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Washing and Sanitizing Kitchen Items

By: Benjamin Chapman Disaster Recovery

This factsheet offers instructions for cleaning and sanitizing kitchen dishes, utensils, and cooking implements after a flood.

Water-Damaged Carpets and Rugs

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication offers general guidelines for cleaning or replacing flood-damaged carpets and rugs.

Dealing With Snakes After a Storm

By: Michael Waldvogel, Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication offers tips to deal with snakes, both indoors and outdoors, during the recovery process of a flood or disaster with strewn debris.

Removing Mold From Household Items

By: Pamela Turner, Melanie Badding, Jackie Ogden, Sarah Kirby

This publication provides recommendations for removing mold from most household items.

How to Salvage Flood-Damaged Appliances

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication covers items to consider when trying to salvage flood-damaged appliances.

Cleaning Flooded Upholstered Furniture, Curtains, Bedding, Table Linens and Other Household Textiles

By: Sarah Kirby, Wilma Hammett Disaster Recovery

This publication covers important information about cleaning household textiles after a flood.

Reconditioning Flood-Damaged Tractors

By: Gary Roberson Disaster Recovery

This publication offers information and guidance on how to clean and recondition tractors that have been submerged in floodwaters.

Handling and Cleaning Up Damaged Pesticide Containers at Home

By: Michael Waldvogel, Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication offers guidelines if a recent storm results in water damage to pesticide containers or application equipment in your home or on your property.

Returning Home After a Disaster

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication offers tips to people returning to their homes and communities after evacuation during an emergency or disaster.

After the Flood: Inspect, Purge, and Disinfect Your Well

By: Diana Rashash, Mike Burchell Disaster Recovery

This factsheet offers instruction on what to do with your well after a flood.

Flood-Damaged Furniture

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication discusses how to possibly restore furniture, including antiques, damaged by floodwaters.

Kitchen Cleanup After the Flood

By: Benjamin Chapman Disaster Recovery

This publication covers steps to take to clean up your kitchen after a disaster or emergency.

Dealing with Potential Moisture Problems After a Flood

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication covers potential moisture problems in attics, crawl spaces and walls after a flood or other disaster.

Decision Making Guidelines for Storm-Damaged Trees

By: Robert Bardon, Rick Hamilton

When storms damage woodlands and shade trees, woodland owners and homeowners have many questions about what to do with their damaged trees. This factsheet outlines guidelines for quick decision making and priority setting.

Mold Testing

By: Sarah Kirby

This publication discusses the pros and cons of mold testing in a home.

Utilization of Storm-Damaged Timber

By: Rick Hamilton, Robert Bardon

Following a storm timber owners are often interested in salvaging their timber, but the utilization of storm-damaged timber depends on physical damage to trees and the length of time between damage and harvest. This publication provides guidelines for the utilization of storm-damaged timber.

Updates to FEMA's Individual Assistance Program

By: D. Meyers, N. Pace, M. Daigle, D. Siebert, C. Franze Federal Disaster Aid

On January 22, 2024, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published a new rule changing the Individual Assistance Program. These changes aim to make the Individual Assistance program more equitable by expanding eligibility for some types of assistance, removing procedural barriers to entry, and simplifying certain processes overall.

After the Flood - Weed Management Concerns for Nurseries and Landscapes

By: Joe Neal, Travis Gannon

Immediately after a flood, most farmers, nursery crops producers and grounds maintenance staff have much more urgent matters to worry about than weeds. But, eventually the questions arise: Has my preemergence herbicide washed away? How do I know? Should I re-treat? What’s going to happen now? Unfortunately there is no way to provide definitive answers to these questions. But this publication offers some tips and suggestions that will help you plan a response.

Managing Storm and Disaster Damage in Landscapes and Nurseries

By: Anthony LeBude, Joe Neal, Barbara Fair, Tom Ranney, Danny Lauderdale, Mark Weathington, Steven Frank, Inga Meadows, Sara Villani, Amy Fulcher, Jim Owen, Sarah White, J.C. Chong, Chris Ranger, Christopher Werle, James Atland

This publication is a compilation of ideas from a few specialists based on research, reports in the landscape, experience, and intuition on how to manage storm and disaster damage in landscapes and nurseries.

Tips for Handling Family Stress After A Disaster

By: Ramah Dabbas, Kimberly Allen

This publication addresses family stress after a disaster.

Controlling Damage in Pesticide Storage Facilities on the Farm

By: Sarah Kirby, Michael Waldvogel Disaster Recovery

This publication for farmers covers the guidelines to deal with pesticide storage facilities that may have been damaged by a flood or other disaster.

FloodWise Flood Mitigation and Reduction Practices Budget Tools

By: Meredith Hovis, Fred Cubbage, Robert Bardon

This publication provides a set of budget tools for the ten most promising nature-based solutions for flood reduction in Eastern North Carolina, which include common farm practices of no-till, cover crops, and tree planting to more complex NBS of wetland creation, water farming, and low-rise earthen berms and retention basins with flashboard risers. These budget tools are the result of research termed “FloodWise” to describe the water quality, flood mitigation, farm benefits, and community engagement and governance connections.

Major Storm Disaster Declarations

By: N. Pace, M. Daigle Federal Disaster Aid

A major storm disaster declaration refers to a formal process that requests federal assistance to deal with a major disaster that overwhelms state and local capacity under the Stafford Act. The formal request allows the federal government to provide support such as mobilizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Guard as well as other support, depending upon the situation.

Choosing a Contractor

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication offers tips on choosing a contractor for home repairs after an emergency or disaster.

Heat Stress Disorders

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication offers safety tips and first aid procedures to prevent and treat heat stress disorders that may occur during clean-up after a hurricane or other disaster.

Safe Food After a Flood

By: Benjamin Chapman Disaster Recovery

This factsheet offers information on how to deal with food that may have come into contact with floodwaters.

Priorities for Cleanup & Repair

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication offers a list of steps to take for cleanup and repair of your home following a disaster or emergency.

Reconditioning Flood-Damaged Farm Equipment

By: Gary Roberson Disaster Recovery

This publication offers general information and guidance on how to recondition farm equipment that has been submerged in floodwaters.

Managing Drought on Nursery Crops

By: Anthony LeBude, Ted Bilderback

Drought has always caused nursery crop producers great concern. If irrigation water becomes limiting, growers producing nursery crops in containers may lose their entire crop. Newly planted field-grown crops also sustain heavy losses if they are not irrigated frequently during the first year of production. Although established field-grown nursery stock will survive if not irrigated during periods of drought, they will not grow under these conditions. Adequate moisture during field production will produce field-grown shade trees of marketable size in three to five years. Poorly irrigated plants will take longer to reach marketable size, thus lengthening the time cost of production.

Applying For FEMA Disaster Assistance

By: Hannah Withers, Sidra Hanson, Daniel Meyers Federal Disaster Aid

If a major disaster has been declared in your area, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance from FEMA. There are four ways to apply for federal disaster assistance: online, in the FEMA app, by phone, or in person.

Housing Assistance After a Major Storm

By: S. Hanson, D. Meyers, N. Pace, M. Daigle, D. Seibert, C. Franze Federal Disaster Aid

When there has been a major disaster, the federal government often offers housing assistance for people in need. There are two main types of housing assistance. First, housing assistance may be financial, which means that people will receive money to find and pay for housing. Second, housing assistance may be direct, which means that a person will not receive money, but they will receive a place to stay, such as a trailer or RV. The federal government decides what types of housing assistance will be available based on the type of major disaster that has taken place, and it will decide what type of assistance a person may be offered. A person only needs to apply for assistance one time to be considered for all types of housing assistance.

Eliminating Odors From Your Refrigerator and Freezer

By: Ellen Shumaker Disaster Recovery

This publication offers tips to rid your refrigerator of odors after an extended loss of power due to an emergency or disaster.

Avoiding Tobacco Curing Losses Due to Electrical Failures

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Recovery

This publication for tobacco growers describes steps that can be taken to avoid or minimize tobacco curing losses due to an electrical outage.

Common Types of Federal Disaster Aid for Major Storms

By: N. Pace, M. Daigle, S. Hanson, D. Meyers Federal Disaster Aid

The federal government provides several types of disaster aid related to major storm events. Aid programs can be provided to individuals as well as communities. The specific type of aid available will depend on the storm event and its disaster declaration. The disaster declaration will establish the locations and type of aid available for that disaster.