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This publication covers a list of current North Carolina 4-H curricula titles available through your local 4-H agent for grades K-5.
This publication covers a list of current NC 4-H curricula titles available through your local 4-H agent for grades 6-8.
Excerpt - From Natural Selection to Classification: Building on Concepts. Beginner + Grades 9-12, Facilitator's Guide. By NC 4-H and NC State Extension. How could we communicate information, much less build knowledge, without agreement on what to call things?! The world would be chaos! In large part due to necessity, humans have been classifying organisms in one way or another for thousands of years. Not surprisingly, how we classify, and consequently our resulting classification systems, have changed considerably over time. In this series of activities, youth will have the opportunity, to engage in the study of natural selection and the taxonomic process, leading ultimately to the development of their own classification trees, classifications, and taxonomic guides. Rather than employing abstract or artificial creatures to reinforce key concepts, the activities are based on species native to the Southeast, contributing to building local knowledge and a sense of “place” in youth.
Excerpt from Soil to Seed curriculum. Protecting water quality through soil erosion, sediment, and turbidity control. By NC 4-H and NC State Extension. From the food we eat, to the water we drink, to the places where we live and play, soil erosion and sedimentation profoundly affects our everyday lives. The loss of soil from our landscapes and its deposition into our waterways, reduce the ability of the land to be productive in supporting plant growth and the capacity of the water to nurture aquatic habitats, host recreation and have municipal usefulness. Erosion is a natural occurrence, shaping sand dunes, creating river deltas, or carving out enormous rock features like the Grand Canyon. This curriculum focuses on the accelerated processes of erosion and sedimentation that transpire as a direct result of agricultural and construction development activities. It is through abuse that our waters and soils are becoming increasingly compromised. With careful management of the soil, however, we can preserve water quality and keep our soil in place for future generations.
Excerpt of the curriculum, I Am An Ecosystem - An Elementary Introduction to Microbes. This curriculum was developed through funds from a USDA-NIFA Grant (Award # 2012-68003-19621) titled “Development of Novel Salmonella Control Practices and Integrated Education Program to Reduce Salmonellosis.” Research Principal Investigators include Dr. Hosni Hassan, Dr. Matthew Koci at North Carolina State University, and Dr. Andrea Azcarate-Peril at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Extension and education components for this grant were provided by North Carolina 4-H and the North Carolina Kenan Fellows Program, both at North Carolina State University.
Excerpt of the Be A Bone Builder Curriculum by NC 4-H, NC State Extension, and the NC Osteoporosis Foundation.
Excerpt of Exploring the Built Environment: An Introduction to Architecture curriculum. By NC State Extension and NC 4-H. Designed to introduce youth to the fine art of architecture and the mathematical principles involved in the field, students will discover how nature is a common form of inspiration in building design, observe how they experience personal and public space, recognize the role that visualization plays in the design process, and explore ancient and modern icons in architecture. Using the 4-H Experiential Learning Model of Instruction, youth will become familiar with the art and science of building by first exploring their own personal living spaces and then making connections and generalizations about places for work and play in their community.
The Busy World of Bees Curriculum - First Grade Educator's Guide by NC 4-H, NC State Extension, and Syngenta.
Hive Helpers curriculum - 4th Grade Facilitators Guide by NC 4-H, NC State Extension, and Syngenta. Every spring and summer, youth and adults alike enjoy sweet-smelling flowers and listening to the buzzing sound that comes from the rapidly beating wings of busy bees. Through a series of seven lessons and multiple experiential activities, youth will learn how critical bees are to our agricultural industry and native ecosystems. They will explore different types of bees, their structures and functions, how they forage for food, pollinate plants and the ways bees share information. Youth will study native bees and the honey bee and discover the significant role they play in production of delicious and healthy food that humans have been eating for centuries; such as apples, blueberries, cherries, watermelons, almonds.
Welcome to Astronomy: Shoot for the Stars. This publication was designed to meet the needs of our residential 4-H camps in North Carolina and was developed with an emphasis on youth discovering knowledge through experimentation. In particular, the lessons in this publication allow for both daytime and nighttime activities. This publication is a collaboration of the Science House located in the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and 4-H located in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Funding for this publication was provided by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The publication was piloted during the summer of 2008 and changes made in accordance with evaluations. This curriculum is currently undergoing revisions as of December 2023. Check back for updates.
4-H “Mooving Milk from Farm to Fridge” is a Cloverbud curriculum developed in partnership with the North Carolina State University Department of Animal Science, The Randleigh Dairy Heritage Museum, and The Dairy Alliance. In this unit, youth trace Clover the Cow’s growth from calf to dairy cow. Along the way, they learn about the dairy industry and how dairy foods can contribute to a healthy diet. The lessons in the unit feature dramatic roleplay, math, science, social studies, and literacy activities as well as · Coloring pages to go with each lesson see Appendix C, page 217 · Take home activities so Cloverbuds can share their learning with caregivers · Materials to reach a range of Cloverbud ages and skillsets to accompany each lesson · A shared-reading book about milk safety · Numerous suggestions for multimedia learning and extension activities
This publication covers a list of current North Carolina curricula titles available through your local 4-H agent for grades 9-12.
This curriculum was developed through funds from a USDA-NIFA Grant (Award # 2012-68003-19621) titled “Development of Novel Salmonella Control Practices and Integrated Education Program to Reduce Salmonellosis.” Research Principal Investigators include Dr. Hosni Hassan, Dr. Matthew Koci at North Carolina State University, and Dr. Andrea Azcarate-Peril at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Extension and education components for this grant were provided by North Carolina 4-H and the North Carolina Kenan Fellows Program, both at North Carolina State University.
North Carolina 4-H would like to thank the North Carolina Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) at NC State University for its partnership in the development of Cooking Up Confidence. This cookbook was developed as a skill builder for young people to further the enjoyment of cooking and nutrition.
Excerpt of Safety through Design curriculum. Welcome to On Track for Learning – Safety through Design. This curriculum is developed for middle school-aged youth. In using this curriculum with your 4-H’ers, we have found that the members enjoy the experiences more if you are prescriptive only where necessary. The curriculum has several resources that when used with the curriculum serves to heighten the experience. The curriculum kit contains nearly all of the items you will need to conduct the lessons. Training is also provided as we recognize that leaders often times have subject matter to convey that they are not as familiar with. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics are basic to our life and studies show that the future job market is in these areas. This curriculum was developed in partnership with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering within the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University.
This curriculum was developed through funds from a USDA-NIFA Grant (Award # 2012-68003-19621) titled “Development of Novel Salmonella Control Practices and Integrated Education Program to Reduce Salmonellosis.” Research Principal Investigators include Dr. Hosni Hassan, Dr. Matthew Koci at North Carolina State University, and Dr. Andrea Azcarate-Peril at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Extension and education components for this grant were provided by North Carolina 4-H and the North Carolina Kenan Fellows Program, both at North Carolina State University.
Excerpt of Energy Transformation curriculum by NC 4-H and NC State Extension. Supported by Duke Energy, Progress Energy, and E-Conservation.
Soil Solutions curriculum by NC 4-H, NC State Extension, and North Carolina State University 4-H Plant and Soil Sciences. Soil Solutions brims with hands-on science lessons that utilize the local school landscape to connect students to the world of soils and plants in an inviting and relevant way. Students will discover the soil beneath their feet, watch as a basil seed germinates before their eyes, and nibble on nutritious and delicious salad greens they have grown themselves. Activities are structured to foster wonder and curiosity and encourage ways to turn student questions into investigations. The teacher’s role becomes one of a collaborator and a partner in inquiry with their students. Aligned to meet North Carolina’s third-grade science standard course of study in plant and soils, the curriculum draws from current research and knowledge in crops, horticulture, and soil sciences.
Vermicomposting Leader's Guide - School Enrichment Curriculum by NC 4-H and NC State Extension. The 4-H Vermicomposting Curriculum offers children an opportunity to learn how earthworms can recycle waste into a valuable resource that enriches the soil and makes plants healthy. The information in this curriculum may be used to teach children of all ages in a variety of settings, such as school classrooms, homeschools, places of worship, clubs, camps, and after school programs.
Excerpt of Bug Out curriculum - Leader's Guide by NC 4-H, NC State Extension, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.