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This publication provides information and guidance on using computer code to access the National Agricultural Statistics Service's survey data to view data from multiple years, crops, and other categories.
This publication discusses how to find information about frost and freeze probability data in North Carolina and how to use these resources to make planting and harvesting decisions.
This publication provides basic information on animal production systems and reviews the movement of nitrogen in concentrated feeding operations for swine.
This publication provides information about tidal flooding and reviews devices communities can use to modify existing infrastructure to minimize the effects of tidal floods.
This publication discusses the practice of leasing estuarine waters on the North Carolina coast for shellfish mariculture. It covers how shellfish are grown in North Carolina, how shellfish leases work, what constitutes a shellfish growing area and shellfish harvest closure, and the process for reopening after a closure.
This publication discusses the challenges of accurately testing for fecal coliform bacteria in coastal waters. It includes information about fecal coliform bacteria and how they affect coast systems and provides options for sampling and computer modeling methods that help growers, regulators, and coastal communities make decisions about coastal activities.
This publication provides an overview of how satellite remote sensing can be used to help monitor algal blooms in bodies of water. It also explains some of the limitations of using satellite imagery for this purpose.