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Mosquito Control for Rainwater Harvesting Systems

By: Bill Hunt, Kathy Gee Urban Waterways

This publication discusses ways in which mosquitoes could become a problem for rainwater harvesting systems and provides solutions and preventative measures to protect cisterns, rain barrels, and other rainwater collection systems from becoming havens for mosquitoes.

Rainwater Harvesting: Guidance for Homeowners

By: Bill Hunt Urban Waterways

A rainwater harvesting system captures stormwater runoff, often from a rooftop, and stores the water in a cistern for later use. In this guide for homeowners, the authors describe the components of a rainwater harvesting system and how they work together. Guidelines for choosing, sizing and installing the components are included.

Surface Outlets for Sediment Basins

By: Adam Howard, Rich McLaughlin SoilFacts

Sediment basins are temporary stormwater pools that catch runoff so it can deposit some of its sediment. The typical outlet is either a rock dam or a perforated riser barrel, both of which allow water to leave the basin from all depths. One way to improve the sediment capture rate is to use an outlet that dewaters the basin from the top of the water column where the water is cleanest. This publication describes the Faircloth skimmer, flashboard risers and other outlet configurations that accomplish this goal.

Natural and Constructed Wetlands in North Carolina: An Overview for Citizens

By: Mike Burchell, Bill Hunt

This factsheet is designed to give a brief overview of natural and constructed wetlands and provide key information to help identify these wetlands and the functions they provide.

Stormwater Wetland Construction Guidance

By: Mike Burchell, Bill Hunt, Kris Bass, Jason Wright Urban Waterways

Stormwater wetlands perform well in reducing peak flows and pollutant removal when properly designed and constructed. These wetland construction guidelines are based on experience gained at more than 30 sites across North Carolina.

Chemical Treatment to Control Turbidity on Construction Sites

By: Rich McLaughlin SoilFacts

Construction sites of more than one acre are required to install systems to retain sediment produced onsite. This factsheet describes several chemical treatment options, including polyacrylamides (PAM), gypsum and alum, for reducing turbidity in impounded water.

Devices for Retrofitting Stormwater Management Systems to Reduce Tidal Flood Impacts

By: Hanna McCormick, Chad Poole, Barbara Doll, Katherine Anarde, Megan Carr, Julia Harrison, Thomas Thelen, Natalie Nelson

This publication provides information about tidal flooding and reviews devices communities can use to modify existing infrastructure to minimize the effects of tidal floods.

Plant Selection for Extensive Green Roofs in the Research Triangle Area of North Carolina

By: Wenyan Fu, Julieta Sherk, Joe Neal

This publication describes the evaluation of plant survival and vigor on 11 extensive green roofs in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina and provides plant selection guidelines for future green roof installations.

Stormwater Wetlands for Golf Courses

By: Kris Bass, Mike Burchell, Robert Evans, Bill Hunt, Daniel Line, Danesha Seth Carley

Golf courses provide a unique setting for wetlands that can be used to provide both an environmental benefit and an aesthetic amenity. The research-based recommendations in this publication are intended to help you optimize concepts and designs for your next project.

Shellfish Leases and Harvest Closures Along the North Carolina Coast

By: Sheila Saia, Natalie Nelson, Sierra Young, Steven Hall

This publication discusses the practice of leasing estuarine waters on the North Carolina coast for shellfish mariculture. It covers how shellfish are grown in North Carolina, how shellfish leases work, what constitutes a shellfish growing area and shellfish harvest closure, and the process for reopening after a closure.

Mosquito Control for Stormwater Facilities

By: Bill Hunt Urban Waterways

This factsheet provides a review of strategies for designing and maintaining stormwater facilities to limit mosquito populations.

Dune Infiltration Systems for Reducing Stormwater Discharge to Coastal Recreational Beaches

By: Mike Burchell, Bill Hunt, William Price

An innovative Dune Infiltration System (DIS) has been developed to help prevent polluted stormwater from reaching the ocean. The goal of this factsheet is to introduce this technology to coastal towns that want to reduce the potential impact of stormwater discharge to their beaches.

Stormwater Wetland Design Update: Zones, Vegetation, Soil, and Outlet Guidance

By: Bill Hunt, Jason Wright, Mike Burchell, Kris Bass Urban Waterways

These new design guidelines for stormwater wetlands focus on four design points: internal wetland zones, herbaceous plants that thrive in stormwater wetlands, a proper growing medium, and the importance of a flexible outlet structure and its construction.

Maintenance of Stormwater Wetlands and Wet Ponds

By: Bill Hunt, Bill Lord Urban Waterways

This publication presents maintenance guidelines for stormwater wetlands and wet ponds, two stormwater practices that are being constructed across North Carolina. Stormwater management practices must be kept in proper working order to maintain their intended functions and aesthetic appeal.

Permeable Pavement: Research Update and Design Implications

By: Bill Hunt, Kelly A. Collins Urban Waterways

As the use of permeable pavement increases in North Carolina, practitioners can look to research findings for guidance. Recent research in North Carolina and elsewhere has focused on four aspects: runoff reduction, clogging, long-term hydrology and water quality. This overview highlights research findings, discusses research implications, and provides direct links to the research.

Stormwater Management for Coastal Homeowners

By: Bill Hunt, Gloria Putnam, Lin Xu, Grace R. Lawrence Coast*A*Syst

This question and answer worksheet will help coastal homeowners focus on potential problems with the pollution and health risks of water protection practices and the effects on water sources from stormwater management. Car/truck wastes, yard/garden wastes, animal wastes, rain gardens and rainwater runoff are covered.