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This soybean diseases factsheet discusses sting nematodes, a minor pest of soybean in North Carolina.
This factsheet examines the symptoms and management of Southern blight in soybean production in North Carolina.
Although uncommonly observed in North Carolina, soybean rust can be a yield limiting disease for soybeans. Proper identification is important to developing a management strategy.
Phytophthora root and stem rot is a common pathogen in North Carolina due to our frequent wet weather. This factsheet describes the symptoms and management of the disease in soybean production.
The reniform nematode is not a common nematode pressure for soybean growers in North Carolina, but is limited to several southern counties of the state. This factsheet will help growers identify and management the nematodes in soybean production in North Carolina.
Lance nematode is not a common problem of soybeans, but can cause local damages in fields where it is found. This factsheet covers the symptoms and management of lance nematodes in North Carolina.