NC State Extension Publications Numbered Publications, Factsheets, Hard Copy Documents, Authoritative Sources & more …

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2024 North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual

By: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

This manual, updated every year, covers pesticide use and safety information, chemical application equipment, fertilizer use, insect control, chemical weed control, plant growth regulators, animal damage control and disease control.

Insect and Disease Control of Fruits

By: Jim Walgenbach, Sara Villani, Steven Frank, Dominic Reisig, Katie Jennings, Bill Cline, Meredith Favre, Dave Ritchie

This publication covers insect and disease control in apples, blueberries, caneberries, grapes, peaches, pecans and strawberries.

Pesticide Use and Safety Information

By: Wayne Buhler

This publication describes restricted-use pesticides, the safe use of pesticides and evaluating the potential for groundwater contamination.

Animal Damage Control

By: C.S. DePerno

This publication explains control measures that can be taken due to animal damage of crops.

Chemical Application Equipment

By: Gary Roberson, Jason Ward

This publication covers cleaning and calibrating chemical application equipment, such as dusters, spreaders and sprayers.


This publication lists abbreviations used in the North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual.

  • Agricultural Chemical

Alternative Product Demonstration and Research Guidelines for Extension Agents

By: Luke Gatiboni, Robert Richardson, Hannah Burrack, Lindsey Thiessen, Joe Neal, Katie Jennings

This publication provides guidance to Extension agents on how to design and conduct trials and demonstrations on alternative products for plant and soil health and pest and disease control purposes. It provides standardized experimental design criteria and best practices for planning and executing trials for these products.

How to Send Specimens for Disease, Insect, and Weed Identification

By: Matt Bertone

This publication explains how and where to send specimens for disease, insect and weed identification.

Management Guide for Sour Rot in North Carolina

By: Karen Blaedow, Hannah Burrack, Mark Hoffmann, Sara Villani

This publication gives an overview of sour-rot management in European-style grapevines in North Carolina. We explain what the causes of sour rot, show pictures, discuss susceptible cultivars and give management recommendations.