NC State Extension Publications


Immature grasshoppers and black crickets can pose a problem in no-tillage situations, especially where the previous crop was pasture or forage (e.g. lespadeza). These are conditions where many grasshopper or cricket egg cases may have overwintered in the soil. After hatching, the immature insects eat leaf tissue and often cut the stem of newly emerged seedlings just below the cotyledon seed leaves, causing the plant to die. In situations where insect numbers are high, the feeding can cause significant stand loss and defoliation. Most often there will be concentrations of grasshoppers and crickets at the field edges. This problem that affects a low percentage of the soybean acreage. In some circumstances treatment may be warranted.

Photo of cricket


Photo of grasshopper



Professor and Extension Specialist
Entomology & Plant Pathology

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Publication date: March 17, 2020

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