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This publications provides tips for preventive home maintenance.
This publication describes common fabric pests, their habits, and what to do if you find an infestation of these pests and how to prevent damage.
If you use a septic system or if you are buying a home with a septic system, this owner's guide can help you be sure that your septic system is used and maintained properly. This guide also provides a place to record and keep important information, such as a copy of your permit, a sketch of your system, and maintenance records.
This publication provides homeowners with recommended chemical control options to use in combination with an integrated management plan for managing common diseases in the landscape or garden.
This publication describes common causes for septic tank failures and suggests steps you can take to prevent failure of your system.
This publication provides checklists to guide potential buyers as they check out homes before they put in a purchase offer.
Esta publicación analiza los peligros del monóxido de carbono y brinda formas de proteger a las familias de daños o muertes relacionadas con el monóxido de carbono.
This checklist describes household conditions that can be hazardous to the elderly and recommends ways to improve home safety for older people.
This publication will help you choose the correct type of lawn maintenance service for your home or business.
Heating and cooling your home account for approximately 43 percent of your utility bill. This publication suggests some ways that you and your family can save money on your heating and cooling costs.
Calentar y enfriar su hogar representan aproximadamente el 43 por ciento de su factura de servicios públicos. Aquí encontrará algunas recomendaciones sobre cómo usted y su familia pueden ahorrar dinero en los costos de calefacción y aire acondicionado.
This publication offers tips on choosing a contractor for home repairs after an emergency or disaster.
Cuando el dinero es escaso, busque maneras de reducir los gastos del hogar. Hay una serie de cosas sencillas sin costo o a bajo costo que usted y su familia pueden hacer para ayudar a ahorrar dinero en sus facturas/recibos de servicios públicos (electricidad, agua, gas).
This question and answer worksheet will help coastal homeowners focus on potential problems with the pollution and health risks of water protection practices and the effects on water sources from stormwater management. Car/truck wastes, yard/garden wastes, animal wastes, rain gardens and rainwater runoff are covered.
When money is tight, look for ways to reduce household expenditures. This publication offers a number of simple no cost/low cost things you and your family can do to help save money on your utility bill.