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Browse by Author: Wesley Everman
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Weed Management

By: Wesley Everman

This publication, chapter 7 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, addresses weed management in soybean production.

North Carolina Soybean Production Guide

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Rachel Vann, Carl Crozier, Gary Bullen, Jim Dunphy, Wesley Everman, Luke Gatiboni, Adrienne Gorny, David Hardy, Ryan Heiniger, Steph Kulesza, Deanna Osmond, Nick Piggott, Dominic Reisig, Gary Roberson, Heidi Schweizer, Lindsey Thiessen, Derek Washburn

This publication provides information to growers about soybean production in North Carolina. It discusses economic trends and forecasts, cultural practices, variety selection, planting decisions, nutrient management, diseases and pests, and other production practices.

Challenges with Herbicide Resistance and Value of Cultural Practices in Managing Weeds: Examples from Research in North Carolina

By: Ramon Leon, David Jordan, Katie Jennings, David Monks, Matthew Vann, Loren Fisher, Wesley Everman, Charlie Cahoon, Matt Inman, Chris Reberg-Horton, Rachel Vann, Denis Mahoney, Drew Hare, Alan York

A few weed species in North Carolina have become pervasive across the state and are frequently found in different crops. They form dense populations and reduce yields, making production more challenging. This publication discusses herbicide-resistant biotypes in agronomic and vegetable crops in North Carolina and reviews herbicide resistance management recommendations.

PSI & II-Inhibiting Herbicide Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses PS-II-inhibiting herbicide injury on soybean.

HPPD and Clomazone Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses HPPD and clomazine injury on soybean.

Glyphosate Injury on Soybeans

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses glyphosate injury on soybean.

PPO-Inhibiting Herbicide Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibiting herbicide injury in soybean.

Situation and Outlook

By: Jeffrey H. Dorfman, Derek Washburn, Cassie Scanlan, Keith Edmisten, Wesley Everman, Guy Collins, Dominic Reisig

This publication, chapter 1 of the 2024 Cotton Information handbook, provides information about the situation and outlook of market conditions going into 2024.

Glufosinate Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses glufosinate injury on soybean.

VLCFA Inhibiting Herbicide Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discuses very-long-chain fatty acid synthesis-inhibiting herbicide injury on soybean.

ALS-Inhibiting Herbicide Injury on Soybean

By: Wesley Everman, Eric Jones

This factsheet discusses ALS-inhibiting herbicide injury on soybean.