Water damage
Light colored, soft water soaked areas on the underside of fruit.
Similar Problems
Fruit rotting fungi will have pathogen/spores present and fruit darker.
Additional Information
Prolonged rainy peroids with very ripe fruit present lead up to water damage fruit.
Diagnostic Tips
Fruit on sides of bed will not have water damage while fruit lying on plastic do.
Corrective Measures
Removing affected and overripe fruit will reduce losses from additional fruit rot. Fungicide spray for control of boytrytis fruit rot may reduce future losses.
During field preparation be sure that bed is well formed and no uneven or low areas are present on top of bed. A slight slope to the edge on the bed will prevent standing water and allow water to drain off bed. Good insect control will prevent damage by insects that may increase water damage.
Useful Resources
North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual
Funding Sources
Funding was provided in part by the National Sustainable Agriculture Program: Sustainable Strawberry Initiative and the following sources.
Publication date: June 27, 2014
Reviewed/Revised: March 21, 2024
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