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This wood product note helps wood manufacturers understand and minimize veneer checking on furniture panels.
This publication highlights a variety of wood construction, home furnishing, and landscaping products produced in North Carolina. It provides land, farm, and forest owners information about possible products they can produce from wood harvested from their land.
This factsheet describes in greater detail the methodology used to estimate the economic contributions of North Carolina’s forest products industry. It is a companion piece to the bulletin North Carolina’s Forests and Forest Products Industry By the Numbers, where a variety of figures and statistics are provided on the management and conversion of standing timber into primary and secondary wood and fiber products.
From the instant an adhesive is applied to wood until the adhesive cures, several important steps must take place in order for a good glue bond to occur. If any of the actions do not occur, the glue bond will be faulty. Such is the case when gluing wood which is surface inactivated. The definition, causes, and prevention of surface inactivation in wood will be discussed in this factsheet.