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This publication offers tips on dealing with stress.
In the event of economic stress or hardship, it is a good time to step back and take stock of your many resources. These resources may be personal, that is, something within you, or from your family and community. Ideas for identifying and making the most of these sources of strength and support for getting by when times are tough are included in this factsheet.
Taking care of a parent, spouse or older relative while holding down a full-time job can be very demanding and stressful. This publication offers information on how to assess your situation and identify additional resources to help.
Heating and cooling your home account for approximately 43 percent of your utility bill. This publication suggests some ways that you and your family can save money on your heating and cooling costs.
Is losing your job a possibility or a reality? Few families have savings to buffer their expenses until they find work again. Acting as if nothing has happened and keeping kids in the dark — letting them think everything is normal — can only last a short while.
When money is tight, look for ways to reduce household expenditures. This publication offers a number of simple no cost/low cost things you and your family can do to help save money on your utility bill.