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This factsheet explains the nutrition labeling requirements small businesses are exempt from.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) techniques are becoming the accepted norm for controlling the safety of foods. Each plant should have its own written plan to incorporate HACCP principles in the operation. This factsheet is assembled to provide some general guidance in developing a HACCP plan for use in an acidified foods operation.
This factsheet gives an overview of the different federal, state, and county agencies that regulate food businesses.
This factsheet explains the necessity of manufacturing acidified food products according to a scheduled process. A scheduled process is a process selected by a processor as adequate for use under the conditions of manufacture for a food in achieving and maintaining a food product that will not permit the growth of microorganisms having public health significance.
This factsheet describes the role microorganisms play in food production. Bacteria, viruses, yeasts, molds, and protozoans can serve useful functions in food production, but may also cause foods to spoil and lead to disease in humans and animals.
This factsheet provides guidance to entrepreneurs on selecting a copacker to manufacture and package their food products.
This factsheet provides an overview of Listeria and includes guidance on the prevention of foodborne infections (listeriosis).
This factsheet provides guidelines for safely processing refrigerated foods.
This factsheet describes the potential safety hazards of extended shelf life refrigerated foods and provides recommendations for safe production and packaging.
This factsheet addresses the question of whether or not it is possible to salvage crops from flooded fields.