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This integrated pest management (IPM) chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook familiarizes readers with a systematic approach to managing insect and animal garden pests in an environmentally responsible manner.
This lawns chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook reviews installation and care of turfgrass as well as management strategies for turfgrass problems. This chapter also reviews options for turfgrass alternatives.
This publication is designed to help you identify common weeds found in southeastern North Carolina pastures, hayfields, and sprayfields. It presents descriptions and pictures of some of the most common weeds, and it provides references for other weeds that are not in this publication. Weeds are categorized here as broadleaf, grass, or other, and as warm season or cool season. This publication does not recommend specific chemical control methods because differences in situations, rapidly changing labels, and new products make generalized recommendations impractical.
This publication covers chemical weed control and weed response to a variety of crops.
Annual and perennial grasses can be selectively controlled in most broadleaf crops and landscapes using postemergence herbicides that control only grasses -- chemicals often referred to as “postemergence graminicides”. There are four graminicides labeled for use in horticultural crops – fenoxaprop, fluazifop-p, sethoxydim and clethodim. Each graminicide is systemic (translocated) and has short-term soil residual (about 2 weeks). Although each herbicide kills grasses in the same way (acting upon the same site of action), they differ in their effectiveness on grass weeds, safety on crops, and labeled uses.
This chapter of the North Carolina Organic Commodities Production Guide discusses cultural, mechanical and chemical tactics used for weed control in organic farming.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of annual ryegrass.
Organic farmers cite weed management as their number one research priority. This publication in the Organic Production publication series describes weed control strategies for organic farms based on weed characteristics and an integrated cropping system approach. A special section on cultivation practices that limit emerged and future weeds is based on research by the Center for Environmental Farming Systems.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of annual bluegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of globe sedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
When it comes to weeds, “start clean – stay clean” should be the moto of every nursery manager. This is especially true for producers of herbaceous perennials. Although we can control most grassy weeds with postemergence herbicide; otherwise, we have few herbicides to use when weeds get out of hand. Furthermore, the herbicides labeled for use in herbaceous ornamentals are either safe on many ornamentals and do not control many weeds, or control lots of weeds but are safe on only a few ornamentals. Consequently, to manage weeds effectively a comprehensive nursery weed management program including exclusion, sanitation, preemergence herbicides, some postemergence herbicides and hand weeding will be needed.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of crowfootgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of smallflower buttercup.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of dichondra.
Supplemental hand weeding accounts for the majority of landscape bed maintenance costs. When used exclusively, it can cost 10 to 100 times as much as an effective herbicide or mulching program. However, many of the costly and unsightly weed problems can be avoided or at least minimized with a little planning. Developing a landscape weed management plan involves five basic steps.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of annual sedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of goosegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of lawn burrweed.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of orchardgrass.
This factsheet provides information about control strategies for dealing with common ragweed, particularly for Fraser fir production operations.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of barnyardgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of large crabgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of green kyllinga and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of purple nutsedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of nimblewill.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of velvetgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of green foxtail.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of cylindric sedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of yellow nutsedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of dallisgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of johnsongrass.
Palmer amaranth is the most common and most troublesome weed in North Carolina sweetpotato. This publication discusses Palmer amaranth identification, reproduction and growth habit, impacts on sweetpotato yield and quality, and weed management options.
How often are you weeding? Is it frequently enough to prevent the next generation of weeds? Many of the most common weeds of container nurseries flower and produce seeds within 30 days. Our research suggests that you should be removing emerged weeds every 2 to 3 weeks. This publication offers information on some common container weeds.
This publication explains how and where to send specimens for disease, insect and weed identification.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of thin paspalum.
This table presents information on preemergence herbicides for herbaceous ornamentals.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of broomsedge.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of smooth crabgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of yellow foxtail.
This publication covers the identification and control of Florida betony, an aggressive, rhizomatous perennial in the mint family categorized as a category B noxious weed in North Carolina.
This chart presents the grams of herbicide needed for circular landscape beds of various diameters.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of japanese stiltgrass.
Phoma macrostoma, a potential biocontrol agent for turfgrass weeds, was isolated from Cirsium arvense plants in Canada and is being tested in other regions of North America for control of broadleaf weeds in turf. This research was conducted to investigate the effects of varying temperature conditions on Phoma macrostoma control of seedling broadleaf weeds. Experiments were conducted in growth chambers to compare the efficacy of three doses of Phoma macrostoma on two species, Senecio vulgaris and Lamium amplexicaule grown in 4 temperature regimes – 15/20, 20/25, 25/30 and 30/35°C (dark / light period) temperatures. These data suggest that high temperatures common in the southeastern United States should not be an impediment to activity of Phoma macrostoma efficacy, and may actually improve the control of some broadleaf weed species.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of sandbur.
This table presents information on preemergence herbicides registered for use on woody ornamentals.