NC State Extension Publications


All plants in this table can be found in North Carolina; those that are native to North Carolina can be used in landscaping. Some of the non-native species, such as white clover, are widely established in lawns and gardens where they do little harm and may provide useful resources. Invasive and problematic plant species are highlighted red with bolded text; we do not recommend adding or encouraging these species in a home landscape.

Table A2-1. Plants with leaves and fibers used as nesting materials.

Latin name Common name Native to North Carolina* Used by Parts used
Acer maple mixed Megachile leaf pieces
Alcea rosea hollyhock no Megachile petal pieces
Alnus alder mixed Megachile leaf pieces
Amelanchier serviceberry yes Megachile leaf pieces
Betula birch mixed Megachile leaf pieces
Betula lenta sweet birch, cherry birch, black birch yes (M, P) Megachile leaf pieces
Senna cassia no Megachile leaf and petal pieces
Cercis canadensis redbud yes Megachile leaf pieces
Cirsium thistle mixed (C. arvense and C. vulgare) Anthidium fibers
Clematis clematis, curlyheads Mixed (C. terniflora) Megachile leaf pieces
Cornus dogwood mixed Megachile leaf pieces and pulp
Corylus hazel, hazelnut yes Megachile leaf pieces
Crocanthemum georgianum Georgia sunrose yes (C) Osmia leaf pulp
Epilobium willow-herb, willowherb mixed (E. hirsutum) Megachile leaf pieces
Fagopyrum esculentum buckwheat no Megachile leaf pieces
Fragaria strawberry mixed Hoplitis, Megachile leaf pieces and pulp
Humulus hops mixed (H. japonicus) Megachile leaf pieces
Medicago sativa alfalfa no Megachile leaf pieces
Oenothera primrose, evening primrose yes Hoplitis, Megachile leaf pulp
Polygonum knotweed mostly no Megachile leaf pieces
Populus poplar mixed (P. alba) Megachile

leaf pieces

Ribes gooseberry, currant many species (M) Megachile

leaf pieces

Rosa rose, wild rose mixed (several invasive species) Megachile

leaf and petal pieces

Salix willow mixed (S. alba) Megachile

leaf pieces

Smilax greenbriar, carrion flower yes Megachile leaf pieces
Spiraea spiraea mixed (S. japonica) Megachile leaf pieces
Symphoricarpos snowberry yes Megachile leaf pieces
Trifolium repens white clover no Megachile leaf pieces
Vitis grape mixed Megachile leaf pieces

* Plants that are only reported to genus often include a mix of native and non-native species. Before acquiring plants from these genera, confirm that the species you have in mind is not invasive; major invasive groups or species are highlighted in red text. Where species are native to only part of the state, they are indicated with M (mountains), P (piedmont), or C (coastal plain).


Assistant Professor and Extension Urban Ecology Specialist
Applied Ecology
Local Foods Coordinator - Local Foods

Publication date: July 6, 2022

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