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Developing a Marketing Plan for Hardwood Bark Landscaping Mulch

By: Craig L. Forbes Wood Products Notes

A viable alternative for dealing with hardwood bark residue is to market the bark as hardwood bark mulch. This factsheet provides a succinct overview of the hardwood bark mulch industry and discusses considerations of developing a marketing plan for this product.

Understanding and Minimizing Veneer Checking on Furniture Panels

By: Craig L. Forbes Wood Products Notes

This wood product note helps wood manufacturers understand and minimize veneer checking on furniture panels.

Quality Control for Edge Glued Panel Manufacturing

By: Craig L. Forbes Wood Products Notes

Edge glued lumber panels are an important component of many high quality furniture designs. To insure panels of consistent good quality, it is important that the manufacturer carefully monitor several crucial aspects of the edge gluing process. The purpose of this report is to discuss proper manufacturing techniques necessary for quality panels.