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This publication offers guidelines if a recent storm results in water damage to pesticide containers or application equipment in your home or on your property.
This publication describes restricted-use pesticides, the safe use of pesticides and evaluating the potential for groundwater contamination.
Use this form to maintain records of pesticide applications in compliance with the USDA Restricted-Use Pesticides Regulations and the Worker Protection Standard. Records of all pesticide applications must be maintained for at least 2 years. This form is available online in three versions: Adobe PDF, RTF (for word processing programs), and Microsoft Excel.
This publication for farmers covers the guidelines to deal with pesticide storage facilities that may have been damaged by a flood or other disaster.
This publication offers safety tips and first aid procedures to prevent and treat heat stress disorders that may occur during clean-up after a hurricane or other disaster.
This publication provides a simplified tool that can quickly guide farm managers, handlers, workers, and family farmers in understanding compliance with the Worker Protection Standard.