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“Se hacen puentes al andar” es sobre resaltar la importancia de sentirse parte de la familia y los riesgos asociados con el rechazo familiar, la falta de representación positiva de personas LGBTQ+, y el cumplimiento a los rígidos roles tradicionales de género. Cada historia que contamos proviene de un estudio de jóvenes latinos LGBTQ+ dentro de un contexto familiar e incluye recomendaciones correspondientes para usted—el padre, el tutor o el ser querido de un joven LGBTQ+—basadas en evidencia y en las experiencias de los participantes.
“Se hacen puentes al andar” is about highlighting the power of family belonging and the risks associated with family rejection; lack of positive LGBTQ+ representation; and rigid adherence to traditional gender roles. Each story featured is drawn from a study about Latino LGBTQ+ youth belonging within a familial context and includes corresponding research-based and participant-informed recommendations for you—the parent, caregiver, or loved one of an LGBTQ+ youth.
This publication describes how to recognize a child's readiness for toilet learning and how parents can help their child learn to use the toilet.
This publication explores how to teach your children about race, racism, and racial identity.
This publication offers tips on dealing with stress.