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Weed Identification in Pastures, Hayfields, and Sprayfields

By: Becky Spearman, Michelle Shooter, Tiffanee Conrad, Dan Wells, Randy Wood

This publication is designed to help you identify common weeds found in southeastern North Carolina pastures, hayfields, and sprayfields. It presents descriptions and pictures of some of the most common weeds, and it provides references for other weeds that are not in this publication. Weeds are categorized here as broadleaf, grass, or other, and as warm season or cool season. This publication does not recommend specific chemical control methods because differences in situations, rapidly changing labels, and new products make generalized recommendations impractical.

Mugwort or Chrysanthemum Weed (Artemisia vulgaris)

By: Joseph C. Neal

This factsheet covers the identification, distribution, and control of Mugwort (also known as chrysanthemum weed), an aggressive, perennial weed that spreads by persistent rhizomes.

Management of Yellow Nutsedge in Sweetpotato

By: Shawn C. Beam, Katie M. Jennings

This publication discusses the impacts of yellow nutsedge on sweetpotato crops and includes information on weed identification and management.

Weeds of Container Nurseries in the United States

By: Joe Neal, Jeffrey Derr, Chris Marble

Color guide to identification of weeds common in container nursery crop production. Also includes a table of preemergence herbicide efficacy on these species.