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Due to the limited availability of methyl bromide, tobacco growers need other methods to sanitize float trays prior to reseeding every year. This factsheet offers information on using steam as an alternative.
How often are you weeding? Is it frequently enough to prevent the next generation of weeds? Many of the most common weeds of container nurseries flower and produce seeds within 30 days. Our research suggests that you should be removing emerged weeds every 2 to 3 weeks. This publication offers information on some common container weeds.
Training Videos Developed for Spanish-speaking Employees of NC Seafood Processors North Carolina seafood processors have a new training tool to provide a better understanding of sanitation and safety requirements for Spanish-speaking employees. The NC State Seafood Laboratory received a grant through NC Sea Grant to develop eight Spanish language videos that explain and show the sanitation and safety regulations the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires for seafood processing plants.
How existing facility Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on personal hygiene and sanitation can be adapted to mitigate the spread of COVID-19