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This insects chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook will teach readers to identify insects, understand the value of insects in the garden, and recognize damage caused by insects. Guidance on minimizing insect damage is available in the integrated pest management chapter.
This small fruits chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook reviews selection, planting, and maintenance of strawberries, caneberries, blueberries, grapes, and kiwis.
This factsheet discusses the biology, damage, and management of the cannabis aphid in industrial hemp in North Carolina.
This publication reviews the results of a survey conducted to assess the distribution of grapevine leafroll-associated viruses (GLRaV) and grapevine red blotch virus (GRBV) in North Carolina. It provides information on identifying disease symptoms, collecting samples, submitting samples for virus testing, and best grapevine virus management practices for new vineyards and established mature vineyards.
This factsheet describes slugs and their impact on strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, and provides management recommendations.
This factsheet describes aphid biology and management in strawberries.
This factsheet offers information on Pierce's Disease, a bacterial disease of grapes in North Carolina.
This factsheet discusses the biology, damage, and management of the corn earworm and tobacco budworm in industrial hemp in North Carolina.
This factsheet describes the symptoms and management of the hemp russet mite, a pest of industrial hemp in North Carolina.
This publication provides guidance to Extension agents on how to design and conduct trials and demonstrations on alternative products for plant and soil health and pest and disease control purposes. It provides standardized experimental design criteria and best practices for planning and executing trials for these products.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of cylamen mites in strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of spotted wing drosophila in strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of thrips in strawberries.
This factsheet provides information on whiteflies and their impact on North Carolina strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of strawberry clipper weevils in commercial strawberry production.
This factsheet describes the identification and management of the grape root borer, a caterpillar that feeds on the roots of grape plants in North Carolina.
Two-spotted spider mites are a common pest of North Carolina grapes. This factsheet discusses the biology, damage, and control of these pests.
This factsheet describes tarnished plat bugs, also known as lygus bugs, and their impact on strawberry crops.
This muscadine grape production guide will help the increasing number of North Carolina farmers who are considering growing and marketing this fruit as a farm diversification option.
This publication provides at-a-glance information for growing tobacco in greenhouses, including sanitation practices, source water analysis, fertilizer management, disease control, and insect control.
This factsheet discusses the symptoms and management of the twospotted spider mite in industrial hemp production in North Carolina.
This factsheet describes sap beetles and their impact on North Carolina strawberries.
This publication describes the spittlebug and its impacts on the North Carolina strawberry crop.
The spined stilt is the most abundant predator insect in tobacco and is found in other economically important crops covered with trichomes, including tomatoes. This factsheet offers information on this pest.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of the green June bug (Cotinus nitida), an occasional pest of grapes in North Carolina
This factsheet describes the biology and management of the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), a minor pest of grapes in North Carolina.
This factsheet provides information on the red imported fire ant and its impact on North Carolina strawberries.
This factsheet provides information on the sugarcane beetle and its impact on North Carolina strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of strawberry rootworm beetles in strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology of Japanese beetles and their impact on industrial hemp plants grown on commercial farms.
This factsheet provides information on crickets and their impact on North Carolina strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of cutworms in strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of strawberry crown borer.
This publication gives an overview of sour-rot management in European-style grapevines in North Carolina. We explain what the causes of sour rot, show pictures, discuss susceptible cultivars and give management recommendations.
This publication, chapter 9 of the 2024 Flue-Cured Tobacco Information handbook, covers insect management in tobacco production.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of native drosophila species in strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of garden symphylan in strawberries.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of European corn borer in strawberries.