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Browse by Series: Eastern Forestry Notes
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Understanding Your Timber Basis

By: Mark Megalos, Guido van der Hoeven, Colby Lambert Eastern Forestry Notes

This note explains the benefits of establishing a timber basis for tax and casualty loss benefit. Step by step examples are offered for owners to understand the process of calculating a basis and adding and depleting it when managing or harvesting timber, respectively. Finally, a copy of the federal Internal Revenue Service Form T (Timber) is provided to show how to document the establishment of a basis with tax authorities or for your personal records.

An Introduction to Forest Carbon Offset Markets

By: Rajan Parajuli, Mark Megalos, Tatyana Ruseva, Stephanie Chizmar, Mansfield Fisher Eastern Forestry Notes

Forest carbon is considered as a forest product that can be a viable alternative source of income for forest landowners. This note describes the forest carbon market today and explains the possible opportunity it represents for certain forests. This note is a basic overview for landowners.

What’s a Timber Sale Contract? What Landowners Need to Know

By: Colby Lambert, Mark Megalos Eastern Forestry Notes

This Eastern Forestry Note discusses specific contract provisions that should be addressed in a timber sale contract. Sellers are advised to seek professional assistance to determine the value of what they are selling and to handle the sale when unfamiliar with the details and process.

Sample Timber Sale Contract

By: Colby Lambert, Mark Megalos Eastern Forestry Notes

This publication is an example of a timber sale contract for "pay as cut" sales where seller receives compensation once timber is harvested and leaves the property. The example details provisions that have "stood the test of time" and have gone through professional and legal review. The contract is provided for educational use and sellers are advised to seek professional forester assistance as well as tax and legal assistance as needed.

Prevent Timber Trespass and Theft

By: Robert Andrew Branan, Mark Megalos, Colby Lambert, Theodore Feitshans Eastern Forestry Notes

Tips for preventing timber trespass and theft are reviewed in this publication. Special documentation of pertinent laws, avoidance strategies and steps to take once your timber or property has been stolen or trespassed upon.

Benefits of Using a Consulting Forester

By: Mark Megalos, Colby Lambert Eastern Forestry Notes

Many forest landowners can benefit from the use of a consulting forestry professional. Most often the use of a consultant can be justified solely on the increase in the value, potential and productivity of your forest. This publication identifies multiple benefits of using a consulting forester for management planning, oversight, sales, and pursuit of alternative strategies of forest resource and risk management.

Resilient Piedmont Pines: Risk Reduction Guide

By: Mark Megalos, Colby Lambert, Rajan Parajuli, Heather Aldridge, Leslie Boby, William Hubbard Eastern Forestry Notes

This publication details simple, practical actions you can take to minimize costs and impacts while growing healthy pines. Specific focus is placed on maintaining forest health and productivity suited for a range of future conditions.

Creating a Limited Liability Company or Corporation

By: Mark Megalos, Colby Lambert Eastern Forestry Notes

Protecting farm and forest land can be complicated. In this publication we interview a family that has successfully established LLC or limited liability company to protect their family legacy and smoothly transition ownership and proceeds between generations.