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Browse by Series: Soybean Insect Factsheets
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Armyworm Complex in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet discusses the biology, identification, and control of armyworms in soybeans in North Carolina.

Soybean Aphid in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the soybean aphid, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Mexican Bean Beetle in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology, identification, and management of the Mexican bean beetle.

Kudzu Bug

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the kudzu bug, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Three-Cornered Alfalfa Hopper in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the three-cornered alfalfa hopper, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Stink Bug in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of stink bugs in soybeans in North Carolina.

Velvetbean Caterpillar in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the velvetbean caterpillar, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Green Cloverworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This Soybean Insect Factsheet describes the biology, identification, and control of green cloverworm in soybeans in North Carolina.

Bean Leaf Beetle in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet discusses the biology, damage, and management of the bean leaf beetle, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Grape Colaspis in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of grape colaspis, a beetle pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Black Cutworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the black cutworm, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Soybean Looper in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and management of soybean loopers, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Corn Earworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the corn earworm, a common pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Grasshoppers and Crickets in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of grasshoppers and crickets, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Spider Mites in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This factsheet describes identifying and controlling spider mites in soybeans in North Carolina.