practical methods and materials.There are many alternatives. Although this chapter may be used as the sole source of information for vineyard establishment, it is advisable to obtain and compare information from additional sources before beginning. References provided here include more detailed information on particular aspects of vineyard establishment, such as trellis construction. It is also helpful to visit existing vineyards to examine their design, compare trellising materials, and discuss plant and row spacing.
Grapevines require 16 essential nutrients for normal growth and development (Table 9.1). Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are obtained as the roots take in water and as the leaves absorb gases. The remaining nutrients are obtained primarily from the soil. Macronutrients are those used in relatively large quantities by vines; natural macronutrients are often supplemented with applied fertilizers.The micronutrients, although no less essential, are needed in very small quantities. When one or more of these elements is deficient, vines may exhibit foliar deficiency symptoms, reduced growth or crop yield, and greater susceptiblity to winter injury or death. The availability of essential nutrients is therefore critical for optimum vine performance and profitable grape production.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Alexander County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Brunswick County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Haywood County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Iredell County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Wake County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This guide provides an overview of pastured poultry production for small and beginning farmers in North Carolina, with a focus on planning that can result in a profitable poultry enterprise. This publication is a starting reference for anyone interested in pastured poultry production.
This guide provides an overview of pastured pork production for small and beginning farmers in North Carolina, emphasizing planning considerations for a profitable pork enterprise. This publication is a starting reference for anyone interested in pastured pork production.
This publication summarizes research about the potential of oysters to become part of the North Carolina tourism industry.
To grow more consistent crops and improve your cash flow in years with damaging frost events, this chapter will show you how you can: 1) identify an active protection system to protect your vineyard during budbreak and early shoot development, 2) use the basic principles of frost and frost/freeze protection to deal with complex cold protection scenarios, so that you use your active protection system(s) efficiently, and 3) operate the equipment correctly.
This publication includes simple recipes that childcare center cooks and educators can use to engage children in snacking and cooking with fresh cool-season fruits and vegetables from on-site production gardens and elsewhere. This is the sixth of fifteen publications about childcare center production gardens.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses the process of gleaning in North Carolina.
This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, discusses using community and home gardens to supplement food for food banks and pantries in North Carolina.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Caldwell County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Cherokee County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Graham County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Sampson County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
Online sales can benefit tech-savvy local food producers who are looking for an emerging way to connect with consumers. There are multiple online sales platforms that can help ease the administrative burden of direct-to-consumer sales and help with online marketing to reach consumers. Here is a list of resources that farmers can utilize and a list of questions to consider when thinking about adopting an online platform. With the growing popularity of online shopping, producers should consider becoming involved in online sales to consumers as a strategy to make their agribusiness more resilient.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Burke County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Catawba County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Chowan County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Columbus County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Gates County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Halifax County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Harnett County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Henderson County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Lenoir County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Nash County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Rowan County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Scotland County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This publication provides a simplified tool that can quickly guide farm managers, handlers, workers, and family farmers in understanding compliance with the Worker Protection Standard.
This chapter of the Farm to Early Care and Education Resource Guide for North Carolina Extension Agents discusses how to ensure Farm to ECE programs are welcoming to all.
Grapes are subject to attack by many different pests, including nematodes, fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens, insects, and wildlife, such as deer and birds.Weeds, which compete with the vines for soil moisture and nutrients, may also be included in this list. Recognizing and understanding the nature of these pests is essential to minimizing crop losses.This chapter briefly describes the major pests that routinely threaten bunch grapes in North Carolina and discusses control measures.
A Farmers’ Market Tour is a great way to introduce your program participants to an abundant source of local fruits and vegetables. It can also reinforce messaging about healthy eating and local foods. This guide was designed to be used as part of a regular series of nutrition education classes, such as SNAP-Ed, the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), Faithful Families Eating Smart and Moving More, or other community nutrition education programs.
With increasing demand for product transparency, a growing number of producers, processing plant operators, and packinghouse operators are interested in adding claims to the labels of their meat and poultry products to further characterize or add value to those products. Label claims become increasingly important for producers and plant operators selling to secondary markets, such as retail grocers, rather than direct to consumer. This guide provides information to producers about special claims and the requirements and documentation needed to support those claims.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Craven County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Currituck County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Dare County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Duplin County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Hoke County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Lincoln County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Martin County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Pamlico County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Person County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Watauga County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Hertford County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This factsheet describes important considerations for developing an effective marketing plan to promote an agritourism business.
There are a number of questions that must be asked and honestly answered when considering whether to start and operate an agritourism operation. For example, you should evaluate factors such as personal characteristics and skills, target markets, market potential, land and property resources and characteristics, individual and family goals, time and labor considerations, and financial needs and resources. An honest evaluation of these factors will help you understand your potential for success.
Growing Chardonnay grapes, the number one vinifera variety grown in North Carolina, can be a profitable venture in certain areas of the state.The profitability analysis in this chapter, based on 2005 costs, shows that it will take an estimated $12,876 per acre to bring a vineyard up to full production in the fourth year.The vineyard would begin to yield $1,097 per acre in the eighth year, and the producer may be able to break even by the eighth year.
High-quality wines — those that command premium prices — can be produced only from high-quality grapes. Grape quality can be defined in various ways, but ripeness and freedom from rots are two of the chief qualities. Producing ripe fruit with minimum rot and maximum varietal character is not easy in North Carolina. As described elsewhere in this publication, the combination of climate, soils, and vine vigor often leads to excessive vegetative growth. For reasons that will be discussed, luxurious vegetative growth can reduce vine fruitfulness, decrease varietal character, degrade other components of fruit quality, and hamper efforts at disease control. Canopy management practices can help alleviate these problems.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Alamance County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
The growing craft beverage industry is generating tourism in Wake County. This publication discusses the resources needed to sustain growth in the industry and the related benefits it produces to understand ways to advance craft beverage tourism.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Anson County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Ashe County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Beaufort County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Carteret County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Chatham County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Cumberland County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Davidson County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Durham County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Franklin County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Granville County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Macon County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for McDowell County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Onslow County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Pender County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Pitt County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Wayne County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
A local food directory is a listing of farms and food businesses where customers can find local food. Directories are a tool to connect consumers and producers. People who want to buy local food have to know where to find it. Many Extension offices across the state either generate their own directory or provide support for one. Volunteers, such as Extension Master Food Volunteers can help by helping to gather information about farms and food businesses. This guide outlines a process on how to engage volunteers in building a local food directory.
New and current grape growers will find practical information on site appraisal, establishment, and operation of commercial winegrape vineyards in the North Carolina Winegrape Grower’s Guide. This publication focuses on production of vinifera and hybrid wine grapes.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Alleghany County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Avery County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Bladen County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Buncombe County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Camden County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Caswell County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Cleveland County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Gaston County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Greene County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Madison County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Montgomery County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Northampton County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Pasquotank County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Randolph County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Surry County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Wilson County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Rutherford County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Orange County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
Vacationer Supported Agriculture (VSA) is a project led by NC State’s P1tLab and NC State Extension (Local Foods, Community Development, and Tourism Extension) aiming to connect small farmers with new opportunities to increase farm revenue through direct sales of fresh produce. VSA meets discerning vacationers’ desires to: a) have convenient access to fresh local produce, b) connect with the place they are visiting by buying from local farms, and c) leave positive impacts in the destinations they visit, by coordinating the sale and delivery of produce bags from local farmers. VSA enables vacation home realties to showcase their commitment to the sustainable and equitable development of their local communities by recommending the produce bags to their guests. In each county, the Extension Center and Tourism Authority play the critical role of recruiting and supporting local farmer groups and vacation home rentals. In turn they receive records of the impact this initiative had on farmer revenue and destination competitiveness.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Cabarrus County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Clay County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Forsyth County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Hyde County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Jones County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Mitchell County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Robeson County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Rockingham County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Stanly County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Stokes County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Tyrrell County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Union County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Bertie County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Davie County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Edgecombe County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Guilford County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Moore County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for New Hanover County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Perquimans County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Transylvania County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Vance County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Warren County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Washington County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Wilkes County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
Este mapa presenta la ruta más rápida para satisfacer la Ley de Protección al Trabajador sin complicaciones. Esta es una herramienta de descripción general simplificada para orientar rápidamente a los ger-entes de fincas, manipuladores, trabajadores y agricultores familiares en la dirección correcta.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Jackson County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Lee County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Polk County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Swain County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Yancey County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.