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This publication provides information to growers about soybean production in North Carolina. It discusses economic trends and forecasts, cultural practices, variety selection, planting decisions, nutrient management, diseases and pests, and other production practices.
This publication, chapter 4 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses how to choose a variety of soybean to plant.
This factsheet discusses the signs and symptoms of freeze injury in winter wheat.
This publication provides the results of a 2019 hemp strain test conducted in Rowan County at the Piedmont Research Station in Salisbury, NC.
This publication provides statewide average results for 2019 hemp strain testing.
This publication provides the results of a 2019 Henderson County Hemp Strain Test that was conducted at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River, NC.
This publication provides the results of a 2019 Rowan County Hemp Strain Test that was conducted at the Piedmont Research Station in Salisbury, NC.