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Central North Carolina Planting Calendar for Annual Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs

By: Lucy Bradley, Chris Gunter, Julieta Sherk, Liz Driscoll

In central North Carolina almost any type of vegetable or fruit can be grown successfully provided you choose appropriate varieties and plant at the right time. This publication covers climate, season and potential pests that all affect the selection of what and when to plant. Also included is a planting chart and calendar.

Eastern North Carolina Planting Calendar for Annual Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs

By: Lucy Bradley, Chris Gunter, Julieta Sherk, Liz Driscoll, Danny Lauderdale, Charlotte Glen

In eastern North Carolina, almost any type of vegetable or fruit can be successfully grown provided you choose appropriate varieties and plant at the right time. This publication covers climate, season, and potential pests that all affect the selection of what and when to plant. Includes a planting chart and calendar.

Growing Blueberries in the Home Garden

By: Bill Cline Horticulture Information Leaflets

Blueberries can be grown in home gardens anywhere in North Carolina if the right species and proper soil modifications are used. Blueberries are typically used in the landscape as hedges for screening purposes, but they can also be used in cluster plantings, or as single specimen plants. Blueberries are an ideal year round addition to the landscape. They have delicate white or pink flowers in the spring, the summer fruit has an attractive sky blue color, and the fall foliage adds great red and yellow colors to the landscape.

Soil Acidity and Liming: Basic Information for Farmers and Gardeners

By: Luke Gatiboni, David Hardy SoilFacts

An introduction to soil acidity and liming for farmers and gardeners to increase crop income and improve lawn and garden performance. Topics covered include soil pH, soil testing, liming standards and application and incorporation of lime into soil.

Western North Carolina Planting Calendar for Annual Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs

By: Lucy Bradley, Chris Gunter, Julieta Sherk, Liz Driscoll, Donna Teasley, Kerrie Roach

In western North Carolina, almost any type of vegetable or fruit can be successfully grown provided you choose appropriate varieties and plant at the right time. This publication covers climate, season, and potential pests that all affect the selection of what and when to plant. Includes a planting chart and calendar.

Let’s Talk About Genetic Engineering: A Guide to Understanding Genetic Engineering and its Applications in Food, Agriculture, and the Environment

By: Khara Grieger, Nick Loschin, Katie Barnhill, Fred Gould

This publication explains genetic engineering and its use in food, agriculture, and the environment. It answers key questions about genetic engineering, including its definition, applications, safety, ethical issues, and related regulations. The publication also discusses potential risks and concludes with resources for more information.

Blackberries for the Home Garden

By: Gina Fernandez

This publication is a home gardener's guide to planting, maintaining and harvesting blackberries.

Silage and Haylage Production

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication provides information on two forage conservation techniques to help producers select a technique that maximizes nutrient conservation efficiency and minimizes production costs.

High Density Apple Orchard Management

By: Michael Parker, C. Richard Unrath, Charles Safley, David Lockwood

This publication focuses on the management techniques and economic analysis of orchards with more than 150 to 180 trees per acre.

How to Organize a Community Garden

By: Lucy Bradley

This publication covers the keys to a successful community garden of individual plots including forming a strong planning team, choosing a safe site accessible to the target audience with sunlight and water, organizing a simple transparent system for management and designing and installing the garden. Appendices offer a sample layout, sample by-laws, sample budgets and a list of resources.

Growing Jerusalem Artichokes

By: Jonathan Schultheis, Bonny Michael Oloka, Maxton Collins Horticulture Information Leaflets

This publication offers information on the Jerusalem artichoke, (Helianthus tuberosus L.), also known as sunchoke, which can be produced throughout the United States. However, the plant is better adapted to the northern two-thirds of the country than the southern third. Most areas of North Carolina are satisfactory for producing the crop although yields are not as good as in cooler climates where the crop is better adapted. Jerusalem artichokes are also often used for pickling purposes.

Blueberry Freeze Damage and Protection Measures

By: Bill Cline, Gina Fernandez Horticulture Information Leaflets

Commercial blueberries are generally planted in low areas with high organic-matter content. These sites satisfy the cultural requirements of blueberries for a constant and uniform moisture supply. However, on cold, still nights when radiation frosts occur, heavy cold air from higher surrounding areas "drains" into the low areas causing lower temperatures. Also, the high organic content, especially if the soil is dry, acts as an insulator to restrict heat in the soil from moving up around the plants. The cultural requirement for a uniform soil moisture makes selecting higher sites that are less subject to radiation frosts much less practical than with other fruit crops. This factsheet discusses protecting blueberry plants from freezing.

What is a Bee Hotel?

By: Elsa Youngsteadt, Meredith Favre

This is the first chapter in the collection, How to Manage a Successful Bee Hotel. It covers the benefits of bees, pollination in cities and towns, and how bee hotels can support native bees.

Herbicide Carryover in Hay, Manure, Compost, and Grass Clippings

By: Jeanine Davis, Sue Ellen Johnson, Katie Jennings

Many farmers and home gardeners have reported damage to vegetable and flower crops after applying horse or livestock manure, compost, hay, or grass clippings to the soil. The symptoms reported include poor seed germination; death of young plants; twisted, cupped, and elongated leaves; misshapen fruit; and reduced yields. These symptoms can be caused by other factors, including diseases, insects, and herbicide drift. Another possibility for the source of these crop injuries should also be considered: the presence of certain herbicides in the manure, compost, hay, or grass clippings applied to the soil.

Early Blight of Tomato

By: Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This factsheet describes early blight of tomato, including identification, transmission and disease management, and control.

14. Small Fruits

By: Gina Fernandez, Bill Cline, Sara Spayd, Hannah Burrack

This small fruits chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook reviews selection, planting, and maintenance of strawberries, caneberries, blueberries, grapes, and kiwis.

Control of Root-Knot Nematodes in the Home Vegetable Garden

By: Inga Meadows, Charles Averre, Harry Duncan, Kenneth Baker

This publication describes ways to minimize nematode problems by employing several control measures such as a rotational scheme, resistant varieties and selected cultural practices.


By: Douglas Sanders Horticulture Information Leaflets

This publication discusses growing and harvesting head lettuce, the most important salad vegetable grown in the United States. Per-capita consumption exceeds 25 pounds annually. In North Carolina, the crop can be grown as both a spring and fall crop in eastern North Carolina and even during midsummer in western North Carolina at elevations higher than 3,000 feet.

2024 North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual

By: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

This manual, updated every year, covers pesticide use and safety information, chemical application equipment, fertilizer use, insect control, chemical weed control, plant growth regulators, animal damage control and disease control.

Local Food Systems: Clarifying Current Research

By: Emma Brinkmeyer, Hannah Dankbar, J. Dara Bloom Local Foods

This publication discusses the environmental, economic, health, and community benefits that local food systems provide to communities.

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis L.)

By: Jeanine Davis, Jackie Greenfield Horticulture Information Leaflets

This publication discusses growing and harvesting bloodroot, a spring wildflower used to produce natural red, orange, and pink dyes, in North Carolina. It can grow in full sun, but is more often found in semi-shaded, light-wooded areas with moist, acidic soil. The root, consisting of a thickened rhizome covered with fibrous roots, is known for its reddish-orange color.

North Carolina Production Guide for Smaller Orchard Plantings

By: Nicholas Basinger, Janet Owle, Abbey Piner, Michael Parker

North Carolina’s climate and soils are well suited to grow many types tree fruits. This publication will focus on the three main tree fruits produced for market in North Carolina: peaches, apples, and pecans. In addition to these main crops, information on pears, persimmons, plums, nectarines, Asian pears, and figs is presented as they grow well in North Carolina’s temperate climate. These tree fruits require similar management regimes described in this publication.

Agritourism, Your Way

By: Kent Wolfe, Gary Bullen A How-To Guide for Successful Agritourism Enterprises

Agricultural tourism increases the potential for on-farm sales with value-adding products and services, further diversifying the farm operation's product line. There are three agritourism basics: have something for visitors to see, something for them to do, and something for them to buy. This publication covers all elements of planning a successful agritourism enterprise, including business planning, marketing, learning legal rules and regulations, assessing risk and safety considerations, and considering customer satisfaction.

Bulb Onions

By: Chris Gunter Horticulture Information Leaflets

The onion is a cool season crop that will withstand moderate freezes. It may be grown either by seeding directly in the field, or by setting transplants. North Carolina growers have an excellent market opportunity in June and July when very few onions are available. Yield will range from 400 to 800 (50-pound) sacks per acre depending on the year and cultural practices. A premium is paid for large onions during our harvest season.

Phorid Flies

By: Sydney Crawley, Matt Bertone

Phorid flies are small flies that breed in moist, decaying organic matter and can be a problem in and around homes. This factsheet covers their identification, biology, habits, management and control.

Limited Liability Companies: Operating Agreement Components and Sample Language

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This factsheet explains the components of operating agreements for limited liability companies.

Raspberries in the Home Garden

By: Gina Fernandez Horticulture Information Leaflets

Raspberries are a delicious and nutritious addition to the home garden. However, raspberries can be difficult to grow in some parts of North Carolina. In the summer, the hot, humid climate of the Piedmont and coastal plain puts the plants under stress and can hamper growth. While fluctuating winter temperatures can cause injury to the canes thorughout the state. Despite these challenges, raspberries do well in the mountains of western North Carolina where production can last from June through early October.

Fusarium Wilt of Tomato

By: Cecelia Stokes, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This disease factsheet describes Fusarium wilt of tomato. Symptoms, pathogen, environmental conditions, and management are included.

Muscadine Grapes in the Home Garden

By: Barclay Poling, Connie Fisk, Mark Hoffmann Horticulture Information Leaflets

Muscadine grapes are well adapted to the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, where temperatures seldom fall below 10°F. Considerable injury generally occurs where winter temperatures drop below 0°F. Muscadines have a high degree of tolerance to pests and diseases that makes the production of bunch grapes nearly impossible in eastern North Carolina. There is no other fruit with such strong personal associations for so many native North Carolinians.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled Robotic Weeders in Precision Agriculture

By: Lirong Xiang

This publication provides an introduction to AI-enabled robotic weeders, their benefits to society, and how this technology can be used in North Carolina's agriculture sector.

Disease Management and Guidelines for the Honey Bee

By: David Tarpy, Jennifer Keller

It is the goal of every beekeeper to maintain healthy, productive colonies. This can only be accomplished by reducing the frequency and prevalence of disease within beehives. The following is an outline of recommendations for detecting and treating colonies for economically important parasites and pathogens of honey bees so that beekeepers may achieve this goal, and do so in a sustainable way for the long-term health of their colonies.

The Bees of North Carolina: An Identification Guide

By: Hannah Levenson, Elsa Youngsteadt

Identifying bees on the wing is known to be tricky. The Bees of North Carolina: An Identification Guide is a beginner’s resource designed to help quickly and generally identify native bees in North Carolina. Developed by experts at NC State Extension, it provides an overview of some of the most common groups of bees in the state. The guide will help users learn to recognize bees according to key characteristics and, eventually, according to their overall appearance.

Pudrición gomosa del tallo en cucurbitáceas

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo Hoja informativa de patógenos de vegetales

Esta Hoja de Datos de Patología Vegetal fue publicada en inglés en 2015 por la Dra. Lina Quesada, Laboratorio de Patología Vegetal de la NCSU. Traducido y revisado al español por: Angela Linares-Ramírez Catedrática Auxiliar, UPRM Fecha de traducción al español: 23 de marzo de 2017

Biology & Behavior of Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA)

By: Regan Daniels, Patricia Alder, Christopher Hayes Biting and Stinging Pests

The factsheet covers the basics of Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) biology and behavior. It provides key information to help you understand this invasive pest, and make choices about it's management in and around built structures.

Soil Sampling Strategies for Site-Specific Field Management

By: Rob Austin, Luke Gatiboni, John Havlin SoilFacts

This factsheet for farmers describes concepts, terminology, and guidelines concerning soil sampling. Proper testing allows farmers to apply the correct amount of lime and fertilizer to fields.

The Soybean Plant

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Rachel Vann

This publication, chapter 1 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, describes the soybean plant and its various growth stages.

Growing Pecans in North Carolina

By: Michael Parker, Kenneth Sorensen, Jason Brock

This publication explains how to start and maintain a successful pecan orchard on a large or small scale.

Collard Greens

By: Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, Jeannie Leonard, Lucy Bradley Grow It, Eat It

This series of publications provides information about how to grow, harvest, and prepare a variety of fruits and vegetables from your garden. Each publication features recipes, recommended uses, nutrition information, and more.

Harvesting and Preserving Herbs for the Home Gardener

By: Jeanine Davis Horticulture Information Leaflets

Herbs should be harvested when the oils responsible for flavor and aroma are at their peak. Proper timing depends on the plant part you are harvesting and the intended use. For example, herbs grown for their foliage should be harvested before they flower. Harvest herbs grown for seeds as the seed pods change in color from green to brown to gray but before they shatter (open). Collect herb flowers, such as borage and chamomile, just before full flower. And harvest herb roots, such as bloodroot, chicory, ginseng, and goldenseal, in the fall after the foliage fades.

2024 Southeastern US Vegetable Crop Handbook

By: J. M. Kemble, M.B. Bertucci, T.R. Bilbo, Katie Jennings, Inga Meadows, C. Rodrigues, Jim Walgenbach, A. L Wszelaki

The Southeastern Vegetable Extension Workers Group (SEVEW) is proud to offer you the 25th edition of the Southeastern U.S. 2024 Vegetable Crop Handbook. We are excited to provide growers, crop advisers, county educators, Extension agents, and specialists throughout the southeastern United States with this handbook. This handbook represents a joint effort among Extension specialists and researchers from 15 land-grant universities in the U.S. who work in the area of vegetable production. These specialists and researchers represent a wide array of disciplines: agricultural engineering, entomology, food safety, horticulture (vegetable production), plant pathology, postharvest physiology, soil science, and weed science.

Growing Asparagus in a Home Garden

By: Douglas Sanders, Lucy Bradley Horticulture Information Leaflets

Asparagus has been considered a garden delicacy since Roman times. Any home gardener can grow and enjoy this spring vegetable. Asparagus is a perennial. If you plant and manage properly it will produce for 15 years or more. Since this crop will occupy the land for many years you should select and prepare the asparagus bed carefully -- location, soil type, soil fertility, size and age of crowns and correct planting are important.

Nitrogen Management and Water Quality

By: Luke Gatiboni, Erin Rivers SoilFacts

This factsheet describes the effect of fertilizer nitrogen on water quality and the environment. It provides guidelines for managing soil fertility on farms to preserve water quality.

Conducting a Bioassay For Herbicide Residues

By: Joe Neal

General guidelines on how to conduct a bioassay for herbicide residues in soil.

Overview of Local Food Trends: Recommendations for Communication and Marketing

By: Katie Sanders, Madison Lawson

This fact sheet provides key strategies for marketing local foods based on demographic trends seen in recent scholarly literature.

Screw Functionality and Screw Profile Design for Extrusion Processing

By: Debomitra Dey, Michael Joseph

Extrusion processing is a versatile technology utilized by industries such as rubber, plastics, metal, foods, and feeds. The success of extrusion processing lies in a carefully designed screw profile/configuration. Often challenging and complex, this publication intends to explain screw geometry and mixing concepts.

Africanized Honey Bees: Prevention and Control

By: David Tarpy, Jennifer Keller Africanized Honey Bees

This factsheet provides basic information about prevention and control of Africanized honey bees prior to their expected arrival in North Carolina. (Part 2 of a 3-part series.)

Cultivation of Ramps (Allium tricoccum and A. burdickii)

By: Jeanine Davis, Jackie Greenfield Horticulture Information Leaflets

Ramps, also known as wild leeks, are native to the eastern North American mountains. They can be found growing in patches in rich, moist, deciduous forests and bottoms from as far north as Canada, west to Missouri and Minnesota, and south to North Carolina and Tennessee. In early spring, ramps send up smooth, broad, lily-of-the-valley-like leaves that disappear by summer before the white flowers appear. The bulbs have the pleasant taste of sweet spring onions with a strong garlic-like aroma.

Best Management Practices for Agricultural Nutrients

By: Ekrem Ozlu, Erin Rivers, Daniel Line, Luke Gatiboni, Steph Kulesza SoilFacts

This factsheet for farmers describes ways to control the harmful effects of excess nutrients while maintaining healthy, productive farm crops. Steps covered include testing your soil and following the soil testing recommendations, setting realistic yield goals, choosing the most suitable nitrogen sources, applying nitrogen correctly, using manure as a nutrient source, controlling erosion, managing water flow and fencing animals away from water flow.

Root-Knot Nematode of Tomato

By: Tanner Schwarz, Adrienne Gorny

This publication discusses the symptoms and treatment of root-knot nematodes in tomatoes in North Carolina.

Non-Honey Bee Stinging Insects in North Carolina

By: David Tarpy, Joseph Flowers, Michael Waldvogel

This article describes and defines the different types of insects that sting and are also often mistaken for honey bees.

Sales Tax: Exemptions for Farm Product Sales

By: Robert Andrew Branan, JD Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

Sales Taxes are reportable on the sale of many goods and services. Such taxes also become an expense when purchasing inputs for business and personal use. In North Carolina, agricultural products and the purchase of inputs enjoy various exemptions. However, such exemptions have their limit, and it is important to understand when a particular product fails to meet the exemption. Likewise - regarding exemption from sales tax on inputs - North Carolina producers need to be aware of income maintenance requirements for the exemption. For farm operations, most products sold from the farmer direct-to-buyer are exempt from sales taxes, in that the customer neither pays the tax nor the farm operator is required to remit the tax. However, a change in the nature of the farm product sold and where it is sold in combination with other products may trigger a sales tax requirement. Also, if the farmer loses their status as producer of the item sold and is considered a retailer of the item, exemptions are lost. This short paper seeks to clarify the line of when a farmer must remit sales tax for products sold, as well as the responsibilities of farmers and specialty markets.

Propagating Muscadine Grapes

By: Connie Fisk, Bill Cline, Bennett Bloodworth, Whit Jones

A step-by-step guide to propagating true-to-type muscadine vines from cuttings or from layering.

Homeowner’s Guide to Managing Diseases Using Fungicides, Bactericides, and Alternative Products

By: Ella Reeves, Inga Meadows

This publication provides homeowners with recommended chemical control options to use in combination with an integrated management plan for managing common diseases in the landscape or garden.

Summer Cover Crops

By: Nancy Creamer, Keith Baldwin Horticulture Information Leaflets

There is growing interest in the use of short-season summer annual legumes or grasses as cover crops and green manures in vegetable production systems. Cover crops can provide a significant source of nitrogen (N) for subsequent crops; reduce erosion, runoff, and potential pollution of surface waters; capture soil N that might otherwise be lost to leaching; add organic matter to the soil; improve soil physical properties; impact insect and disease life cycles; and suppress nematode populations and weed growth. There can be potential drawbacks, such as cooler soils in the spring, and the additional cost of seeding the cover crop. These factors must be considered depending on the particular cash crops and cover crops being grown.

Verticillium Wilt of Tomato and Eggplant

By: Cecelia Stokes, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This disease factsheet is a brief description of Verticillium wilt of tomato and eggplant. Symptoms, causal agent, and management are included.

Southern Regional Strawberry Plasticulture Production Guide

By: Mark Hoffmann, Amanda McWhirt, Jayesh Samtani, Guido Schnabel, Daniel Tregeagle, Hannah Dankbar, Gina Fernandez, Chip Simmons, Penelope Perkins-Veazie, Barclay Poling, David Lockwood, Roy Flanagan, Erin Eure, Kathryn Holmes, Rebecca Melanson, Kristin Hicks, Aaron Cato, Sanjun Gu

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of strawberry production in the Southeastern United States. It covers topics like cultivars, marketing, economics, production techniques, and additional considerations such as cropping and food safety. The guide is structured into four chapters, each addressing different aspects of strawberry farming, with useful resources in the appendix.

How to Create a Container Garden for Edibles in the North Carolina Piedmont

By: Lucy Bradley, Julie Sherk

In this publication you will find ideas to get you started growing your own edibles. Included are simple designs and potential settings for a single container, a small group of containers and a larger grouping of containers. The benefits and challenges of various planting options will also be explored.

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus on Tomato and Pepper

By: Andy Cooper, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is an important pathogen that causes disease in numerous crops, especially tomatoes and peppers. Resistance-breaking variants of TSWV were discovered in NC on tomato varieties with the Sw-5 resistance gene during the summer of 2022. Given that host resistance is currently the most effective management strategy of TSWV, these strains pose a great threat to tomato production in the coming years. This article will focus on TSWV identification and management strategies for tomatoes and peppers.

Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa L.)

By: Jeanine Davis Horticulture Information Leaflets

Black cohosh is a member of the Ranunculaceae family. It is a native medicinal plant found in rich woodlands from as far north as Maine and Ontario, south to Georgia, and west to Missouri and Indiana. It is a popular woodland botanical that is wild-harvested throughout its native range. In North Carolina it can be found at elevations up to 4,000 feet and is most common in the western part of the state. The demand for black cohosh as a medicinal herb is increasing and the industry is looking for more forest farmed black cohosh to meet the rising demand.


By: Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, Linda G. Brandon, Jeannie Leonard, Lucy Bradley Grow It, Eat It

This series of publications provides information about how to grow, harvest, and prepare a variety of fruits and vegetables from your garden. Each publication features recipes, recommended uses, nutrition information, and more.

A Guide to Intensive Vegetable Systems

By: D. C. Sanders, Ed Estes, K. B. Perry, David Monks, Kenneth Sorensen, Charles Averre, Michael Linker, Jonathan Schultheis, Mike Boyette, D. Eikhoff

Intensive Vegetable Production refers to a system of marketing and producing vegetable crops in which great attention is placed on detail and optimization of resources such as land, capital, labor, equipment, transportation to market and management time. The objective of such a system is maximum profit for the farm. The system you choose should take into account your location, availability of markets, production seasons and personal interest. This publication covers irrigation, plastic mulch, pest management, precision seeding, market preparation and many other facets of intensive vegetable production.

Marchitez de Fusarium en sandía

By: Nathan Miller, Lina Quesada-Ocampo Hoja informativa de patógenos de vegetales

Esta Hoja de Datos de Patología Vegetal fue publicada en inglés en 2015 por la Dra. Lina Quesada, Laboratorio de Patología Vegetal de la NCSU. La Dra. Angela M. Linares Ramírez, de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, tradujo la hoja informativa al español en 2017.

Mummy Berry Disease of Blueberry

By: Bill Cline, Lena Wilson Fruit Disease Information

This publication describes the signs, symptoms and disease cycle of Mummy berry, a fungal disease of blueberry species. Recommendations for best management practices are included.

Weed Management in Onions

By: Roger Batts, Wayne Mitchem, David Monks, Katie Jennings Weed Management in North Carolina

Most commercial onions produced in North Carolina are seeded in the fall and harvested in mid- to late-June. Weed competition can reduce onion yields up to 96 percent, and weeds must be controlled throughout the growing season. Learn about the cultivation and herbicide options growers can use to keep onions weed-free in both wide and narrow rows.

Comparison of Commercially Available Novel-Endophyte Tall Fescue Forage Varieties

By: Kendra Phipps, Charlotte Talbott, Madeline Newsome, Deidre Harmon, Matt Poore

This publication compares novel-endophyte tall fescue forage varieties and includes renovation planning information on choosing and purchasing seed as well as establishment and management.

The Basics of Trusts in Farm Succession Planning

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This short article reviews the basics of trusts as used in farm transfer planning.

Neopestalotiopsis Leaf, Fruit, and Crown Rot of Strawberry

By: Bill Cline, Swarna Moparthi, Mark Hoffmann

Neopestalotiopsis leaf, fruit, and crown rot is an important emerging fungal disease of strawberry that can affect every part of the plant (crown, roots, leaves, fruit). The pathogen is thought to be introduced via infected planting stock. The emergence of Neopestalotiopsis, especially the aggressive forms, has resulted in significant crop loss throughout the southeastern US. This publication outlines the disease cycle and best management practices for growers.

2025 North Carolina Peach and Nectarine Disease and Pest Management Guide

By: D.F. Ritchie, J.F. Walgenbach, Wayne E. Mitchem

This publication is intended to help you manage diseases and pests of peaches. In choosing a management program, you must weigh the extent of pesticide use against the amount of risk of crop damage you are willing to accept. A rigorous spray program provides the least risk of loss, whereas a minimal spray program using less effective but possibly less hazardous pesticides involves a greater risk of loss.

Weed Management in Broccoli, Cabbage, and Cauliflower

By: Roger Batts, Wayne Mitchem, David Monks, Katie Jennings Weed Management in North Carolina

Keeping weeds out early in the season is very important for cole crops that are marketed by size. Learn how to use both cultivation and herbicides to achieve good early-season weed control and avoid losses in yield and profits.

Anthracnose of Pepper

By: Cecelia Stokes, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This vegetable pathology factsheet describes the identification and treatment of anthracnose of pepper.

Cost Analysis for Improving Park Facilities to Promote Park-based Physical Activity

By: Myron Floyd, Luis J. Suau, Robby Layton, Jay E. Maddock, Karly Bitsura-Meszaros

As public parks and recreation facilities are increasingly positioned as health resources, greater demands for providing and using parks are expected. Park improvement projects with the stated purpose of encouraging activity need to be supported by data on the financial costs associated with making such improvements. This publication provide realistic and objective estimates of costs of providing park facilities that can increase physical activity.


By: Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, Jeannie Leonard, Lucy Bradley Grow It, Eat It

This series of publications provides information about how to grow, harvest, and prepare a variety of fruits and vegetables from your garden. Each publication features recipes, recommended uses, nutrition information, and more.

Africanized Honey Bees: Where Are They Now, and When Will They Arrive in North Carolina?

By: David Tarpy, Jennifer Keller Africanized Honey Bees

This factsheet outlines the history, movement, distribution, and present status of the Africanized honey bee in the United States. (Part 1 of a 3-part series)

La Antracnosis de las Cucurbitáceas

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo Hoja informativa de patógenos de vegetales

Esta Hoja de Datos de Patología Vegetal fue publicada en inglés en 2013 por la Dra. Lina Quesada, Laboratorio de Patología Vegetal de la NCSU. La Dra. Angela M. Linares Ramírez, de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, tradujo la hoja informativa al español en 2017.

2025 Peanut Information

By: Jeffrey H. Dorfman, Derek Washburn, David L. Jordan, Dustin Auman, Charles Barnes, Dominic Reisig, LeAnn Lux, Barbara Shew, Adrienne Gorny, Gary T. Roberson, Ashley Collins, Greg Buol, Jeffrey Dunne, Ethan Foote, Elizabeth Garner, Brian Royals, Rick Brandenburg

This guide for growers, updated annually, provides information on production and pest management practices applicable to growing peanuts in North Carolina.

Pole Bean Production

By: Jeanine Davis Horticulture Information Leaflets

In North Carolina, pole beans are grown commercially in the mountain counties and, on a limited scale, in a few of the eastern counties. They are produced in home gardens throughout the state. With the rising interest in heirloom vegetables, pole beans are increasing in popularity. Pole beans are grown for their distinctive flavor, long pods, high yield, long harvesting season, and high price.

Weed Control in Watermelon

By: Katie Jennings, Matthew Bertucci

This publication discusses weeds common to watermelon and how to control them. Weed management strategies include mechanical control, cultural control, and herbicide recommendations for grasses and broadleaf weeds such as Palmer amaranth and sedge weed species.

Vinegar Making

This factsheet describes the process of making vinegar.

Weed Management

By: Wesley Everman

This publication, chapter 7 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, addresses weed management in soybean production.

Let’s Talk About Risk: A Guide to Identifying, Assessing, Managing, and Communicating Risk

By: Khara Grieger, Madison Horgan, Christopher Cummings

This publication outlines and describes core concepts of risk that are used in various environmental, health, and societal circumstances. It covers the following topics: defining risks, identifying and assessing risks, managing risks, and communicating risks.

Conservation Easements and Agreements: Obligations, Modification and Termination

By: Robert Andrew Branan, JD Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

Participation in conservation practices and restrictions comes in various forms, from revocable-at-will, revocable with penalty, and irrevocable agreements concerning use of land in farming and forestry. Different agreements come with different obligations, and different pathways to termination and modification, when allowed. This fact sheet explores the spectrum of conservation agreements (generally modifiable) to conservation easements (generally revocable). The information herein is the product of the author's research of relevant statutes and regulations, as well as professional experience with such conservation instruments and programs. Note: citations are referenced in numerical superscript and correspond to citations in the endnotes section.

Winterizing the Herb Garden

By: Jeanine Davis Horticulture Information Leaflets

If treated properly, many herb plants will survive in the garden for a number of years. Others are sensitive to frost or severe cold weather and must be brought indoors, protected, or replanted each year. In North Carolina, annual herbs will be killed with the first hard frost in the fall. With a little extra care and attention, many perennial herbs will survive the winter and survive in the garden for many years.

Miscanthus: An Environmental Choice for Marginal Lands

By: Andrew Hillman, Sierra Young, Mari Chinn, Chadi Sayde

This publication discusses the environmental benefits of planting miscanthus — a tall, perennial grass — on lands that otherwise have poor results with traditional row crops.

Hay Production

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication addresses aspects of hay production as a method of conserving forage crops.

Container Garden Planting Calendar for Edibles in the Piedmont

By: Kim Richter, Lucy Bradley, Mark Kistler, Julie Sherk

This publication offers a guide to growing edible plants year-round in containers. Includes planting and harvest guides.

Soybean Production and Marketing in North Carolina

By: Heidi Schweizer, Nick Piggott, Derek Washburn

This publication, chapter 2 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses the soybean market in the United States and managing price risk for North Carolina soybean farmers.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (North Carolina)

By: Jim Walgenbach

Brown marmorated stink bug description, life history, damage, and control.

How to Manage a Successful Bee Hotel

By: Elsa Youngsteadt, Meredith Favre

This collection describes how to design and build a bee hotel to support native pollinator species.

Precision Agriculture Technology: Choosing a UAV and Sensor for Agricultural Applications

By: Jason Ward, Ryan Phillips, Enrique Pena Martinez, Sierra Young, Gary Roberson

This publication provides information about unmanned aerial vehicles and what to consider when choosing a drone for precision agriculture applications. Topics include restrictions, definitions, needs assessment, equipment options, and information processing.

Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden

By: Larry Bass, Douglas Sanders Horticulture Information Leaflets

Much success in growing tomatoes can be attributed to use of a few proven techniques. Choosing a variety that has proven to be a true performer should be at the top of every gardener's list. Better Boy, Whopper, Celebrity, and Mountain Pride are among some of the best selections. Better Boy, Celebrity, and Whopper are VFN, which means they carry resistance to verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, and root-knot nematodes. It is best to experiment with several varieties in order to find the ideal tomato for your taste buds.

Downy Mildew on Brassica Crops

By: Ella Reeves, Suzette Sharpe, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This factsheet covers the pathogen, host plants, symptoms, and management of downy mildew, a foliar disease that affects brassica crops.

Extrusion Processing: A Versatile Technology for Producing Foods and Feeds

By: Michael Joseph, Rhea Hebert

This factsheet introduces extrusion as a food and feed production process. Topics include the basic history, equipment, and application of extrusion in the production of human and animal foods.

Collard Greens and Common Ground: A North Carolina Community Food Gardening Handbook

By: Don Boekelheide, Lucy Bradley

Community gardens have been part of the American landscape since the mid-1700s. Today, community gardens continue to make positive contributions in neighborhoods across North Carolina. Winner of an American Society for Horticultural Science, Extension Division, 2017 Educational Materials Award, Collard Greens and Common Ground: A North Carolina Community Food Gardening Handbook is a practical guide to community gardening. Based on experience and research, it is packed with best practices, tested strategies, and useful checklists. The guide covers every step in the community gardening process, from starting a new garden to sustainable long-term garden management and policy. Whether you are new to community gardening or a seasoned veteran, Collard Greens and Common Ground will help your community garden flourish.

North Carolina Soybean Production Guide

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Rachel Vann, Carl Crozier, Gary Bullen, Jim Dunphy, Wesley Everman, Luke Gatiboni, Adrienne Gorny, David Hardy, Ryan Heiniger, Steph Kulesza, Nick Piggott, Dominic Reisig, Gary Roberson, Heidi Schweizer, Lindsey Thiessen, Derek Washburn, Deanna Osmond

This publication provides information to growers about soybean production in North Carolina. It discusses economic trends and forecasts, cultural practices, variety selection, planting decisions, nutrient management, diseases and pests, and other production practices.

Corn Ear Rots: Managing Mold and Mycotoxins

By: Daisy Ahumada Corn Disease Information

Corn ear rot is a disease of corn caused by various types of fungi, including Fusarium spp. , Aspergillus spp. Penicillium spp., and Stenocarpella maydis (Diplodia Ear Rot). Ear rot diseases in corn are characterized by the molding and decay of corn ears. Environmental conditions, the susceptibility of the variety to disease, and previous disease populations in the field contribute to the emergence of corn ear rot and the severity of corn yield loss.

Black Rot of Brassicas

By: Cecelia Stokes, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This publication discusses symptoms and signs of black rot disease of Brassicas. The publication includes disease management practices for both conventional and organic growers.

Blueberry Production for Local Sales and Small Pick-Your-Own Operators

By: Bill Cline Horticulture Information Leaflets

Blueberries are a native North American fruit, and North Carolina is one of the largest producers of highbush blueberries. Although commercial production is mostly limited to southeastern North Carolina, blueberries can be grown anywhere in the state if the right blueberry species and proper soil modifications are used. Limiting factors include pH, water availability and cold-hardiness.

Induced Molting of Commercial Layers

By: Ken Anderson

This publication discusses how to molt commercial layer flocks.

Weed Management on Organic Farms

By: Nancy Creamer, Denise Finney CEFS

Organic farmers cite weed management as their number one research priority. This publication in the Organic Production publication series describes weed control strategies for organic farms based on weed characteristics and an integrated cropping system approach. A special section on cultivation practices that limit emerged and future weeds is based on research by the Center for Environmental Farming Systems.

How to Become a Beekeeper in North Carolina

By: David Tarpy, Jennifer Keller

Beekeeping is a very enjoyable and rewarding pastime that is relatively inexpensive to get started. Moreover, it’s a hobby that can eventually make you money! This factsheet is a primer on how to start your first hive and begin keeping bees.

Jumping Worms

By: Matt Bertone

This factsheet covers the description, biology, and management of the jumping earthworm, a common pest in North Carolina gardening.

Commercial Goldenseal Cultivation

By: Jeanine Davis, Joe-Ann McCoy Horticulture Information Leaflets

This factsheet covers commercial goldenseal production in North Carolina, a highly valued medicinal herb which has been collected from the forests in North America for hundreds of years. The historical range for goldenseal in the United States was very broad, ranging from as far north as Vermont and Wisconsin, south to Alabama and Georgia, and west to Kansas. It can still be found growing in patches in moist, rich, hardwood forests in much of this area.

Growing Cotton for Ornamental, Educational, Non-Commercial, or Atypical Commercial Reasons in North Carolina

By: Guy Collins, Keith Edmisten, Bill Foote, Joy Goforth

This publication provides information about steps and procedures for growing cotton for alternative purposes. It includes details on regulatory compliance, seed sourcing, and harvesting and ginning.

Overview of Forages and Forage Utilization for Pasture-Based Livestock Systems in North Carolina

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication is an overview of forage species and their use in livestock production systems in North Carolina.

Developing a FDA Food Recall Plan

By: Kate Nicholas, Lynette Johnston

This publication is intended for food processors who manufacture, pack, repack, hold, warehouse or distribute foods under the jurisdiction of the FDA. Topics include preparing a recall plan, implementing and communicating during an active recall and post-recall evaluation. Resources provided for mock templates, FDA websites, listservs and the Reportable Food Registry.

Cedar Apple Rust

By: Sara Villani Apple Pathology Factsheets

This apple pathology factsheet describes cedar apple rust and provides a brief overview of other rust diseases in apple. Disease signs and symptoms, pathogen life cycle, and disease management are discussed.

Present Use Value: Transferring Property Enrolled in Present Use Value Property Taxation

By: Robert Andrew Branan, Rajan Parajuli Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This publication provides an overview of the Present-Use Value (PUV) property tax program in North Carolina, with an emphasis on disposition and transfer situations that may imperil continued enrollment.

Weed Management in Okra

By: Wayne Mitchem, David Monks, Roger Batts, Katie Jennings Weed Management in North Carolina

Being related to cotton, okra can be a poor competitor with weeds, particularly early in the growing season. As the crop is harvested, more sunlight can reach the soil and increase late-season weed interference. Learn about the cultivation options and herbicides that growers can use for weed control in okra.

A Small Backyard Greenhouse for the Home Gardener

By: Mike Boyette, Ted Bilderback

This publication presents plans and instructions for an easily constructed greenhouse that costs approximately $100 and may be used for many purposes.

Identifying and Responding to Factors That Can Affect Egg Quality and Appearance

By: Ken Anderson, Darrin Karcher, Deanna Jones

This publication is a useful resource that shell egg producers can use to identify egg defects and possible factors contributing to egg quality issues. It also provides corrective measures for each defect so that producers can incorporate these solutions into their production systems.

Guide to Understanding and Addressing PFAS in our Communities

By: Khara Grieger, Katlyn May

This FactSheet provides a guide to understanding and addressing PFAS in our communities, which may be helpful for Extension agents, community members, and others who are interested in learning more about PFAS and their potential impacts.

Size Matters: Accounting for Hemp Seed Size When Calibrating Your Grain Drill

By: David Suchoff, Shannon Henriquez Inoa

This article highlights the difference in grain and fiber hemp seed size and the importance of calculating seed rates.

Best Practices for Communicating Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology in Food

By: Madison Lawson, Joseph Gakpo, Katie Sanders

Genetically engineered and modified foods have been hot topic issues for decades. While scientific consensus indicates that genetically engineered (GEd) and genetically modified (GM) foods are safe, public opinion does not always match the scientific community. Thus, continuing to explore the gap between scientific thinking and public opinion is critical for effective and engaging extension work.

How to Sell Produce to Distributors

By: Keirstan Kure, Lauren Horning, Rebecca Dunning

This publication provides information about how producers can prepare for selling produce to wholesale distributors. It includes tips and examples to help farmers expand their businesses.

Africanized Honey Bees: Some Questions and Answers

By: David Tarpy, John Ambrose Africanized Honey Bees

This factsheet answers basic questions about Africanized honey bees. (Part 3 of a 3-part series)

Controlled Drainage – An Important Practice to Protect Water Quality That Can Enhance Crop Yields

By: Chad Poole, Mike Burchell, Mohamed Youssef

This publication discusses how to use controlled drainage as way to to reduce nutrient losses from agricultural land to surface waters and groundwater. It includes information on controlled drainage systems, structure location and management, and water quality and crop yield benefits.

Frost-Seeding Clovers into Tall Fescue Pastures

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication provides information about the practice and benefits of frost-seeding clovers into established tall fescue pastures and presents the results of research conducted in the North Carolina piedmont.

Blue Mold of Tobacco

By: Daisy Ahumada Tobacco Disease Information

This factsheet discusses the symptoms and treatment for blue mold of tobacco.

The Status and Trends of Wetland Loss and Legal Protection in North Carolina

By: Jack Kurki-Fox, Robert Andrew Branan, Mike Burchell

This publication provides an overview of historical wetland trends in North Carolina and discusses how wetland regulations have evolved to their current status. It also summarizes the potential new impacts of climate change on North Carolina wetlands.

Lady Beetles

By: Jim Walgenbach, Stephen Schoof

Lady beetle description, life cycle, and predation.

Good Soil Management Helps Protect Groundwater

By: Erin Rivers, Ekrem Ozlu, Luke Gatiboni SoilFacts

This publication discusses best practices management to prevent agricultural activities from contaminating groundwater. It covers the role of soil on the quality of groundwater, soil characteristics, characteristics of potential pollutants and management practices such as nitrogen and pesticide management.

Casoron (dichlobenil)

By: Joe Neal Herbicide Information Factsheets

This pesticide factsheet covers the use and characteristics of Casoron (dichlobenil).

The North Carolina Winegrape Grower’s Guide

By: Barclay Poling, Sara Spayd

The grape and wine industry in North Carolina is now worth in excess of $30 million dollars. To assist North Carolina growers in the production a quality grapes for quality wines, a newly revised 196 page guide has been written for winegrape growers, called the North Carolina Winegrape Grower’s Guide. This publication provides grape growers with practical information about choosing an appropriate site for a vineyard, establishment, and operation of commercial vineyards in North Carolina.

Soybean Cyst Nematode

By: Adrienne Gorny, LeAnn Lux Soybean Disease Information

Soybean cyst nematode limits yields in every major soybean production region worldwide. This disease note describes SCN in North Carolina and its management.

Insect and Disease Control of Fruits

By: Jim Walgenbach, Sara Villani, Steven Frank, Dominic Reisig, Katie Jennings, Bill Cline, Meredith Favre, Dave Ritchie

This publication covers insect and disease control in apples, blueberries, caneberries, grapes, peaches, pecans and strawberries.

Organic Sweet Corn Production

By: Jeanine Davis Horticulture Information Leaflets

Many organic vegetable farmers are interested in producing sweet corn. Organic sweet corn can be grown in North Carolina and throughout the Southeast, but special considerations for variety selection, insect and disease control, economics, and markets must be made for it to be a profitable crop.

Adaptive Wheat Management: Increasing Wheat Yield by Adjusting for Weather Conditions

By: Ron Heiniger, Matthew Tilley, Joseph Oakes, Angela Post, Gail Wilkerson

Variable growing environments for wheat can lead to challenges from one season to another. Adaptive management is a system of adjusting management practices based on weather fluctuations. This publication provides information on how environmental extremes influence wheat growth and how to implement adaptive management practices for optimal wheat yield.

Tobacco Greenhouse Production

By: Matthew Vann, Daisy Ahumada, Lorena Lopez, Maggie James

This publication provides at-a-glance information for growing tobacco in greenhouses, including sanitation practices, source water analysis, fertilizer management, disease control, and insect control.

Lime Equivalence of Fine-Ground Basalt Rock

By: Luke Gatiboni, David Hardy

Fine-ground basalt rock has recently become available as a soil amendment in North Carolina. This publication discusses the agricultural application of fine-ground basalt rock, the results of an incubation study to determine its lime equivalence, and its effects on soil nutrients and fertility.

Starter Phosphorus Fertilizer and Additives in North Carolina Soils: Use, Placement, and Plant Response

By: Luke Gatiboni, David Hardy, Steph Kulesza SoilFacts

Phosphorus (P) is the second most important nutrient in crop production but is often found in relatively low amounts in native soils. Decades of fertilizer application have led to P enrichment of most North Carolina agricultural soils. Excess soil P that leaves agricultural fields via runoff and drainage can cause algal blooms in water resources that lead to impaired drinking water quality and can limit recreational activities. Maintaining adequate soil P levels for crop growth can reduce P runoff, save money, and protect the environment

Heat Sources for Post-Weaning Pigs

By: Shaniya Medlin, Suzanne Leonard, Rachel Hodges

This publication provides information about common heat sources used to supply supplemental warmth for young pigs to help producers select the best options for their operations.

Disease and Nematode Management

By: Lindsey Thiessen, Adrienne Gorny

This publication, chapter 8 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses disease management in soybean production.

Harvesting, Drying, and Storage

By: Gary Roberson, Katherine Drake Stowe, Jim Dunphy

This publication, chapter 11 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, describe harvesting, drying, and storing soybeans.

Social Media Best Practices for Local Food Marketing and Communication

By: Madison Lawson, Katie Sanders

Social media usage is at an all time high, with the majority of individuals older than 18 saying they regularly use platforms like Facebook and YouTube. More than 60% of adults ages 18 to 29 routinely use Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. This means that one of the most effective ways to market local food to all age groups, and Millennials and Generation Z in particular, is through social media. Age, however, is not the only demographic to consider when marketing local food. Data also shows that gender plays a significant role in social media usage; women are more likely to use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok than men regardless of their age. Agents should consider this when using social media and should focus on marketing to female consumers–a demographic that has already been shown to have favorable opinions of local food. Marketing local food is important for Extension agents who work in the local food space because N.C. Cooperative Extension’s purpose is to support agriculture and the people of North Carolina. The following is a set of best practices for social media usage to promote local food.

Guide to Deciding When to Start and Stop Irrigation for Frost Protection of Fruit Crops

By: Katharine Perry Horticulture Information Leaflets

The decisions of when to turn an irrigation system on and off for frost protection are complex and difficult. This guide presents a procedure to follow in making these decisions. This guide is based on the assumption that you have completed certain tasks prior to the night of the decision making. These tasks encompass important planning decisions that are made well ahead of the frost season.

Fertilization and Nutrient Management

By: David Hardy, Steph Kulesza, Luke Gatiboni

This publication, chapter 6 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, covers fertilization and nutrient management in soybean production.

Squash Bees

By: Steven Frank, Elsa Youngsteadt Entomology Insect Notes

This factsheet discusses how to identify and conserve squash bees, an important pollinator of squash, zucchini, pumpkins and many gourds.

Neighbor Complaints: The Basics of North Carolina's Right to Farm and Bona Fide Farm Zoning

By: Robert Andrew Branan, JD Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

Though impossible to measure the incidence of neighbor complaints against farmers, North Carolina public policy to protect production agriculture rests on the presumption of a legal pathway by which one landowner can curtail the farming practices of another. These concerns may arise when a neighbor complains to the farm operator about aspects of their land use they find displeasing. Other times when a neighbor discovers that the landowner plans to expand or implement new farming practices on land in their proximity, the neighbor may threaten to “sue” the farmer, or may call local authorities (e.g. zoning office, sheriff’s office, animal control) demanding they use their power to stop the offending farming activity. Such complaints call into force North Carolina’s Right to Farm Law, as well as the Bona Fide Farm exception to county zoning regulations. This short fact sheet provides an overview and contrast between these two policy concepts in farm operation support.

Peach Cultivars

By: Dennis Werner, Dave Ritchie

The purpose of this bulletin is to summarize the specific characteristics of the cultivars released by the NCARS. A brief description of the important characteristics will be followed by a review of each cultivar in order of ripening sequence. Ripening dates provided are average dates calculated from years of observation at the Sandhills Research Station.

Soybean Facts

By: Katherine Drake Stowe

This publication, chapter 11 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, presents some facts and figures about soybeans and their production.

A Preliminary Analysis of North Carolina’s Winegrape Cultivars: Their Geographic Distribution and Climatic Characteristics

By: Mark Hoffmann, Joseph Forrest

The publication explores how temperature affects viticulture in North Carolina, focusing on regional temperature conditions as key factors in grape and wine quality. The study includes four models that outline temperature regimes across the state, discusses climate change implications for viticulture, and recommends winegrape cultivars for new and replacement plantings.

Enhancing Animal Welfare and Productivity Through Silvopasture Management

By: Sanjok Poudel, Miguel Castillo

This publication reviews research on silvopasture systems in Virginia and North Carolina, showing how combining trees, forage, and livestock can help farms in the southeastern U.S.

Weed Management in Collards, Kale, Mustard, and Turnip Greens

By: David Monks, Wayne Mitchem, Roger Batts, Katie Jennings Weed Management in North Carolina

Cool-season leafy greens face a different weed spectrum than warm-season crops. The presence of weeds in harvested greens can result in lower prices or rejection at market. Learn about the cultivation and herbicide options that growers can use to avoid weed competition and contamination.

Complete Southeastern US Pest Control Guide

By: Joe Neal

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can be defined as a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining cultural, biological, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, aesthetic, health, and environmental risks. A first step in implementing an effective IPM program is to maintain healthy, vigorous plants, which are much less likely to have pest problems. Therefore, an integrated pest management program will also consider cultural practices that lead to healthy and resilient plantings.

Health and Safety Impacts of Solar Photovoltaics

By: George Flowers, Tommy Cleveland

This paper addresses the potential health and safety impacts of solar photovoltaic development in North Carolina, organized into the following four categories: (1) Hazardous Materials; (2) Electromagnetic Fields (EMF); (3) Electric Shock and Arc Flash; (4) Fire Safety.

Gray Leaf Spot in Corn

By: Daisy Ahumada Corn Disease Information

This corn disease information note offers information on the symptoms and management of gray leaf spot in corn production in North Carolina.

The Role of Preconditioning in Food and Feed Extrusion

By: Michael Joseph

This Q&A factsheets answers several questions about the preconditioning process in food and feed extrusion.

Spotted Lanternfly

By: Kelly Oten Invasive Forest Pests

This factsheet offers information on the biology and management of the spotted lanternfly, an invasive agricultural, ornamental, and nuisance pest in the United States.

Pasture Grazing Heights for Rotational Stocking

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication provides information for making grazing management decisions using rotational stocking. It covers canopy heights for stopping and starting grazing, days of pasture rest, and balancing plant and animal requirements.

Modifying Soil for Plant Growth around Your Home

By: Luke Gatiboni, Ekrem Ozlu, Christina Kranz, Josh Heitman SoilFacts

This publication addresses the two major soil problems found on residential properties and how to rectify them: lack of the three necessary nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium) and soil pH.

Grazing Practices: A Review of the Literature

By: David Michael Butler, Noah Ranells, Matt Poore, Ada Wossink, Jim Green, Erin Rivers, Miguel Castillo

This technical bulletin reviews earlier research that evaluates the influence of grazing livestock, primarily beef cattle, on water quality. This publication will help producers make informed choices and consider strategies to protect water quality and maintain productive pasture-based livestock operations.

Planting Decisions

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy, Adrienne Gorny, Dominic Reisig, Gary Roberson

This publication, chapter 5 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses soybean planting decisions, including planting dates, depth, and seeding equipment calibration.

Building Local Food Economies: A Guide for Governments

By: Emily Edmonds, Rebecca Dunning, Taylor Smith

This publication serves as a guide on building local food economies for planners, economic developers, and local government professionals.

Fuentes de Calor para Cerdos Destetados

By: Shaniya Medlin, Suzanne Leonard, Rachel Hodges, Eduardo Beltranena, Isaac Suazo

Esta publicación proporciona información sobre las fuentes de calor comunes que se utilizan para suministrar calor suplementario a los cerdos jóvenes para ayudar a los productores a seleccionar las mejores opciones para sus operaciones.

Clubroot of Brassicas

By: Ella Reeves, Suzette Sharpe, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

The pathogen, host plants, symptoms and management of clubroot, a disease of crucifer crops, are discussed in this factsheet.

Getting Data from the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Using R

By: Sheila Saia, Natalie Nelson, Jason Ward

This publication provides information and guidance on using computer code to access the National Agricultural Statistics Service's survey data to view data from multiple years, crops, and other categories.

Gray Leaf Spot of Tomato

By: Ella Reeves, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This publication describes gray leaf spot of tomato. Disease management options are provided for conventional and organic growers and for homeowners.

Let’s Work Together in Addressing Environmental and Societal Issues: Guide to Engaging Stakeholders and Communities

By: Khara Grieger, Madison Horgan, Ashton Merck

This publication is a guide for researchers, scholars, extension agents, government officials, and others interested in engaging stakeholders and community members to identify and address potential environmental and societal issues.

Agritourism Opportunities for Farm Diversification

By: Susan Colucci, Samantha Rozier-Rich, Stacy Tomas, Stephen Komar, Brian Schilling, Jenny Carleo East Coast Agritourism

This publication explores the different types of agritourism activities that are available to farmers and explains some of agritourism's benefits.

Insect Management

By: Dominic Reisig

This publication, chapter 9 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, covers common insects and their control in soybean production.

Soybean Mosaic Virus

By: Raymond Garcia Rodriguez, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is one of the most prevalent and destructive viral pathogens of soybean worldwide. This soybean disease factsheet discusses the range, symptoms, disease cycle, and management of the virus in soybean production in North Carolina.

Using Plastic Mulches and Drip Irrigation for Vegetables

By: Jeanine Davis, Douglas Sanders Horticulture Information Leaflets

Muskmelons, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, eggplant, watermelons, pumpkins, and okra are vegetable crops that have shown significant increases in earliness, yield, and fruit quality when grown on plastic mulch. Some less valuable crops such as sweet corn, snap beans, and southern peas have shown similar responses. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of using plastic mulches are outlined in this publication.

What CAN Be Composted?

By: Rhonda Sherman

List of items that can and cannot be composted at home.

Interpreting Freeze / Frost Probabilities from the National Centers for Environmental Information

By: Natalie Nelson, Layla El-Khoury, Mike Boyette

This publication discusses how to find information about frost and freeze probability data in North Carolina and how to use these resources to make planting and harvesting decisions.

Common Smut on Corn

By: Daisy Ahumada

Common smut is a disease that occurs on an annual basis on North Carolina corn. With drought conditions on the rise, the incidence of common smut is likely to be observed.

Nutrient Removal by Crops in North Carolina

By: Luke Gatiboni, John Filippi, Steph Kulesza SoilFacts

This publication discusses nutrient removal by crops, which is useful in comparing the nutrient demands of different crops in conjunction with soil testing. The publication also includes a table of the estimated nutrient removal rates of various crops.

Prevent Timber Trespass and Theft

By: Robert Andrew Branan, Mark Megalos, Colby Lambert, Theodore Feitshans Eastern Forestry Notes

Tips for preventing timber trespass and theft are reviewed in this publication. Special documentation of pertinent laws, avoidance strategies and steps to take once your timber or property has been stolen or trespassed upon.

Water Needs Assessment Tool—A Guide for Technical Specialists

By: Garry Grabow

This publication provides background information and references for the Water Needs Assessment Tool spreadsheet and its data inputs. It also discusses the methods used to generate output from the model and provides examples.

Evaluation of Variety, Row Spacing, and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates on Sesame Yields in North Carolina

By: Marcela Chavez, Angela Post, David Suchoff

With growing demand for sesame and production limitations in traditional sesame-producing states, there is a need to explore new areas suitable for producing sesame in the United States. This publication discusses research findings that demonstrate the feasibility of sesame production in North Carolina. Topics include yield results related to row spacing, variety, and nitrogen rates.

Changes in the Phosphorus Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, and Small Grains in North Carolina

By: Luke Gatiboni, David Hardy SoilFacts

This publication provides updated recommendations for phosphorus fertilizer application in corn, soybean, and small grains crops. It includes background and historical information about phosphorus critical levels, phosphorus rate recommendations, phosphorus accumulation in soils, and changes in recommendations.

The Verbal (Statutory) Farm Tenancy

Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This pre-peer reviewed publication provides a brief overview of the "year-to-year" farm tenancy as protected by the North Carolina General Statutes. Issues examined the nature of farm tenancy, specific termination notice requirements, and removal of personal property by the tenant.

The Importance of Manganese in Vegetable Crop Nutrition in North Carolina

By: Emmanuel Torres Quezada Vegetable Nutrient Management

Manganese (Mn) is a critical micronutrient essential for the growth, development, and productivity of vegetable crops. Despite being required in trace amounts, manganese plays a pivotal role in key physiological processes, including photosynthesis, enzyme activation, and plant stress mitigation. Its availability in soils is influenced by several factors, particularly soil pH, redox conditions, and organic matter content, making proper management vital for optimal crop performance. This publication provides a comprehensive overview of manganese’s role in plant physiology, its forms and availability in soils, and practical strategies for managing manganese in vegetable production systems.

Overview of the Soil Fertility Status of Representative Row Crop Fields in North Carolina

By: Luke Gatiboni, Andria Lima, Deanna Osmond, Tales Tiecher

This publication discusses the results of a study that evaluated the soil fertility status of row crops across four regions of North Carolina. The study assessed factors affecting soil fertility, such as acidity, organic matter, and cation exchange capacity to provide a more accurate snapshot of soil fertility.

Syrphid flies

By: Jim Walgenbach

Syrphid fly description, life history, and predation.

Weed Management in Lettuce

By: David Monks, Wayne Mitchem, Roger Batts, Katie Jennings Weed Management in North Carolina

Weed competition in lettuce reduces both yield and head quality. This cool-season crop faces competition from winter annuals as well as early summer weeds. Learn about the cultivation and herbicide options that growers can use to control weeds in lettuce, including advice for lettuce grown with plastic mulch.

Tobacco - Nitrogen (N) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

By far, nitrogen (N) is the most widely applied nutrient for plant growth. It should come as no surprise, that symptoms of nitrogen deficiency readily develop with tobacco plants.

How to Determine the Potential to Increase Vegetable Yield Through Estimating and Reducing Field Losses

By: Lisa K. Johnson

This publication discusses methods for boosting vegetable productivity by reducing field loss, which can amount to a significant portion of the harvested yield.

Planting, Harvesting, and Curing Peanuts

By: Gary T. Roberson

This publication, chapter 8 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, discusses the planting and harvesting methods of peanuts.

Tobacco Ringspot Virus of Soybean

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Tobacco ringspot virus is a disease of soybean in North Carolina. This factsheet offers information on the disease's symptoms and management.

Dogwood Borer

By: Jim Walgenbach

Dogwood borer description, life history, damage, and control.

Weed Control Options for Strawberries on Plastic

By: Katie Jennings Horticulture Information Leaflets

Growing strawberries as an annual crop on black plastic requires a different weed management strategy than the perennial matted row strawberries. Weeds that have hard seed coats, such as vetch and clover, emerge for long periods of time can establish in the row. They emerge in late fall or spring, grow under the plastic for a period of time, and emerge from any holes in the plastic.

Synthetic Auxins

By: Doug Goodale, Joe Neal, Katie Jennings Herbicide Injury Factsheets

This factsheet describes the symptoms of a synthetic auxin (SA) herbicide injury.

Oriental Fruit Moth

By: Jim Walgenbach

Oriental fruit moth description, life history, damage, and control.

Lease Considerations for Landowners and Farmers

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This publication covers the basics of leasing land for farming operations, from both a landowner and tenant perspective.

Strawberry Clipper Weevils in Strawberry

By: Lorena Lopez, Hannah Burrack Strawberry Insects

This factsheet describes the biology and management of strawberry clipper weevils in commercial strawberry production.

Fusarium Wilt of Soybean

By: Raymond Garcia Rodriguez, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Fusarium wilt can be an important disease in soybean when it appears. Although not a yearly problem for most of North Carolina producers, it can be locally damaging. The signs and management of the disease are described in this factsheet.

Sulfur Fertilization of North Carolina Crops

By: Luke Gatiboni, David Hardy SoilFacts

Adequate sulfur is necessary for crops, but there’s no one-size-fits-all recommendation for application in North Carolina. Best management practices take sulfur removal and incidental sulfur inputs for the entire crop rotation, soil type and profile depth layers and soil and plant analysis results.

Tobacco - Potassium (K) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Potassium (K) is one of the three core macronutrients, and consequently, deficiency symptoms manifest relatively quickly in tobacco. Potassium is a mobile element, which means it will translocate from mature tissues to the younger tissues where it is needed. This movement of K from older to younger foliage is what causes deficiency symptoms to develop first on the lower foliage.

Tobacco - Sulfur (S) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Sulfur (S) deficiency can easily be mistaken for nitrogen (N) deficiency in tobacco. The ability to distinguish between the two is very important to determining a corrective measure.

Three Components of Farm to ECE: Gardening, Cooking, and Local Food Purchasing

By: Caroline Hundley, Shironda Brown, Der Holcomb, Courtney Tevepaugh, Dara Bloom, Marcus McFarland, Lucy Bradley, Ivelisse Colón, Eli Snyder

This chapter of the Farm to Early Care and Education Resource Guide for North Carolina Extension Agents discusses special considerations for early childhood gardening, cooking, and local food programs and provides resources for successful Farm to ECE initiatives.

Biomass and Nutrient Removal of Sorghum as a Bioenergy Crop

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication summarizes research conducted in North Carolina that evaluated sorghum's potential as a bioenergy feedstock when planted on land that receives large quantities of animal waste effluent.

Spotted Tentiform Leafminer

By: Jim Walgenbach

Spotten tentiform leafminer description, life history, damage, and control.

Glomerella Leaf Spot and Fruit Rot

By: Sara Villani Apple Pathology Factsheets

This apple pathology factsheet describes Glomerella leaf spot and fruit rot in apple, including identification and disease management.

Peanut Production Practices

By: David L. Jordan

This publication, chapter 3 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, describes stand establishment and variety selection and characteristics for peanut production.

Effects of Sodium Salts on Soils in Coastal Agricultural Fields

By: Ekrem Ozlu, David Hardy, Luke Gatiboni, Matthew Ricker SoilFacts

This publication provides information on the impacts wind-driven events have on the soil fertility. Salt water from storm surges, ocean spray, and tidal surges may increase sodium levels in coastal soils, which can be toxic to plants.

Anthracnose of Soybean

By: Jean Beacorn, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean disease factsheet covers anthracnose, a fungal disease affecting maturing soybean stems and pods in North Carolina.

Lesion Nematode in Potato

By: Adrienne Gorny, Ari Grode Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

Lesion nematode damage in white or Irish potato is caused by plant-parasitic roundworms. This publication discusses the signs, symptoms, and management of the disease.

Peanut Nematode Management

By: Adrienne Gorny

This publication, chapter 7 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, discusses plant-parasitic nematodes in peanuts.

Updates to FEMA's Individual Assistance Program

By: D. Meyers, N. Pace, M. Daigle, D. Siebert, C. Franze Federal Disaster Aid

On January 22, 2024, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published a new rule changing the Individual Assistance Program. These changes aim to make the Individual Assistance program more equitable by expanding eligibility for some types of assistance, removing procedural barriers to entry, and simplifying certain processes overall.

Métodos de Enfriamiento para Cerdos en Fase de Finalización

By: Lexi A. Roof, Suzanne Leonard

Esta publicación analiza opciones para abordar el estrés por calor en las operaciones porcinas. Los temas incluyen métodos de enfriamiento por ventilación y métodos de enfriamiento directo e indirecto. Un resumen de estas opciones compara las ventajas, desventajas, costos y consumo de energía y agua asociados con cada método de enfriamiento.

Bean Sprouts and Other Vegetable Seed Sprouts

By: Larry Bass, Douglas Sanders Horticulture Information Leaflets

Sprouts from mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) have been used for food since ancient times. These sprouts have a nutrient value similar to asparagus and mushrooms, which contain high quantities of Vitamin A. Sprouts can be canned or frozen in addition to eating them fresh. Mung bean seeds can be purchased from mail-order commercial seed companies and health food chain stores. (Caution: Regardless of the source, do not use seeds that have been treated with a fungicide. Treated seeds are not edible and can be recognized by the coating of pink or green dust on the seed coat.)

Tobacco - Manganese (Mn) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Manganese (Mn) deficiency begins as an interveinal chlorosis on the upper leaves. As the symptoms progress, the interveinal chlorosis takes on a white netting type appearance. With advanced symptoms, small white spots develop and over time the spots enlarge into larger white spots.

The H-2A Visa Program in North Carolina

By: Alejandro Gutierrez-Li, Ph.D.

This factsheet shares some statistics about the H-2A visa program in North Carolina.

Bunch Grapes in the Home Garden

By: Barclay Poling, Mark Hoffmann Horticulture Information Leaflets

Grapes are welcome summer treats that can be eaten fresh, processed into jellies, jams, juice or even fermented into wine. Grapes are adapted to many soil types, and can be quite long-lived. There are basically two kinds of grapes grown in North Carolina, bunch grapes and muscadine. Bunch grapes produce berries in large clusters, and grow best in the mountains and piedmont areas. In coastal plain areas, Pierce's disease kills or shortens the life expectancy of many popular bunch grapes. Muscadine grapes, exemplified by the Scuppernong variety and noted for having smaller clusters, are not affected by this disease.

Japanese Beetle

By: Jim Walgenbach

Japanese beetle description, life history, damage, and control.

San Jose Scale

By: Jim Walgenbach

San Jose scale description, life history, damage, and control.

Gleaned Sweetpotatoes: Storage, Recipes, and Quick Facts

By: Zandra Alford, Dara Bloom, Devan Conley, Faircloth Blake, Jessica Simmons-Josilevich, Keeya Turner, Chanel Wilson, Jackie Helton

Do you have sweetpotatoes that have been gleaned that you plan on using or donating? This resource provides storage information along with family friendly recipes and quick tips about preparation. Great resource for food pantries or anyone who might be receiving gleaned sweetpotatoes that haven't been cured.

Soybean Seedling Diseases

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Soybean seedling disease is caused by several different pathogens. While cultural management is the same across seedling diseases, chemical management may differ depending on prevalent pathogen and environmental conditions.

Irrigation for Vegetables: Understanding Evapotranspiration and Its Importance

By: Emmanuel Torres Quezada

Efficient irrigation is crucial for vegetable production in North Carolina, where weather variability demands careful water management. This publication explains the concept of evapotranspiration (ET)—the combined water loss from soil and plants—and its significance in determining crop water needs. Key topics include the types of ET, the role of the crop coefficient (Kc) in tailoring ET calculations for specific crops and growth stages, and practical steps for using ET and Kc to optimize irrigation. By understanding these principles, farmers can improve water use efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance crop yields while promoting sustainable farming practices.

Apple Maggot

By: Jim Walgenbach

This publication offers information on the description, life history, and control of the apple maggot.

Annual and Periodical Cicada

By: Jim Walgenbach, Stephen Schoof

Cicada impacts on apple - description, life cycle, damage, and control.

Muscadine Grape Production Guide for the Southeast

By: Mark Hoffmann, Patrick Conner, Phillip Brannen, Hannah Burrack, Wayne Mitchem, Bill Cline, Penelope Perkins-Veazie, Barclay Poling

This muscadine grape production guide will help the increasing number of North Carolina farmers who are considering growing and marketing this fruit as a farm diversification option.

Tobacco - Boron (B) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Tobacco plants that are B deficient are stunted very early on in production when compared to healthy plants. Initial symptoms involve a noticeable distortion at the growing point. The youngest leaves will develop kinks and other unusual growth patterns. Additionally, the upper leaves will be very thick and brittle to the touch. It has a very distinct “ridged” feeling compared to healthy plants. Symptoms can progress very quickly once initial symptoms are observed. The distorted terminal bud will quickly become necrotic and may abscise from the plant. The older foliage will often become darker green in coloration and will also become distorted. The leaves will begin to curl downward and will take on a crinkled appearance.

Precision Agriculture Technology: How to Become a Commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Pilot

By: Gary Roberson

This publication discusses flying unmanned aerial vehicles (drones, model aircraft) for commercial purposes. You'll learn about the requirements becoming a commercial UAV pilot and how to obtain a remote pilot certificate.

Comstock Mealybug

By: Jim Walgenbach

Comstock mealybug description, life history, damage, and control.

NC State Local Grass-Fed Beef Production Guidelines

By: Matt Poore Local Foods: NC State Finished Beef Production Guidelines

This publication provides production protocol guidelines developed by North Carolina State University and Amazing Grazing to assist producers in creating local grass-fed beef production systems.

Management of Palmer Amaranth in Sweetpotato

By: Stephen C. Smith, Katie Jennings

Palmer amaranth is the most common and most troublesome weed in North Carolina sweetpotato. This publication discusses Palmer amaranth identification, reproduction and growth habit, impacts on sweetpotato yield and quality, and weed management options.

Nitrogen (N) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) research update, we highlight the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop in the Southeast used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feedstock, high protein meal, and jet fuel. It is similar in management to canola given both canola and carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops. However, carinata oil is not edible.

Peachtree Borer

By: Jim Walgenbach

This publication describes the peachtree borer's life history, damage, and control.

Apple Powdery Mildew

By: Sara Villani Apple Pathology Factsheets

This apple pathology factsheet describes apple powdery mildew, including identification and disease management.

Alternative Product Demonstration and Research Guidelines for Extension Agents

By: Luke Gatiboni, Robert Richardson, Hannah Burrack, Lindsey Thiessen, Joe Neal, Katie Jennings

This publication provides guidance to Extension agents on how to design and conduct trials and demonstrations on alternative products for plant and soil health and pest and disease control purposes. It provides standardized experimental design criteria and best practices for planning and executing trials for these products.

Boron (B) Toxicity of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) research update, we highlight the symptoms of boron toxicity. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop in the Southeast used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feedstock, high protein meal, and jet fuel. It is similar in management to canola given both canola and carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops. However, carinata oil is not edible.

Establishing Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer Rates for Floral Hemp Production

By: Maggie Short, Matthew Vann, David Suchoff, Michelle McGinnis, Keith Edmisten, Brian Whipker

This publication provides nitrogen and potassium fertilizer recommendations for optimum floral hemp yield and cannabidiol production while also understanding how nutrient rates affect THC production.

Calf Care Guide for Youth

By: Stephanie Ward

This publication provides information about common calf health issues and steps youth can take to evaluate calf health and treat sick calves.

Meet the Residents

By: Elsa Youngsteadt, Meredith Favre

The second chapter in the collection, How to Manage a Successful Bee Hotel, highlights some of the common occupants of bee hotels in North Carolina and their nesting requirements. It also details the seasons when adults are most often active (foraging and building nests) and describes body sizes and tunnel diameters.

Cool-Season Annual Forages for Pasture-Based Livestock Systems

By: Miguel Castillo

Cool-season annual forages like wheat, oats, and ryegrass can be used to feed livestock in North Carolina during late autumn and spring. This publication explains how these forages can be grown, managed, and used as supplements. It also reports the results of a trial showing how cool-season forages perform in terms of establishment, productivity, and nutritive value.

Tobacco - Magnesium (Mg) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Tobacco that is deficient in magnesium (Mg) will initially develop symptoms on the lower or older foliage. These symptoms occur as an interveinal chlorosis that begins on the leaf margin, typically toward the leaf tip. Mg is mobile within plant tissues and will readily translocated from older leaves to the young developing tissues during limited Mg conditions.

Land Application of Municipal Sludge: Advantages and Concerns

By: Albert Rubin, L. M. Safley, Joe Zublena SoilFacts

This factsheet explains how proper land application of municipal biosolids can protect public health and maintain or improve environmental quality and it encourages the beneficial use of wastes.

Soil Fertility on Organic Farms

By: Keith Baldwin CEFS

Throughout this manual we have discussed how organic farmers strive to build healthy soil in order to create the best possible environment for plant growth. A healthy soil is primarily defined by its fertility, which in turn depends largely on the interactions of its physical, chemical, and biological properties.

Root Inhibitors

By: Joe Neal, Doug Goodale, Katie Jennings Herbicide Injury Factsheets

This factsheet describes the symptoms of root-inhibiting herbicide injuries.

Soybean Fertilizer Burn

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

Fertilizer burn can occur to the soybean seed from an in-furrow application and to the foliage from a foliar application. An in-furrow application can cause salt injury or ammonium toxicity to the soybean seed. Fertilizer is somewhat rarely applied to soybeans over-the-crop, however if it is done fertilizer burn can occur depending on source and concentration. This factsheet discusses the symptoms and management of fertilizer burn.

ALS-Inhibiting Herbicide Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses ALS-inhibiting herbicide injury on soybean.

Calcium (Ca) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) research update, we highlight the symptoms of calcium deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop in the Southeast used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feedstock, high protein meal, and jet fuel. It is similar in management to canola given both canola and carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops. However, carinata oil is not edible.


By: Stephanie Ward, Sarah Allen, Rose Vaughan

Part of the Guide to Mycotoxins Commonly Found in Animal Feeds, this factsheet provides information about occurrence, regulation, and toxicosis for zearalenone.

Key Management Strategies to Increase North Carolina Soybean Yield: What We Have Learned From 877 Soybean Yield Contest Entries

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy, Katherine Drake-Stowe, Greg Buol

This publication, chapter 10 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide identifies the management strategies that have been the strongest predictors of high soybean yield based on decades of information gathered through the North Carolina Soybean Yield contests.

Cooling Methods for Finishing Swine

By: Lexi A. Roof, Suzanne M. Leonard

This publication discusses options for addressing heat stress in swine operations. Topics include ventilation cooling methods and direct and indirect cooling methods. A summary of these options compares the advantages, disadvantages, costs, and energy and water consumption associated with each cooling method.

Fundamentals of Precision Agriculture for Vegetable Crops

By: Emmanuel Torres Quezada, Jing Zhang

Precision agriculture (PA), often referred to as "smart farming" or "precision farming," represents a transformative paradigm shift in the field of horticultural sciences, particularly when applied to vegetable cultivation. The fundamentals of PA involve site-specific management of inputs such as water, fertilizer, and pesticides. Nowadays, PA leverages advances in remote sensing, robotics, and data science to optimize crop production, enhance both yield and resource efficiency, and minimize environmental impacts. This article introduces PA technologies and recent advances, along with the potential benefits they bring to vegetable production. It also provides considerations for growers interested in adopting PA technologies in their operations.

Slugs in Strawberries

By: Lorena Lopez, Hannah Burrack, Aurora Toennisson

This factsheet describes slugs and their impact on strawberries.

Twospotted Spider Mite

By: Jim Walgenbach

Twospotted spider mite description, life history, damage, and control.

Obliquebanded Leafroller

By: Jim Walgenbach

Obliquebanded leafroller description, life history, damage, and control.

The North Carolina Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool (PLAT)

By: David Crouse, David Hardy, Josh Spencer, John Classen, Erin Rivers, Steph Kulesza SoilFacts

Phosphorus management is an important aspect of the USDA-NCRS nutrient management standard. Anyone applying animal waste or fertilizer in a nutrient-impaired subwatershed must determine potential phosphorus loss from each field. This publication describes the P-Index or Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool that is used in North Carolina for this purpose.

Tobacco - Phosphorus (P) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Phosphorus (P) deficiency in tobacco begins as a noticeable stunting when compared to a plant with a sufficient supply of P. Additionally, a P deficient tobacco plant may develop a darker green coloration of the upper foliage. Lower leaves will become chlorotic with a mottling of olive green leaf spots. The initial symptoms appearing on the lower foliage may be attributed to the fact that P is mobile within plant tissues and is translocated from these older leaves to the young developing tissues under periods of low P.

Peanut Disease Management

By: LeAnn Lux, Barbara Shew

This publication, chapter 6 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, provides details on how to use integrated methods to manage major peanut diseases.

Situation and Outlook

By: Jeffrey H. Dorfman, Derek Washburn, David L. Jordan

This publication, chapter 1 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, describes the current landscape of peanut production in North Carolina.

Cercospora Leaf Blight of Soybean

By: Sarah Cochran, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Cercospora blight is a common foliar disease of soybeans in North Carolina. Early symptoms may mimic several other common soybean problems, and accurate diagnosis is important for selecting management practices.

Aerial Web Blight

By: Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean disease factsheet covers aerial web blight, a generally minor disease of soybean in North Carolina.

Estimating Available Time to Plant and Harvest Peanuts

By: Jason Ward, Terry Griffin, David Jordan, Gary Roberson

This publication looks at historical records to estimate the number of days available for planting and harvesting peanuts in North Carolina. The goal is to provide producers with information to help plan for the available days suitable for field work and make decisions about peanut equipment and working acreage.

Ochratoxin A

By: Stephanie Ward, Sarah Allen, Rose Vaughan

Part of the Guide to Mycotoxins Commonly Found in Animal Feeds, this factsheet provides information about occurrence, regulation, and toxicosis for ochratoxin A.

Induced Molting as a Management Tool

By: Ken Anderson

Because of increasing economic pressure related to capital costs, egg prices, feed prices, and replacement pullet costs, the commercial egg industry must maximize the use of its resources. The need to lower production costs have led many enterprises to use induced molting programs.

Aphid Predatory Midge

By: Jim Walgenbach

Midge description, life history, and predation.

Tobacco - Boron (B) Toxicity

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Boron (B) is an essential element that frequently exhibits deficiency symptoms if it is in limited supply. Growers often apply additional B to avoid deficiencies, but if too much B is applied, there is the risk of B toxicity symptoms developing. Boron toxicities initially appear on the lower, older leaves. Early symptoms of boron toxicity will appear as wrinkling of the lower leaves and interveinal chlorosis along the leaf margin. The wrinkling is most likely caused by the lack of cell expansion when toxic levels of B are present. This wrinkling will develop across the leaf’s surface resulting in leaf deformation. Over time the interveinal chlorosis will move inward and develop over most of the leaf. Cells will rapidly die when excess B is supplied, resulting in necrotic spotting. With advanced symptomology, chlorosis and necrosis will progress up the plant to other leaves.

How Rising Fertilizer Prices Affect Optimum Nitrogen Rates

By: John Havlin, Geoff Benson SoilFacts

This publication helps farmers decide whether to reduce fertilization rates in order to achieve maximum profits due to increases in nitrogen fertilizer prices.

Fig Culture in North Carolina

By: Melvin Kolbe, Kathleen Williams

The fig is native to the Mediterranean Basin. You may already be familiar with some members of the fig family, such as the ornamental rubber tree, the mulberry, and the Osage orange or hedge apple. Figs are grown over much of eastern North Carolina and westward into the Piedmont. If your soil is well-drained and reasonably fertile, you most likely will have success growing figs in North Carolina.

Offsetting Drought for Small-Scale Vegetable Production in North Carolina

By: Jeanine Davis, Robert Evans, Garry Grabow, Bill Jester, Billy Little, Allan Thornton, Jonathan Schultheis

A good source of water is a necessity for producing quality vegetables. During periods of drought, crop diversification and mulches can be used to cope with drought situations, but nothing will substitute for the timely application of water. This publication covers some guidelines for irrigation systems to help offset periods of drought in the Southeast United States.

Peanut Insect and Mite Management

By: Dominic Reisig

This publication, chapter 5 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, reviews insect control issues in peanut production.

Peanut Seed

By: David Jordan, Dustin Auman, Charles Barnes

This publication, chapter 2 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, presents information on peanut seed.

Extension Programming Models

By: Joseph Donaldson

This publication illustrates the NC State Extension Model for Program Planning and Evaluation for proactive and reactive programming.

Agricultural Subsurface Drainage Cost in North Carolina

By: Chad Poole, Mohamed Youssef, Wayne Skaggs

Subsurface drainage is beneficial to agricultural lands by improving crop yield and eliminating prolonged wet periods without taking land out of production. This publication provides an overview of the costs of installing subsurface drainage on agricultural lands in North Carolina.

Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus of Soybean

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean disease information factsheet describes the symptoms and disease cycle of the cowpea chlorotic mottle virus, a disease of soybean and cowpea in North Carolina.

What If Bee Hotels Aren’t Actually Good for Bees?

By: Elsa Youngsteadt, Meredith Favre

This chapter in the collection, How to Manage a Successful Bee Hotel, responds to critiques of bee hotels and their impact on bee populations.

Optimizing Floral Hemp Biomass through Proper Transplant Timing and Density

By: David Suchoff, Eric Linder, Shannon Henriquez Inoa

This publication discusses the results of field trials conducted in 2020 and 2021 to determine the effects of transplant date and plant spacing on plant height and width for floral hemp. These results can help farmers make planting decisions to maximize biomass yields per acre.

Farm to Early Care and Education Resource Guide for North Carolina Extension Agents

By: Caroline Hundley, Shironda Brown, Der Holcomb, Courtney Tevepaugh, Dara Bloom, Marcus McFarland, Lucy Bradley, Ivelisse Colón, Eli Snyder

This resource guide explores how Early Care and Education programs serve families and show potential collaborations for Extension agents; inspires new local collaboration by highlighting successful programs within communities; and encourages cross-program activities to increase program support from Extension across North Carolina.

Sap Beetles in Strawberries

By: Lorena Lopez, Hannah Burrack, Aurora Toennisson

This factsheet describes sap beetles and their impact on North Carolina strawberries.

Lesser Peachtree Borer

By: Jim Walgenbach

Lesser peachtree borer description, life history, damage, and control.

Insidious Plant Bug

By: Jim Walgenbach

Insidious plant bug description, life history, and predation.

Green Fruitworm

By: Jim Walgenbach

Green fruitworm description, life cycle, damage, and control.

Understanding Climate, Planning, and Response Terms Within the Forestry Context

By: John Hastings, Mark Megalos, Heather Aldridge

New and existing professionals working in the realm of climate education, research, and outreach need to be clear in their terminology and usage. This glossary compiles the most commonly used terms and definitions for academics, researchers, and educators to communicate effectively in this emerging arena. To enhance understanding, key terms include a separate interpretative explanation of the concept “Why this matters.”

Tobacco - Calcium (Ca) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Calcium (Ca) is essential for proper plant development and leaf expansion. A calcium deficiency will first manifest in the youngest foliage because Ca is an immobile element within the plant. As calcium deficiency progresses, the developmental damages will also advance. The integral role of Ca in leaf development makes its early diagnosis vital to tobacco production.

Tobacco - Molybdenum (Mo) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Molybdenum (Mo) deficiency has not been reported under field conditions. (Descriptions based on the book, Hunger Signs of Crops, 3rd Edition, edited by H.B. Sprague.) Under controlled greenhouse conditions, tobacco plants are slightly stunted when Mo is limited. The lower foliage of the plant develops a chlorosis, initially as a pale green, then the spots progress to a necrosis. The leaves may be crinkled and become bent or twisted.

Investigating Cover Crop Mulches in North Carolina Cotton Production

By: Rachel Atwell Vann, Chris Reberg-Horton, Keith Edmisten, Alan York

This publication discusses the methods and results of a study researching the benefits of cover crop mulches in cotton production. Cover crops provide nutrients to subsequent crops while conserving soil moisture and suppressing weeds, pests, and diseases without adversely affecting yield.

Asparagus Crown Production

By: Chris Gunter Horticulture Information Leaflets

Producing asparagus crowns for sale or use is simple and profitable. Careful attention to details described here is important so that all requirements for certified plant production can be met. Certified plants are most saleable and bring a premium price. One-year-old crowns will produce a healthy asparagus planting.

Añublo lanoso en cucurbitáceas

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo, Emma Wallace Hoja informativa de patógenos de vegetales

Esta Hoja de Datos de Patología Vegetal fue publicada en inglés en 2013 por la Dra. Lina Quesada, Laboratorio de Patología Vegetal de la NCSU. La Dra. Angela M. Linares Ramírez, de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, tradujo la hoja informativa al español en 2017.

Pierce’s Disease Vectors in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet offers information on Pierce's Disease, a bacterial disease of grapes in North Carolina.

Target Spot of Tobacco

By: Daisy Ahumada Tobacco Disease Information

Target spot is a potentially devastating leaf spot disease in tobacco in North Carolina. This factsheet summarizes the signs and symptoms and offers treatment plans.

Phytopthora Root and Stem Rot of Soybean

By: Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Phytophthora root and stem rot is a common pathogen in North Carolina due to our frequent wet weather. This factsheet describes the symptoms and management of the disease in soybean production.

Red Crown Rot of Soybean

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This factsheet covers the signs, symptoms, and management of red crown rot, a problem in soybean production in North Carolina.

Nowcasting and Forecasting Coliform Bacteria Contamination in Coastal Systems

By: Megan Carr, Natalie Nelson, Shelia Saia, Sierra Young, Steven Hall

This publication discusses the challenges of accurately testing for fecal coliform bacteria in coastal waters. It includes information about fecal coliform bacteria and how they affect coast systems and provides options for sampling and computer modeling methods that help growers, regulators, and coastal communities make decisions about coastal activities.

Quantifying Pasture Productivity

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication discusses methods to measure the amount of grass available for grazing to help farmers better manage their fields and animals. It covers techniques like hand-clipping and indirect methods such as using tools to estimate grass height. Estimating forages is important for ensuring animals have enough food and maintaining healthy pastures.

Public Cost-Incentive Programs for Conservation Practices

By: Austin Menker

This factsheet describes public programs designed to reduce barriers for growers wanting to implement practices like cover crops and conservation tillage and enhance the adoption of conservation practices.

European Red Mite

By: Jim Walgenbach

European red mite description, life history, damage, and control.


By: Jim Walgenbach

Lacewing description, life history, and predation.


By: Larry Bass Horticulture Information Leaflets

Lack of yard space is no excuse for not growing a vegetable garden. Regardless of whether you live in an apartment, condominium or mobile home, some space us available for growing a few of your favorite vegetables. However, the area you choose to grow your garden must receive five hours or more of sunlight daily. As a general rule, leafy vegetables such as cabbage and mustard greens can tolerate more shade than root vegetables like radishes and beets. Vegetables that bear fruit such as peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers will need the most sun.

Plan Before You Plant

By: Joe Neal Weed Facts

Supplemental hand weeding accounts for the majority of landscape bed maintenance costs. When used exclusively, it can cost 10 to 100 times as much as an effective herbicide or mulching program. However, many of the costly and unsightly weed problems can be avoided or at least minimized with a little planning. Developing a landscape weed management plan involves five basic steps.

Chapter 3. Choice of Varieties

By: Andy Allen, Barclay Poling, Amy-Lynn Albertson

North Carolina has one of the most varied climates of any eastern state, and a diverse number of grape species and varieties can be grown. But to be a successful commercial winegrape grower, it is critical that you select varieties that grow well in your region and that have an established market.

Chapter 13. Appendix Contact Information

By: Barclay Poling

This publication contains contact information for the authors of The North Carolina Winegrape Grower's Guide.

Long-Term Tillage Effects on Corn and Soybean Yields in the Piedmont

By: Ekrem Ozlu, Joshua Heitman, A. M. Howard SoilFacts

This publication discusses tillage treatments for large-seeded crops like corn and soybeans in the Piedmont region and recommends minimizing tillage based on research at the Upper Piedmont Research Station.

Peanut Growth and Development and Peanut Industry Terminology

By: David L. Jordan

This publication, chapter 11 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, offers information on peanut growth and development, including grading.

Management of Yellow Nutsedge in Sweetpotato

By: Shawn C. Beam, Katie M. Jennings

This publication discusses the impacts of yellow nutsedge on sweetpotato crops and includes information on weed identification and management.

Potato Leafhopper

By: Jim Walgenbach

Potato leafhopper description, life history, damage, and control.

Green Cloverworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This Soybean Insect Factsheet describes the biology, identification, and control of green cloverworm in soybeans in North Carolina.

Spider Mites in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

Two-spotted spider mites are a common pest of North Carolina grapes. This factsheet discusses the biology, damage, and control of these pests.

Asian Soybean Rust

By: Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Although uncommonly observed in North Carolina, soybean rust can be a yield limiting disease for soybeans. Proper identification is important to developing a management strategy.

Redbanded Leafroller

By: Jim Walgenbach

Redbanded leafroller description, life cycle, damage, and control.

Grapes and Berries for the Garden

By: Barclay Poling, Gina Fernandez, R. A. Allen

This guide provides home gardeners with instructions for growing strawberries, blueberries, brambles (blackberries and raspberries), and grapes.

Tufted Apple Bud Moth

By: Jim Walgenbach

Tufted apple bud moth description, life cycle, monitoring, and control.

Using Web Marketplaces to Reach Untapped Markets

By: Bruno Ferreira, Duarte Morais, Mary Lorscheider

This publication explains how microentrepreneurs can use emerging web-based marketplaces to sell services, goods, and experiences to untapped markets.

Fresh Market Tomato Production Piedmont and Coastal Plain of North Carolina

By: Chris Gunter Horticulture Information Leaflets

The tomato is a warm season crop. With special production practices you can produce your first tomatoes in 60 days. This crop can be grown for production from June through November by choosing the right varieties and production practices. Generally, tomatoes require a large investment in time and labor, but increase in intensity of management is repaid by increased yields and profits.

Devrinol (napropamide)

By: Joe Neal Herbicide Information Factsheets

This pesticide factsheet covers the use and characteristics of Devrinol (napropamide).

Peanut Weed Management

By: David L. Jordan

This publication, chapter 4 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, discusses effective weed management in peanut production.

Añublo polvoriento en cucurbitáceas

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo Hoja informativa de patógenos de vegetales

Esta Hoja de Datos de Patología Vegetal fue publicada en inglés en 2015 por la Dra. Lina Quesada, Laboratorio de Patología Vegetal de la NCSU. Traducido y revisado al español por: Angela Linares-Ramírez Catedrática Auxiliar, UPRM Fecha de traducción al español: 23 de marzo de 2017

NC State Local Pasture-Raised and Pasture-Finished Beef Production Guidelines

By: Matt Poore Local Foods: NC State Finished Beef Production Guidelines

This publication provides production protocol guidelines developed by North Carolina State University and Amazing Grazing to assist producers in creating local pasture-raised and pasture-finished beef production systems.

How to Sell Pastured Meat Products to Grocery Stores via Direct Store Delivery

By: Sarah Blacklin, Rebecca Dunning, Joanna Lelekacs Local Foods

This publication guides small- and medium-scale pastured meat producers in North Carolina through the steps of selling niche meat products to grocery stores.

Management Practices for Controlling Mycotoxins in Corn: A Three-Year Summary

By: Megan Molo, Ron Heiniger, Leah Boerema, Ignazio Carbone

This publication summarizes the findings of a three-year study that analyzed the effects of fungicides, bio controls, and Bt hybrids on reducing mycotoxins in corn. It reviews effectiveness, application rate, and yield for each control option.

Challenges with Herbicide Resistance and Value of Cultural Practices in Managing Weeds: Examples from Research in North Carolina

By: Ramon Leon Gonzalez, David Jordan, Katie Jennings, David Monks, Matthew Vann, Loren Fisher, Wesley Everman, Charlie Cahoon, Matt Inman, Chris Reberg-Horton, Rachel Vann, Denis Mahoney, Drew Hare, Alan York

A few weed species in North Carolina have become pervasive across the state and are frequently found in different crops. They form dense populations and reduce yields, making production more challenging. This publication discusses herbicide-resistant biotypes in agronomic and vegetable crops in North Carolina and reviews herbicide resistance management recommendations.

Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus

By: Sarah Cochran, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This factsheet offers information on the signs, disease cycle, and management of soybean vein necrosis virus (SVNV), an occasional foliar problem in soybean in North Carolina.

Tarnished Plant Bug

By: Jim Walgenbach

Tarnished plant bug description, life history, damage, and control.

Tobacco - Iron (Fe) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Iron (Fe) deficiency does not readily occur under field conditions. To better catalog this deficiency, we induced Fe stress under a controlled greenhouse study. In NC State University trials, interveinal chlorosis (yellowing) developed on the youngest leaves. Over time the chlorotic areas became more pronounced.

Gemini (isoxaben + prodiamine)

By: Joe Neal, Jeffrey Derr, Chris Marble Herbicide Information Factsheets

This pesticide factsheet covers the use and characteristics of Gemini (isoxaben + prodiamine).

Best Practices for Utilizing Local Food in Nutrition Education and Cooking Classes

By: Dara Bloom, Margie Mansure, Zandra Alford Local Foods

This publication provides practical tips on how to promote health eating by incorporating fresh, local foods into nutrition education and cooking classes. Topics include getting started, knowing what's in season, and where to buy local foods.

Herbicide Injury – ACCase Inhibitors

By: Doug Goodale, Joe Neal Herbicide Injury Factsheets

This factsheet describes the symptoms of a lipid biosynthesis (Acetyl CoA carboxylase or ACCase) inhibitor herbicide injury.

Grape Root Borer in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet describes the identification and management of the grape root borer, a caterpillar that feeds on the roots of grape plants in North Carolina.

Brown Spot of Soybean

By: Andrew Ernst, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Brown spot is a common pathogen in soybeans in North Carolina. Symptoms from brown spot may be confused with other leaf spot pathogens, and accurate diagnosis is important for management decisions.

Seed Decay and Pod Blight

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean disease factsheet discusses various fungi that cause seed decay and pod blight of soybean in North Carolina.

Reniform Nematode of Soybean

By: Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

The reniform nematode is not a common nematode pressure for soybean growers in North Carolina, but is limited to several southern counties of the state. This factsheet will help growers identify and management the nematodes in soybean production in North Carolina.


By: Stephanie Ward, Sarah Allen, Rose Vaughan

Part of the Guide to Mycotoxins Commonly Found in Animal Feeds, this factsheet provides information about occurrence, regulation, and toxicosis for aflatoxin.

Screening Sesame for Resistance to Multiple Root-Knot Nematode Species

By: David Suchoff, Adrienne Gorny, Marcela Chavez, Angela Post

This publication discusses the results of greenhouse trials that screened seven sesame varieties for resistance to North Carolina's most common root-knot nematode species. The results of this research will help determine if sesame may play a role in crop rotations for producers managing these pests.

Strawberries: Late Planting and the Use of Floating Row Covers

By: Mark Hoffmann, Amanda McWhirt, Jayesh Samtani

Planting date, pre-plant soil and bed preparation and plant quality are the three important pillars that make the foundations for a successful crop. In this guide we will describe what to do before and after a late planting, as well as how to use floating row covers to improve growing degree days and plant growth.

Green Apple Aphid / Spirea Aphid

By: Jim Walgenbach

Green apple and spirea aphids - description, life history, damage, and control.

Conserving Working Lands: A Land Legacy Workbook with Tools and Resources to Guide Your Conservation Planning Journey

By: Susan Moore, Mark Megalos, Grizel Gonzalez-Jeuck

Your land is valuable to you and your family. Protection and successful transition begins with a flexible land conservation plan. A conservation plan describes your intentions and methods to achieve a desired outcome. To achieve your specific conservation vision, there are proven checkpoints to complete your journey. These checkpoints will result in a plan you can use to enroll your land in the conservation program(s) that meets your needs. Every plan may be unique but all will have the checkpoints of the journey in common. This handbook provides the recommended checkpoints to help begin your planning journey and simple tools to help you complete a working land conservation plan.

Insurance Coverage Options for Fresh Produce Growers

By: Roderick Rejesus, Annette Dunlap Food Safety

This publication provides information to help produce growers understand the variety of insurance coverage or policies available to best cover their farms.

Cover Crops for Organic Farms

By: Keith Baldwin CEFS

Cover crops are pivotal parts of every organic farmer’s management scheme. They are crucial to the main goals of building soil health and preventing soil erosion. Cover crops are also important tools for increasing fertility and controlling weeds, pathogens, and insects in organic crops. In this publication, we will discuss planting, growing, and incorporating cover crops as amendments into the soil.

Introduction: Food Banks and Food Pantries

By: Dara Bloom, Emily Gamble Local Foods

This publication, part of the Farm to Food Bank Resource Guide, describes food banks and food pantries and their role in North Carolina.

Rotational Considerations

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy

This publication, chapter 3 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses crop rotation and cover crops in soybean production.

Variety Selection

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Ryan Heiniger

This publication, chapter 4 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses how to choose a variety of soybean to plant.

Home Composting with Earthworms

By: Rhonda Sherman

Earthworms can turn food scraps into a soil amendment called vermicompost — worm castings — which increases plant growth and reduces attacks by plant diseases and pests. Vermicomposting is easy, involves little work, and can be done indoors or outdoors. All you need is a container, bedding, worms, and worm food.

Flyspeck and Sooty Blotch

By: Sara Villani Apple Pathology Factsheets

This apple pathology factsheet describes flyspeck and sooty blotch in apple, including identification and disease management.

Green June Bug in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet describes the biology and management of the green June bug (Cotinus nitida), an occasional pest of grapes in North Carolina

Lance Nematode of Soybean

By: Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Lance nematode is not a common problem of soybeans, but can cause local damages in fields where it is found. This factsheet covers the symptoms and management of lance nematodes in North Carolina.

FloodWise Flood Mitigation and Reduction Practices Budget Tools

By: Meredith Hovis, Fred Cubbage, Robert Bardon

This publication provides a set of budget tools for the ten most promising nature-based solutions for flood reduction in Eastern North Carolina, which include common farm practices of no-till, cover crops, and tree planting to more complex NBS of wetland creation, water farming, and low-rise earthen berms and retention basins with flashboard risers. These budget tools are the result of research termed “FloodWise” to describe the water quality, flood mitigation, farm benefits, and community engagement and governance connections.

Connecting to Early Childhood Partners in Your Community

By: Caroline Hundley, Shironda Brown, Der Holcomb, Courtney Tevepaugh, Dara Bloom, Marcus McFarland, Lucy Bradley, Ivelisse Colón, Eli Snyder

This chapter of the Farm to Early Care and Education Resource Guide for North Carolina Extension Agents discusses potential partner organizations.

Sesame’s Impact on Root-Knot Nematode Populations

By: Norman Harrell, Tommy Batts, Shannon Henriquez Inoa, Adrienne Gorny, David Suchoff

Soils were collected from three farms in Wilson County before and after a sesame crop. These farms have a history of root-knot nematode and the growers were interested to see how sesame might impact nematode populations. Nematode populations dropped between 81% and 97%, depending on the farm. These results indicate that sesame may play an important role as an IPM tool to reduce nematode populations in traditional row crop rotations.

Leguminous Cover Crops in Organic Cannabinoid Hemp Production

By: Hannah Moshay, Allissa Halker, Alex Woodley, David Suchoff

This publication focuses on organic hemp production in North Carolina, where hemp is cultivated for cannabidiol (CBD) from female flowers. Researchers compared organic nitrogen sources and bedding systems to assess their impact on plant-available nitrogen, cannabinoid content, and floral hemp biomass throughout the growing season.

Performance of Bermudagrass Cultivars in North Carolina Spray Fields

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication discusses the year-of- and year-after-establishment dynamics, management, environment, and productivity for five bermudagrass cultivars grown in spray fields in North Carolina.

Variegated Leafroller

By: Jim Walgenbach

Variegated leafroller description, life cycle, damage, and control.

Chapter 14. Glossary

By: Barclay Poling

This publication contains a glossary of the terms used in The North Carolina Winegrape Grower's Guide.

Tobacco - Copper (Cu) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Copper (Cu) deficiency is extremely rare, consequently it is not normally seen in field conditions. To help with the diagnosis and treatment of Cu deficiency, we induced Cu stress under controlled greenhouse studies. In NC State University trials, symptoms first developed in the middle part of the plant. The middle region of the leaf developed brown veins, which quickly turned black. The tissue surrounding the veins became chlorotic. Symptoms progress up the plant to the younger leaves.

Composting at NC Residential and Summer Camps

By: Rhonda Sherman, Eric Caldwell

Residential camps generate food scraps from meal preparation, plate scrapings, and leftover or spoiled food. Many camps have horses, resulting in manure to manage. Composting and vermicomposting are viable options for managing food scraps, horse manure, and other types of organic waste materials.

Phosphorus (P) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Angela Post, Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Brian Whipker, Michael Mulvaney From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) update, we highlight the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feed stock, high protein meal, and rocket jet fuel. It is similar in management to Canola given both Canola and Carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops.

Selling Fluid Milk to Grocery Stores Through Direct Store Delivery

By: Krista Morgan, John Day, Joanna Lelekacs Local Foods

This publication will help you start selling fluid milk directly to grocery stores. Approaching retailers, labeling, invoicing, vendor requirements and delivery are covered.

NC State Local Finished Beef Production Guidelines

By: Matt Poore Local Foods: NC State Finished Beef Production Guidelines

This publication provides production protocol guidelines developed by North Carolina State University and Amazing Grazing to assist producers in creating beef finishing systems.

Tomatoes for Processing in Eastern North Carolina

By: Chris Gunter Horticulture Information Leaflets

The per-capita consumption of processed tomatoes has increased steadily in recent years. This has been due to changes in eating habits and development of new and better products. Over 8 million tons of processed tomatoes are produced in the United States annually. Average yields for the United States are 25 tons per acre while the range is 9 to 40 tons per acre. North Carolina growers can produce high yields of processing tomatoes. Satisfactory color, pH, sugar and acid content needed to produce a fine quality canned product can be attained if tomatoes are grown according to recommended practices.

Evaluating Damage From Deer Feeding On North Carolina Cotton

By: Guy Collins, Keith Edmisten

This publication discusses the yield losses, delayed maturity, and management associated with damaged caused by deer feeding on cotton crops.

Bean Pod Mottle Virus

By: Raymond Garcia Rodriguez, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Virus diseases like bean pod mottle virus can significantly impact soybean yields when disease pressure is high. This factsheet describes the identification and management of bean pod mottle virus.

Four Lessons to Build Resilience in Agritourism

By: Sara Brune, Olivia Vila, Danielle Lawson, Whitney Knollenberg

This publication documents the lessons learned by agritourism operators whose businesses were impacted by the COVID-19 crisis in North Carolina. Understanding the practices used by these operators provides insights for strengthening the industry's resilience during a public health crisis.

Under Trellis Cover Crops for North Carolina Vineyards

By: William Gill Giese, Mark Hoffmann

This publication discusses research on under trellis cover crops at a North Carolina commercial vineyard and the impact of the practice on grapevine vigor, yield, vine balance, and fruit chemistry. It also covers under trellis cover crop management, common pitfalls, and mistakes to avoid.

Common Types of Federal Disaster Aid for Major Storms

By: N. Pace, M. Daigle, S. Hanson, D. Meyers Federal Disaster Aid

The federal government provides several types of disaster aid related to major storm events. Aid programs can be provided to individuals as well as communities. The specific type of aid available will depend on the storm event and its disaster declaration. The disaster declaration will establish the locations and type of aid available for that disaster.

Manejo del Coquillo Amarillo en el Cultivo de Camote

By: Shawn C. Beam, Katie M. Jennings

El coquillo amarillo (Cyperus esculentus) es la segunda maleza más problemática después del amaranto Palmer (Amaranthus palmerii) y la tercera maleza más frecuente en el cultivo de camote en Carolina del Norte después del amaranto y la maleza alfombra (Mollugo verticillata).

Biomass Production of Biofumigant Cover Crops - 'Caliente' Mustard and Oilseed Radish

By: Ryan A. Pekarek, Greg Hoyt, David Monks, Katie Jennings

A new group of cover crops for winter and summer use include mustards, oilseed radishes and turnips. When young, these plants resemble turnip greens, are very succulent and have a low C:N ratio, resulting in rapid decomposition when incorporated into the soil. However, if allowed to mature, bolt and flower, they produce a large amount of biomass in a short period of time and become woody, resulting in slower decomposition than when killed at an immature stage.

Chapter 4. Vineyard Site Selection

By: Barclay Poling, Ryan Boyles, Carlos Carpio

Grapes grown in North Carolina are sometimes exposed to unfavorable climatic conditions and biological pests that can reduce crops and injure or kill grapevines. Climatic threats include low winter temperatures, late spring frosts, excessive summer heat, and unpredictable precipitation. Biological pests include fungal pathogens and insects that attack the foliage and fruit of vines, as well as birds, deer, and other wildlife that consume fruit and shoots.Vineyard site selection greatly affects both the frequency and severity of these problems and is one of the most important factors affecting profitability in viticulture.

Conservation Tillage on Organic Farms

By: Keith Baldwin, Nancy Creamer CEFS

This online publication describes how cover crops affect the soil, how to establish cover crops, and how to manage their residue. It includes a review of the winter and summer cover crops recommended for North Carolina. The authors also discuss the economics of planting cover crops and some concerns to consider when planting cover crops.

Scouting for Freeze Injury in North Carolina Winter Wheat

By: Angela Post, Ryan Heiniger

This factsheet discusses the signs and symptoms of freeze injury in winter wheat.

HPPD and Clomazone Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses HPPD and clomazine injury on soybean.

Potassium (K) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) research update, we highlight the symptoms of potassium deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop in the Southeast used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feedstock, high protein meal, and jet fuel. It is similar in management to canola given both canola and carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops. However, carinata oil is not edible.

Sulfur (S) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) research update, we highlight the symptoms of sulfur deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop in the Southeast used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feedstock, high protein meal, and jet fuel. It is similar in management to canola given both canola and carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops. However, carinata oil is not edible.

Screw Press Separation of Manure

By: Rebecca Larson, Horacio Aguirre-Villegas, Mahmoud Sharara, Joseph Sanford, Zong Liu, Linda Schott Manure Processing for Farm Sustainability

Screw press separators can divide a single by-product stream into a solid and liquid stream to improve handling and management. These processing systems are commonly used in manure handling systems but can be used for management of many organic streams. For example, a wet digestion system that accepts food waste may also integrate the technology following anaerobic digestion. Regardless of the application, screw press separators are more efficient in removing solids from manure slurry streams (greater than four percent total solids or dry matter content) than with more dilute liquid manure streams. The systems are known to improve manure handling as well as reduce environmental impacts of livestock systems.

Biochar Production through Slow Pyrolysis of Animal Manure

By: Joseph Sanford, Horacio Aguirre-Villegas, Rebecca Larson, Mahmoud Sharara, Zong Liu, Linda Schott Manure Processing for Farm Sustainability

Transporting livestock manure to nutrient deficient fields can often be cost prohibitive without manure processing. Pyrolysis converts manure solids into biochar resulting in significant mass and volume reduction, while retaining high nutrient value. This fact sheet introduces the basics of pyrolysis technology, discusses the benefits and end uses of manure-derived biochar, and provides an overview of cost and technology limitations.

Raising Prices on Meat, a Pep Talk

By: Matthew LeRoux, Todd Schmit, Lee Menius, Sarah Blacklin Local Foods

This publication provides information to help farms make decisions about raising prices on meat products in a landscape of price increases.

Termination Timing Effect on Cereal Rye Biomass

By: Austin Menker, Hannah Howe, Rachel Vann, Dominic Reisig, Chris Reberg-Horton

This study examined the impact of termination timing on cereal rye biomass across 4 North Carolina locations for 2 growing seasons. Termination times were 4 weeks before and at soybean planting. Biomass samples were collected to determine if delaying termination significantly impacted the biomass achieved by the cereal rye cover. Cereal rye biomass ranged from 1325.4 lbs/acre to 6006.5 lbs/acre across environments and treatments. Delaying termination (Green) resulted in significantly higher cereal rye biomass for only 3 of 8 environments. The remaining 5 environments saw no significant gain in biomass from delaying termination an additional 4 weeks. These results suggest that terminating cereal rye at soybean planting may not be necessary to maximize biomass in our Southeastern climate.

Crabgrass for Pasture-Based Livestock Systems in North Carolina

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication discusses crabgrass as a forage and summarizes research findings on productivity and nitrogen fertilization in the piedmont and coastal plain of North Carolina.

Nitrogen Fertilization of Switchgrass and Gamagrass: Dry Matter Yield and Nutritive Value

By: J.C. Burns, E.S. Leonard

This bulletin publishes the results of two experiments—one with switchgrass and one with gamagrass—that address responses of dry matter yield and nutritive value to nitrogen fertilization when the grasses are cut as hay.

Chapter 6. Pruning and Training

By: Tony Wolf

This chapter discusses the principles of grapevine dormant pruning, reviews reasons for vine training, and describes systems appropriate for use in North Carolina. Profitable grape production requires that grapevines be managed so that a large area of healthy leaves is exposed to sunlight. Such vines are likely to produce large crops of high-quality fruit each year. Grapevines must be trained and pruned annually to achieve this goal. The training system chosen generally dictates how the vines are pruned. Thus, pruning practices and training systems are discussed together in this chapter.

Creating a Limited Liability Company or Corporation

By: Mark Megalos, Colby Lambert Eastern Forestry Notes

Protecting farm and forest land can be complicated. In this publication we interview a family that has successfully established LLC or limited liability company to protect their family legacy and smoothly transition ownership and proceeds between generations.

North Carolina Women’s Success in Agritourism: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

By: Mirza Farzana Halim, Carla Barbieri, Susan Jakes, Duarte Morais

This publication presents the results of interviews with women in agritourism across North Carolina. It discusses the successes, challenges, and opportunities these women face in the agritourism industry and offers conclusions on strategies to overcome challenges and improve success.

Compatibility of Agrochemicals Applied to Peanut

By: David L. Jordan, LeAnn Lux, Dominic Reisig

This publication, chapter 10 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, discusses the interactions of agrochemicals used in peanut production.

Guidelines for the North Carolina Peanut Production Contest and Group of Sixty

By: David L. Jordan, Ashley Collins

This publication, chapter 9 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, contains information on the North Carolina Peanut Growers Association's annual peanut production contest.

Overview of NC State Finished Beef Production Guidelines

By: Matt Poore, Asher Wright Local Foods: NC State Finished Beef Production Guidelines

This publication is an introduction to the three production protocol guidelines developed by North Carolina State University and Amazing Grazing to assist producers in creating beef finishing systems.

Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean

By: Abdullah Nahiyan, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Frogeye leaf spot (FLS) of soybean is a common foliar disease in North Carolina with losses reported annually. This soybean diseases factsheet offers information on the signs, symptoms, and management of FLS.

Grain Pea Production in North Carolina

By: Rachel Vann, Chris Reberg-Horton, Esleyther Henriquez Inoa

This publication discusses the findings of applied research conducted to answer production questions about growing grain peas in North Carolina. Topics include planting date, seeding rate, and variety selection.

Market Gardens For Small Farms in North Carolina

By: Gary Bullen, Derek Washburn, Amy Forster Small Farms in North Carolina

This guide provides an overview of market gardens for small and beginning farmers in North Carolina, with a focus on planning that can result in a profitable market garden enterprise. This publication is a starting reference point for anyone interested in market gardens.

Market Challenges for Specialty Crop Producers in North Carolina During the Summer, Fall, and Winter of COVID-19

By: Hannah Dankbar, Angel Cruz, Mark Hoffmann, Emma Volk, Sienna Zuco Local Foods

Throughout 2020, food supply chains and market channels across the state and nation continued to be disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This factsheet highlights the impact the pandemic had on specialty crop producers in North Carolina from May through July 2020 and from October through December 2020. These surveys were part of a series of surveys conducted by the Center for Environmental Farming Systems, the NC State Local Foods Program, and the NC State Department of Horticultural Science throughout 2020 to capture the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on specialty crop producers within North Carolina.


By: Stephanie Ward, Sarah Allen, Rose Vaughan

Part of the Guide to Mycotoxins Commonly Found in Animal Feeds, this factsheet provides information about occurrence, regulation, and toxicosis for trichothecenes.

Agritourism for Small Farms in North Carolina

By: Gary Bullen Small Farms in North Carolina

This publication is intended for entrepreneurs interested in exploring agritourism. It offers suggestions for small farms with an emphasis on three areas: fall events, weddings, and educational activities (classes and camps).

Woolly Apple Aphid

By: Jim Walgenbach

This document discusses the description, life history, damage, and control of the woolly apple aphid.

Rosy Apple Aphid

By: Jim Walgenbach

Rosy apple aphid description, life cycle, history, and control.

Warm-Season Perennial Forages Conserved as Hay: Nutritive Value and Quality

By: J.C. Burns, D.S. Fisher, E.S. Leonard

This bulletin brings together 18 independent experiments that address aspects of nutritive value and quality of perennial warm-season forages preserved as hay.

Chapter 10. Grapevine Water Relations and Vineyard Irrigation

By: Tony Wolf

Like other perennial plants, mature grapevines have extensive root systems and therefore, unlike shallow-rooted annual plants, they are fairly tolerant of mild droughts. Nevertheless, a certain amount of moisture is necessary to support growth and development. Lacking sufficient moisture, vines will suffer water stress, which can reduce productivity as well as fruit quality. Supplemental moisture can be provided by permanent (solid-set) or temporary irrigation systems. Drip irrigation has become the standard water delivery system for North Carolina vineyards in recent years. Drip irrigation can represent a substantial investment (see chapter 2 for details), but the benefits can far outweigh the costs in many vineyards. In 2005, it was estimated that drip irrigation would cost $22,743 to purchase and install the equipment required for a 10-acre drip system, or $2,274 per acre. Drip irrigation can be as effective on steep slopes as on rolling and flat surfaces.

Tobacco - Zinc (Zn) Deficiency

By: Matthew Vann, Josh Henry, Paul Cockson, Brian Whipker Tobacco Nutrient Information

Zinc (Zn) deficiency has not been reported under field conditions. Most of the time, the soil will have enough micros to supplement any gaps in the chosen fertilizer plan. To present a more robust set of data, we induced zinc deficiency under controlled greenhouse studies for accurate diagnosis if the problem should arise. In NC State University trials, ornamental tobacco developed a silver cast to the leaves as the initial symptom of zinc deficiency.

Soil Quality Considerations for Organic Farmers

By: Keith Baldwin CEFS

In our drive to meet the food and fiber needs of ever-increasing populations, we are taxing the resilience of the planet’s natural resources. This fevered quest to pursue ever-increasing crop yields has had devastating impacts: widespread soil erosion, atmospheric pollution, over- grazed forage areas, over-cultivated fields, salinated water supplies, cleared land that is unsuitable for crops, and desertification —the loss of agricultural land to desert. The serious degradation of our soil resources has motivated some researchers and farmers to investigate management systems that are less input-intensive and generally more sustainable.

Risk of Pests in Peanut, Integrated Pest Management, and Pesticide Stewardship

By: David L. Jordan, LeAnn Lux, Barbara Shew, Rick L. Brandenburg, Dominic Reisig, Adrienne Gorny, Greg Buol

This publication, chapter 12 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, describes integrated pest management and pesticide stewardship in peanut production.

Guide to Mycotoxins Commonly Found in Animal Feeds

By: Stephanie Ward, Sarah Allen, Rose Vaughan

This guide provides an overview of common mycotoxins found in animal feeds, including predominant fungi species, FDA action levels, common crops, and symptoms. Further information about occurrence, regulation, and toxicosis is available for each mycotoxin.


By: Stephanie Ward, Sarah Allen, Rose Vaughan

Part of the Guide to Mycotoxins Commonly Found in Animal Feeds, this factsheet provides information about occurrence, regulation, and toxicosis for fumonisin.

Farm to Early Care and Education

By: Caroline Hundley, Shironda Brown, Der Holcomb, Courtney Tevepaugh, Dara Bloom, Marcus McFarland, Lucy Bradley, Ivelisse Colón, Eli Snyder

This chapter of the Farm to Early Care and Education Resource Guide for North Carolina Extension Agents discusses the roles and benefits of farm to ECE programs.

Major Storm Disaster Declarations

By: N. Pace, M. Daigle Federal Disaster Aid

A major storm disaster declaration refers to a formal process that requests federal assistance to deal with a major disaster that overwhelms state and local capacity under the Stafford Act. The formal request allows the federal government to provide support such as mobilizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Guard as well as other support, depending upon the situation.

The Importance of Boron in Vegetable Crop Nutrition in North Carolina

By: Emmanuel Torres Quezada Vegetable Nutrient Management

Boron (B) is a critical micronutrient essential for the growth, development, and productivity of vegetable crops. Although required in trace amounts, boron plays a fundamental role in plant physiology, influencing cell wall integrity, reproductive success, and metabolic processes. In North Carolina, where diverse soil types and vegetable cropping systems coexist, managing boron availability is vital to optimize yields and ensure crop quality. This publication provides a comprehensive overview of boron’s role in plant health, its behavior in soils, and strategies for effective management.

A Step-by-Step Approach to Pruning Carlos Muscadine Grapevines

By: Barclay Poling

This review presents the key steps involved in pruning a mature Carlos vine for maximum production of top-quality fruit.

Eat Smart Move More North Carolina: Growing Communities Through Gardens

By: Keith Baldwin, Diane Beth, Lucy Bradley, Nilam Dave, Susan Jakes, Melissa Nelson

Gardens bring communities together. Not only are community gardens a good way to get more fresh fruits and vegetables in our diets, they also allow us to be active outdoors and build a strong community.

White Mold of Soybean

By: Raymond Garcia Rodriguez, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

The symptoms and management of white mold, an important cause of yield loss in soybean in North Carolina, are covered in this soybean disease factsheet.

Boron (B) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) update, we highlight the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feed stock, high protein meal, and rocket jet fuel. It is similar in management to Canola given both Canola and Carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops.

Magnesium (Mg) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) research update, we highlight the symptoms of magnesium deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop in the Southeast used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feedstock, high protein meal, and jet fuel. It is similar in management to canola given both canola and carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops. However, carinata oil is not edible.

Pelleting Animal Manures

By: Mahmoud Sharara, Horacio Aguirre-Villegas, Rebecca Larson, Joseph Sanford, Zong Liu, Linda Schott Manure Processing for Farm Sustainability

This factsheet summarizes key technologies used to produce pellets from animal manures and the impact of process variables (temperature, pressure, moisture content) on the final product. The factsheet reviews key quality indices used to evaluate manure pellet quality. It also presents an overview of how scale, cost and environmental benefits, and trade-offs impact technology adoption.

Variety Development

By: Jeffrey C. Dunne

This publication, chapter 13 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, provides information about the peanut breeding program at North Carolina State and the varieties developed.

Harvesting Scabby Wheat and Dealing With DON

By: Christina Cowger

This factsheet provides information about wheat affected by deoxynivalenol, also known as DON or vomitoxin, a toxin produced by the fungus Fusarium graminearum. Consuming DON can affect the health of humans and many animals and can also affect baking quality and flavors in foods.

Using Planted Habitat on Farms To Increase Insect Biological Control

By: David Orr, Michael Linker, Lisa Forehand CEFS Field Notes for Farmers

This special topic has three components: Part 1. Using Beneficial Insect Habitat on the Farm: An Introduction; Part 2. Evaluating the Quality of Commercial Beneficial Insect Habitat; Part 3. Beneficial Insects Attracted to Planted Habitat: Do They Contribute to Pest Insect Control?

Apple Rust Mite

By: Jim Walgenbach, Stephen Schoof

Apple rust mite description, life history , damage, and control.

Silages of Native Switchgrass and Gamagrass: Fermentation Characteristics, Nutritive Value, and Quality

By: J.C. Burns, E.S. Leonard

This bulletin publishes the results of eight experiments that addressed aspects of nutritive value and quality of perennial warm-season forages preserved as hay, baleage, and silage.

Annual Grasses Preserved as Silage: Fermentation Characteristics, Nutritive Value, and Quality

By: J.C. Burns, E.S. Leonard

This bulletin brings together 13 independent experiments that address aspects of fermentation, nutritive value, and quality of cool-season and warm-season annual forages preserved as silage.

Plum Curculio

By: Jim Walgenbach

Plum curculio description, life history, damage, and control.

Chapter 5. Vineyard Establishment

By: Tony Wolf

Vineyard establishment involves careful planning, thorough site preparation, vineyard design, planting, and trellis construction. Unlike dormant pruning or other annual activities, designing and establishing a vineyard must be done correctly the first time. In addition, the process must be tailored to the particular site and the grower’s intentions. This chapter discusses the basic steps in establishing a vineyard and offers suggestions for practical methods and materials.There are many alternatives. Although this chapter may be used as the sole source of information for vineyard establishment, it is advisable to obtain and compare information from additional sources before beginning. References provided here include more detailed information on particular aspects of vineyard establishment, such as trellis construction. It is also helpful to visit existing vineyards to examine their design, compare trellising materials, and discuss plant and row spacing.

Chapter 9. Vine Nutrition

By: Tony Wolf

Grapevines require 16 essential nutrients for normal growth and development (Table 9.1). Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are obtained as the roots take in water and as the leaves absorb gases. The remaining nutrients are obtained primarily from the soil. Macronutrients are those used in relatively large quantities by vines; natural macronutrients are often supplemented with applied fertilizers.The micronutrients, although no less essential, are needed in very small quantities. When one or more of these elements is deficient, vines may exhibit foliar deficiency symptoms, reduced growth or crop yield, and greater susceptiblity to winter injury or death. The availability of essential nutrients is therefore critical for optimum vine performance and profitable grape production.

Chapter 12. Crop Prediction

By: Tony Wolf

Crop prediction or estimation is the process of projecting as accurately as possible the quantity of crop that will be harvested. Why estimate the crop? The most obvious reason is to know how much crop will be present for sale or utilization. Beyond that fundamental reason, it is also important to know whether vines are undercropped or overcropped. In the absence of methodical crop estimations, the experienced grower can rely on past vineyard performance.This approach is subject to error, however, especially in grape regions subject to spring frosts or winter injury, which can greatly affect a vineyard’s productivity from year to year.

Insect Management on Organic Farms

By: H. Michael Linker, David B. Orr, M.E. Barbercheck CEFS

Insect management presents a challenge to organic farmers. Insects are highly mobile and well adapted to farm production systems and pest control tactics. On organic farms, where the focus is on managing insects rather than eliminating them, success depends on learning about three kinds of information: Biological, Ecological and Behavioral information.

Oystershell Scale

By: Stephen Schoof

Oystershell scale description, life history, damage, and control.

Ventilating to Cool Modern Grower Turkeys

By: Sanjay B. Shah, Jesse L. Grimes, Isaac Singletary

As heat stress is one of the most significant management challenges facing the N.C. turkey industry, this publication reviews ventilation for the cooling of heaving strains of turkeys during the growing period after brooding.

Chapter 11. Spring Frost Control

By: Barclay Poling

To grow more consistent crops and improve your cash flow in years with damaging frost events, this chapter will show you how you can: 1) identify an active protection system to protect your vineyard during budbreak and early shoot development, 2) use the basic principles of frost and frost/freeze protection to deal with complex cold protection scenarios, so that you use your active protection system(s) efficiently, and 3) operate the equipment correctly.

Rotary Hoe: A Blind Cultivation Tool for In-Row Weed Control

By: George Place, Chris Reberg-Horton

Expanding organic grain markets have increased interest in mechanical weed control. Learn how the rotary hoe can be used to control weeds in large-seeded grain crops such as corn and soybeans.

Good Agricultural Practices Fresh Produce Safety Plan for Field Practices

By: Diane Ducharme

This document was developed in workshops with North Carolina growers to provide a framework for them to develop their own food safety plans. Each grower's conditions are different. Some may find that th eplan does not adequately address their specific conditions. In those cases, the plan will need to be supplemented.

Japanese Beetles in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet describes the biology and management of the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), a minor pest of grapes in North Carolina.

Soybean Deer Damage

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

This factsheet discusses recognizing and treating soybeans that have been damaged by deer in North Carolina.

Glufosinate Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses glufosinate injury on soybean.

PPO-Inhibiting Herbicide Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibiting herbicide injury in soybean.

Zinc (Zn) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) research update, we highlight the symptoms of zinc deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop in the Southeast used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feedstock, high protein meal, and jet fuel. It is similar in management to canola given both canola and carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops. However, carinata oil is not edible.

Online Sales Platforms for Direct to Consumer Sales

By: Hannah Dankbar Local Foods

Online sales can benefit tech-savvy local food producers who are looking for an emerging way to connect with consumers. There are multiple online sales platforms that can help ease the administrative burden of direct-to-consumer sales and help with online marketing to reach consumers. Here is a list of resources that farmers can utilize and a list of questions to consider when thinking about adopting an online platform. With the growing popularity of online shopping, producers should consider becoming involved in online sales to consumers as a strategy to make their agribusiness more resilient.

Results From Large-Plot On-Farm and Research Station Trials

By: David L. Jordan, Brian Royals, Ethan Foote, Rick Brandenburg, Elizabeth Garner, LeAnn Lux

This publication, chapter 14 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, describes on-farm trials conducted in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 across North Carolina

Applying For FEMA Disaster Assistance

By: Hannah Withers, Sidra Hanson, Daniel Meyers Federal Disaster Aid

If a major disaster has been declared in your area, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance from FEMA. There are four ways to apply for federal disaster assistance: online, in the FEMA app, by phone, or in person.

Planting Rate Recommendations for Organic Soybean Producers

By: George Place, Adam Smith, Rachel Vann, Chris Reberg-Horton

For organic soybean producers increased seeding rates improve early soybean canopy density, which shades out weeds in the early stages of weed competition. Organic soybean producers can increase seeding rates with much less of a negative impact on economic return than for conventional production with herbicides.

Principles of Integrated Pest Management

By: Joe Neal, Wayne Buhler

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can be defined as a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining cultural, biological, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, aesthetic, health, and environmental risks. A first step in implementing an effective IPM program is to maintain healthy, vigorous plants, which are much less likely to have pest problems. Therefore, an integrated pest management program will also consider cultural practices that lead to healthy and resilient plantings.

Spider Mites in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This factsheet describes identifying and controlling spider mites in soybeans in North Carolina.

VLCFA Inhibiting Herbicide Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discuses very-long-chain fatty acid synthesis-inhibiting herbicide injury on soybean.

Nitrogen Fertility Management in Organic Tobacco Greenhouse Production

By: David Suchoff, Matthew Vann, Steph Kulesza, Alex Woodley

This publication provides recommendations for managing essential nutrient concentrations when growing organic tobacco in greenhouses using a float system.

Sloped Screen Separator for Manure

By: Zong Liu, Horacio Aguirre-Villegas, Rebecca Larson, Mahmoud Sharara, Joseph Sanford, Linda Schott Manure Processing for Farm Sustainability

Including sloped screens for solid-liquid manure separation can have positive impacts on manure management systems by reducing lagoon sludge buildup, recycling manure fiber, and mitigating fibers. This fact sheet reviews the key indices used to evaluate the effectiveness, throughput, and other key factors, along with a summary of the cost and benefits of adopting sloped screen separation in multi-stage manure treatment systems.

Road Map to the Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides

By: Wayne Buhler, Carmina Hanson, Tom Bowman, Gwen Minton

This publication provides a simplified tool that can quickly guide farm managers, handlers, workers, and family farmers in understanding compliance with the Worker Protection Standard.

Diverse, Inclusive, and Equitable Family Engagement Opportunities with Farm to ECE

By: Caroline Hundley, Shironda Brown, Der Holcomb, Courtney Tevepaugh, Dara Bloom, Marcus McFarland, Lucy Bradley, Ivelisse Colón, Eli Snyder

This chapter of the Farm to Early Care and Education Resource Guide for North Carolina Extension Agents discusses how to ensure Farm to ECE programs are welcoming to all.

Housing Assistance After a Major Storm

By: S. Hanson, D. Meyers, N. Pace, M. Daigle, D. Seibert, C. Franze Federal Disaster Aid

When there has been a major disaster, the federal government often offers housing assistance for people in need. There are two main types of housing assistance. First, housing assistance may be financial, which means that people will receive money to find and pay for housing. Second, housing assistance may be direct, which means that a person will not receive money, but they will receive a place to stay, such as a trailer or RV. The federal government decides what types of housing assistance will be available based on the type of major disaster that has taken place, and it will decide what type of assistance a person may be offered. A person only needs to apply for assistance one time to be considered for all types of housing assistance.

Predatory Mites on Apple

By: Jim Walgenbach

Predatory mite description, life history, monitoring, and effectiveness.

Chapter 8. Pest Management

By: Turner Sutton, Jean Harrison, Wayne Mitchem

Grapes are subject to attack by many different pests, including nematodes, fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens, insects, and wildlife, such as deer and birds.Weeds, which compete with the vines for soil moisture and nutrients, may also be included in this list. Recognizing and understanding the nature of these pests is essential to minimizing crop losses.This chapter briefly describes the major pests that routinely threaten bunch grapes in North Carolina and discusses control measures.

Farmers' Market Tours: A Guide for Nutrition Educators

By: Annie Hardison-Moody, Dara Bloom, Lorelei Jones

A Farmers’ Market Tour is a great way to introduce your program participants to an abundant source of local fruits and vegetables. It can also reinforce messaging about healthy eating and local foods. This guide was designed to be used as part of a regular series of nutrition education classes, such as SNAP-Ed, the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), Faithful Families Eating Smart and Moving More, or other community nutrition education programs.

Extension Personnel Working With Peanuts

This publication, part of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, provides information on North Carolina extension personnel that work with peanuts.

Earthworm Composting

Youth Wildlife Projects

This educational resource for children aged 9-12 explains how to make a composting bin to house earthworms and recycle food scraps.

Soybean Sunscald

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

Sunscald is caused by bright sunlight on a wet leaf after exposure to high temperatures. Symptomology typically appears as rusty discoloration on the underside of leaves. This factsheet describes the symptoms and management of sunscald in soybean in North Carolina.

Abbreviated Guide to Creating a Livestock Food Safety Plan Under the Preventive Controls for Animal Food (PCAF) Rule

By: Adam Fahrenholz, David Fairfield, Marissa Cohen, Dianne Milazzo, Jenny Murphy

This guide outlines steps that a facility producing livestock food could follow when developing its required food safety plan. The guide is accompanied by an example food safety plan that demonstrates the application of steps outlined in this guide and illustrates an acceptable food safety plan structure that contains required and best management practices information.

Glyphosate Injury on Soybeans

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses glyphosate injury on soybean.

Iron (Fe) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) research update, we highlight the symptoms of iron deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop in the Southeast used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feedstock, high protein meal, and jet fuel. It is similar in management to canola given both canola and carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops. However, carinata oil is not edible.

Ergot Alkaloids

By: Stephanie Ward, Sarah Allen, Rose Vaughan

Part of the Guide to Mycotoxins Commonly Found in Animal Feeds, this factsheet provides information about occurrence, regulation, and toxicosis for ergot alkaloids.

Anaerobic Digestion from Animal Manure

By: Horacio A. Aguirre-Villegas, Rebecca A. Larson, Mahmoud Sharara, Joseph Sanford, Zong Liu, Linda Schott Manure Processing for Farm Sustainability

Manure is among the lowest methane yielding feedstocks in digesters, but it is widely used in agricultural anaerobic digestion systems due to its continuous availability in one location, its capacity to resist changes in pH, and its relatively easy integration into existing manure management systems. System types, costs, and environmental benefits are discussed.

Harvest Management Extends the Season of Available Switchgrass Bioenergy Feedstock in North Carolina

By: Miguel Castillo

This publication summarizes the results of multiple North Carolina field trials that evaluated agronomic management and alternatives that extend the switchgrass feedstock supply beyond traditional harvest times.

Marketing Your Agritourism Enterprise

By: Kent Wolfe, Gary Bullen A How-To Guide for Successful Agritourism Enterprises

This factsheet describes important considerations for developing an effective marketing plan to promote an agritourism business.

Qualifying and Quantifying Your Personal Agritourism Potential

By: Kent Wolfe, Gary Bullen A How-To Guide for Successful Agritourism Enterprises

There are a number of questions that must be asked and honestly answered when considering whether to start and operate an agritourism operation. For example, you should evaluate factors such as personal characteristics and skills, target markets, market potential, land and property resources and characteristics, individual and family goals, time and labor considerations, and financial needs and resources. An honest evaluation of these factors will help you understand your potential for success.

Chapter 2. Cost and Investment Analysis of Chardonnay (Vitis Vinifera) Winegrapes in North Carolina

By: Charles Safley, Carlos Carpio, Barclay Poling

Growing Chardonnay grapes, the number one vinifera variety grown in North Carolina, can be a profitable venture in certain areas of the state.The profitability analysis in this chapter, based on 2005 costs, shows that it will take an estimated $12,876 per acre to bring a vineyard up to full production in the fourth year.The vineyard would begin to yield $1,097 per acre in the eighth year, and the producer may be able to break even by the eighth year.

Chapter 7. Canopy Management

By: Tony Wolf

High-quality wines — those that command premium prices — can be produced only from high-quality grapes. Grape quality can be defined in various ways, but ripeness and freedom from rots are two of the chief qualities. Producing ripe fruit with minimum rot and maximum varietal character is not easy in North Carolina. As described elsewhere in this publication, the combination of climate, soils, and vine vigor often leads to excessive vegetative growth. For reasons that will be discussed, luxurious vegetative growth can reduce vine fruitfulness, decrease varietal character, degrade other components of fruit quality, and hamper efforts at disease control. Canopy management practices can help alleviate these problems.

Creating the Perfect Blend: Community Resources Needed to Support a Sustainable Craft Beverage Industry

By: Claudia Gil Arroyo, Whitney Knollenberg, Carla Barbieri, Kathryn Boys, Alyssa Stroker

The growing craft beverage industry is generating tourism in Wake County. This publication discusses the resources needed to sustain growth in the industry and the related benefits it produces to understand ways to advance craft beverage tourism.

Management Guide for Sour Rot in North Carolina

By: Karen Blaedow, Hannah Burrack, Mark Hoffmann, Sara Villani

This publication gives an overview of sour-rot management in European-style grapevines in North Carolina. We explain what the causes of sour rot, show pictures, discuss susceptible cultivars and give management recommendations.

Chapter 1. Introduction

By: Barclay Poling

New and current grape growers will find practical information on site appraisal, establishment, and operation of commercial winegrape vineyards in the North Carolina Winegrape Grower’s Guide. This publication focuses on production of vinifera and hybrid wine grapes.

Cumberland County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cumberland County.

PSI & II-Inhibiting Herbicide Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses PS-II-inhibiting herbicide injury on soybean.

2020 Uniform Peanut Performance Tests

By: Jeff Dunne, Bill Branch, Maria Balota, Dan Anco, Barry Tillman, Charles Chen, John Cason, Mark Burow, Kelly Chamberlain Uniform Peanut Performance Tests

This report provides the results of the 2020 tests conducted to evaluate the commercial potential of the best advanced peanut breeding lines that have not yet been released. These tests measure the adaptability of potential new cultivars to various environments.

Utilizing the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Cotton Seed Quality Testing Program to Make Better Planting Decisions

By: Guy Collins, Keith Edmisten, Sandy Stewart, Bill Foote, Lori Unruh Snyder

This publication provides information about the NCDA&CS Cotton Seed Quality Testing program and how to use the Cotton Seed Quality Database to help make decisions before planting that will improve outcomes.

Workplace Community Supported Agriculture: Connecting Local Farmers to Local Workplaces

By: Denise Finney, Nancy Creamer

This guide provides an overview of the community supported agriculture (CSA) program at Research Triangle Institute International (RTI). Filled with ideas, examples, and lessons learned from this workplace CSA pilot project, the guide provides information for farmers, businesses, Extension agents, and others who are considering starting a workplace CSA program.

Basic Information for Determining Drain Spacing on North Carolina Soils

By: Chad Poole, Mohamed Youssef, Wayne Skaggs

Knowing the soil profile of your agricultural land will help determine the spacing needed for installing subsurface drains. This publication provides essential information to producers, landowners, farm managers, and contractors for determining proper drain spacing based on soil types.

Manganese (Mn) Deficiency of Carinata

By: Paul Cöckson, Carl Crozier, Ramon Leon Gonzalez, Michael Mulvaney, Angela Post, Brian Whipker From the Field - Agronomy Notes

In this Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard) research update, we highlight the symptoms of manganese deficiency. These images are part of a project by the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC) to develop a diagnostic series for the identification of nutrient disorders of Carinata. Carinata is an exciting new crop in the Southeast used for a wide variety of primary and secondary agricultural products including cover crops, feedstock, high protein meal, and jet fuel. It is similar in management to canola given both canola and carinata are winter annual Brassica oilseed crops. However, carinata oil is not edible.

PR Toxin

By: Stephanie Ward, Sarah Allen, Rose Vaughan

Part of the Guide to Mycotoxins Commonly Found in Animal Feeds, this factsheet provides information about occurrence, regulation, and toxicosis for PR toxin.


By: Stephanie Ward, Sarah Allen, Rose Vaughan

Part of the Guide to Mycotoxins Commonly Found in Animal Feeds, this factsheet provides information about occurrence, regulation, and toxicosis for patulin.

Managing Drought on Nursery Crops

By: Anthony LeBude, Ted Bilderback

Drought has always caused nursery crop producers great concern. If irrigation water becomes limiting, growers producing nursery crops in containers may lose their entire crop. Newly planted field-grown crops also sustain heavy losses if they are not irrigated frequently during the first year of production. Although established field-grown nursery stock will survive if not irrigated during periods of drought, they will not grow under these conditions. Adequate moisture during field production will produce field-grown shade trees of marketable size in three to five years. Poorly irrigated plants will take longer to reach marketable size, thus lengthening the time cost of production.

The Economic Impact of North Carolina's Wild-Caught Commercial Seafood Industry

By: Eric Edwards

Factsheet summarizing the economic impact of North Carolina's wild-caught commercial seafood industry.

Utilizing the NC State University Cotton Planting Conditions Calculator and the NCDA&CS Cotton Seed Database to Make Wise Planting Decisions

By: Guy Collins, Keith Edmisten, Sandy Stewart, Bill Foote

This publication provides an overview of the NC State University Cotton Planting Conditions Calculator and the NCDA&CS Cotton Seed Database. It explains how to use these tools to aid in making cotton planting decisions.

Mapa de la Ley de Protección al Trabajador para Pesticidias Agrícolas

By: Wayne Buhler, Carmina Hanson, Tom Bowman, Gwen Minton

Este mapa presenta la ruta más rápida para satisfacer la Ley de Protección al Trabajador sin complicaciones. Esta es una herramienta de descripción general simplificada para orientar rápidamente a los ger-entes de fincas, manipuladores, trabajadores y agricultores familiares en la dirección correcta.

Temperature and Dose Influence Phoma Macrostoma Efficacy on Seedling Broadleaf Weeds

By: Joe Neal, Barbara Shew, Rocco Schiavone

Phoma macrostoma, a potential biocontrol agent for turfgrass weeds, was isolated from Cirsium arvense plants in Canada and is being tested in other regions of North America for control of broadleaf weeds in turf. This research was conducted to investigate the effects of varying temperature conditions on Phoma macrostoma control of seedling broadleaf weeds. Experiments were conducted in growth chambers to compare the efficacy of three doses of Phoma macrostoma on two species, Senecio vulgaris and Lamium amplexicaule grown in 4 temperature regimes – 15/20, 20/25, 25/30 and 30/35°C (dark / light period) temperatures. These data suggest that high temperatures common in the southeastern United States should not be an impediment to activity of Phoma macrostoma efficacy, and may actually improve the control of some broadleaf weed species.

Soybean Cold Damage

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

Cold damage in soybeans can emerge early or late in the season. This publication describes the symptoms and management of cold damage in soybeans in North Carolina.

Switchgrass: Establishment, Management, Yield, Nutritive Value, and Utilization

By: Joseph Burns, Douglas Chamblee, John de Ruiter, Dwight Fisher, E. Brent Godshalk, James Green, Robert Keys, Paul Mueller, Dale Wolf, David Timothy, Mark Zarnstorff

This publication summarizes results from 26 studies addressing the establishment, cell wall content, cultivar improvement, defoliation management, nutritive value, and utilization of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) as pasture, or its conservation as hay or silage or harvested as biomass. Both lowland and upland commercial cultivars and lowland germplasms were evaluated and, in some experiments, compared for yield, nutritive value, and quality characteristics. Comparisons were also made with other warm-season grasses. Switchgrass is a forage species having very flexible potentials as a pasture, stored forage, or biomass crop. Cytotypes, also referred to as ecotypes, and cultivar selections within cytotypes are important considerations when growing switchgrass in the Mid-Atlantic because they depend on its intended use and the crop’s geographic location

2019 North Carolina Hemp Strain Testing Results - Henderson County

By: Angela Post, Jeanine Davis, Margaret Bloomquist, Katherine Learn, Ryan Heiniger

This publication provides the results of a 2019 Henderson County Hemp Strain Test that was conducted at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River, NC.

2019 North Carolina Hemp Strain Testing Results - Rowan County

By: Angela Post, Jeanine Davis, Margaret Bloomquist, Katherine Learn, Ryan Heiniger

This publication provides the results of a 2019 hemp strain test conducted in Rowan County at the Piedmont Research Station in Salisbury, NC.

2019 North Carolina Hemp Strain Testing Results - Rowan County

By: Angela Post, Jeanine Davis, Margaret Bloomquist, Katherine Learn, Ryan Heiniger

This publication provides the results of a 2019 Rowan County Hemp Strain Test that was conducted at the Piedmont Research Station in Salisbury, NC.
