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Browse by Author: Aurora Toennisson
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Spider Mites in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

Two-spotted spider mites are a common pest of North Carolina grapes. This factsheet discusses the biology, damage, and control of these pests.

Green June Bug in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet describes the biology and management of the green June bug (Cotinus nitida), an occasional pest of grapes in North Carolina

Slugs in Strawberries

By: Hannah Burrack, Aurora Toennisson

This factsheet describes slugs and their impact on strawberries.

Grape Root Borer in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet describes the identification and management of the grape root borer, a caterpillar that feeds on the roots of grape plants in North Carolina.

Spittlebug in Strawberries

By: Hannah Burrack, Aurora Toennisson

This publication describes the spittlebug and its impacts on the North Carolina strawberry crop.

Japanese Beetles in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet describes the biology and management of the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), a minor pest of grapes in North Carolina.

Pierce’s Disease Vectors in North Carolina Grapes

By: Aurora Toennisson, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet offers information on Pierce's Disease, a bacterial disease of grapes in North Carolina.