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This wood product note helps wood manufacturers understand and minimize veneer checking on furniture panels.
Manufacturers of hardwood pallets are faced with the prospect that they will be required to sterilize their pallets or pallet parts prior to export to Europe. The purpose of this factsheet is to give some insight into heat sterilization so manufacturers can make better decisions in the future.
Wood shrinkage is often calculated with the assumption that the radial and tangential shrinkage occurs parallel to the lumber surfaces. As a result, the calculated shrinkage has a built-in error in calculating the change in dimension as it ignores the curvilinear nature of the growth rings. This paper describes an Excel spreadsheet that considers the curvilinear nature of growth rings to calculate the transverse wood shrinkage and the amount of cup that might develop. The model is dependent on wood species, initial and final moisture contents, and location of the board within the log.
From the instant an adhesive is applied to wood until the adhesive cures, several important steps must take place in order for a good glue bond to occur. If any of the actions do not occur, the glue bond will be faulty. Such is the case when gluing wood which is surface inactivated. The definition, causes, and prevention of surface inactivation in wood will be discussed in this factsheet.
A viable alternative for dealing with hardwood bark residue is to market the bark as hardwood bark mulch. This factsheet provides a succinct overview of the hardwood bark mulch industry and discusses considerations of developing a marketing plan for this product.
Edge glued lumber panels are an important component of many high quality furniture designs. To insure panels of consistent good quality, it is important that the manufacturer carefully monitor several crucial aspects of the edge gluing process. The purpose of this report is to discuss proper manufacturing techniques necessary for quality panels.
This wood products note highlights a case study involving drying 4/4 pine boards in a conventional track kiln where a fan went out during the cycle. Airflow measurements and ending moisture content figures are shown by location within the kiln. General comments are made concerning what to do and what to expect when one or more fans do go out during a drying charge.
This wood products note offers suggestions to help furniture manufacturers reduce or prevent the problem of veneer checking.
Properly kiln dried lumber stored, dead packed in an enclosed, unheated shed may pick up moisture. Redrying may be necessary. Drying stresses do develop during redrying and should be relieved.
This note provides an economic estimate of North Carolina's lumber as a carbon storehouse.
This note describes how a quality Index can be used to predict the lumber product value of white oak logs.
This wood products note highlights a case study involving the kiln drying of 4/4 eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) from the mountains of North Carolina. The study was designed to determine the effects three different handling and storage procedures prior to kiln drying have on the severity of brown stain in the kiln dried lumber. Kiln drying very soon after sawing the log was the only procedure to prevent brown stain.
This wood products note offers suggestions for developing a training seminar on rough mill yields.
Lumber price trends provide key information to parties across the hardwood value chain. The prices illustrated in this note are representative of a typical mix of hardwood species that might be sawn in western and eastern North Carolina.
The purpose of this wood products note is to help sawmills develop their own safety program.
This wood products note describes how to equalize and condition lumber during drying to avoid problems such as warped or split panels.
This note discusses how a Quality Index can be used to predict the lumber product value of northern red oak logs.
In this wood products note, suggestions on how to select a proper target moisture content, conventional temperature schedules for quality drying, equalizing for a uniform final moisture content, and conditioning for stress relief will be discussed.