NC State Extension Publications

Problems With Snakes

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Like other residents in the path of a major storm, snakes become displaced and left homeless. As a result, they may seek shelter and food inside houses, storage sheds, barns, and other buildings. Damaged structures can be more accessible to snakes and floodwaters may allow some snakes to swim or be deposited indoors. Displaced snakes may also be found under or in storm debris or in debris piles created during the cleanup effort. It is important to realize that both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes are beneficial to people because they help control rodents, which are also displaced by storms.

Black rat snake on wall brace in attic

Flooding may result in snakes seeking shelter inside homes (such as this black rat snake in an attic).

M. Waldvogel, NC State

Furniture piled in front of house after flood

Piles of storm debris provide harborages fo snakes and other animals.

M. Waldvogel, NC State

Tips for Working Around Snakes

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Tips for working in areas where snakes may be found:


  • Wear heavy work gloves and boots (at least 10 inches high), long pants or snake leggings (if available) when working in areas cluttered with debris. Avoid wearing shorts when working with debris.
  • Watch where you place your hands and feet when removing or cleaning debris.
  • Look carefully before you place your fingers in and under piles of debris that have been undisturbed at for any length of time.
  • Never step over logs or other obstacles unless you can see the other side.
  • Watch for snakes sunning on fallen trees, limbs, and other debris.
  • If you encounter a snake, step back and allow the animal to proceed on its way. Snakes will often move out of the way, but watch where they go in case it's another debris pile or under a house, car, or other object.


  • If you find a snake in your house, don’t panic; try to confine the snake to a small area of the house.
  • Non-poisonous snakes can be captured by pinning the snake down with a long stick or pole, preferably forked at one end, and then removed by scooping up with a flat-blade shovel.
  • If you are uncomfortable about removing the snake yourself, try to get help from a neighbor or someone in the community who has experience handling snakes (local Animal Control staff may not be available due to other emergencies).
  • As a last resort, you may need to kill a poisonous snake. Club it with a long stick, rod, or other tool. Never attempt to kill a poisonous snake with an object that brings you within the snake’s striking range (typically 50%-75% to of their total length). A pistol or rifle may seem to be a simple way to get rid of snake, but discharging a firearm in or around areas where people are cleaning up storm debris is dangerous, potentially lethal, and often illegal.
  • All openings around the house a quarter-inch and larger should be sealed to exclude snakes and other unwanted wildlife. Check areas such as corners behind doors and windows, crawlspace doors, damaged foundation vents, gaps around water pipes, and electrical service entrances. To exclude snakes, seal holes in masonry foundations with mortar or expanding foam that hardens i-place. Holes in wooden buildings can be sealed with fine 1/8-inch mesh hardware cloth and/or sheet metal.
  • Remove debris from around the house as soon as possible. Clutter attracts rodents, lizards, and insects on which many snakes feed and also provides shelter for the snakes. Vegetation along the foundation should be kept closely mowed when possible.
  • There are no pesticides that can be used legally to kill snakes. Repellents and traps work with limited success.
Person cutting limbs on fallen trees after hurricane.

Watch for snakes, wasps nests, and other displaced wildlife while clearing storm debris.

M. Waldvogel, NC State

Snake coiled in defensive posture

Avoid confronting snakes. They can easily strike a distance of about 50%-75% the length of their body.

M. Waldvogel, NC State

If You Are Bitten by a Snake

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If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, don’t try to treat the bite yourself. Go to the nearest hospital (or physician) or contact local emergency medical services about obtaining immediate treatment. Try to make a mental note of the appearance of the snake for identification and treatment purposes. Some non-poisonous snakes can be mistaken for copperheads and cottonmouths. Inexpensive snake-bite kits without antivenom are more harmful than helpful, and they should be avoided. Doctors no longer recommend these kits because of infection, tissue damage from cutting, and the risk of getting venom in a cut in your mouth. Anti-venom and antibiotic treatments are important to reduce the effect of the venom and the possibility of developing an infection.

Learn to identify non-poisonous and poisonous snakes. Information on snake identification can be obtained from your local N.C. Cooperative Extension center or from your state’s wildlife department.

For More Information

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For more information on disaster preparedness and recovery visit the NC Disaster Information Center.

Original publication adapted by Pete Bromley, Extension Wildlife Specialist (Ret.), NC State University, from Alabama Cooperative Extension Service information.

Author s

Extension Specialist (Household & Structural Entomology)
Entomology & Plant Pathology
State Program Leader for Family & Consumer Sciences & Professor
Agricultural & Human Sciences

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Publication date: July 12, 2023
Reviewed/Revised: Aug. 6, 2024

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