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  • Soybean Insect

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The Soybean Plant

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Rachel Vann

This publication, chapter 1 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, describes the soybean plant and its various growth stages.

Weed Management

By: Wesley Everman

This publication, chapter 7 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, addresses weed management in soybean production.

North Carolina Soybean Production Guide

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Rachel Vann, Carl Crozier, Gary Bullen, Jim Dunphy, Wesley Everman, Luke Gatiboni, Adrienne Gorny, David Hardy, Ryan Heiniger, Steph Kulesza, Nick Piggott, Dominic Reisig, Gary Roberson, Heidi Schweizer, Lindsey Thiessen, Derek Washburn, Deanna Osmond

This publication provides information to growers about soybean production in North Carolina. It discusses economic trends and forecasts, cultural practices, variety selection, planting decisions, nutrient management, diseases and pests, and other production practices.

Soybean Production and Marketing in North Carolina

By: Heidi Schweizer, Nick Piggott, Derek Washburn

This publication, chapter 2 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses the soybean market in the United States and managing price risk for North Carolina soybean farmers.

Soybean Facts

By: Katherine Drake Stowe

This publication, chapter 11 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, presents some facts and figures about soybeans and their production.

Fertilization and Nutrient Management

By: David Hardy, Steph Kulesza, Luke Gatiboni

This publication, chapter 6 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, covers fertilization and nutrient management in soybean production.

Planting Decisions

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy, Adrienne Gorny, Dominic Reisig, Gary Roberson

This publication, chapter 5 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses soybean planting decisions, including planting dates, depth, and seeding equipment calibration.

Disease and Nematode Management

By: Lindsey Thiessen, Adrienne Gorny

This publication, chapter 8 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses disease management in soybean production.

Insect Management

By: Dominic Reisig

This publication, chapter 9 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, covers common insects and their control in soybean production.

Harvesting, Drying, and Storage

By: Gary Roberson, Katherine Drake Stowe, Jim Dunphy

This publication, chapter 11 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, describe harvesting, drying, and storing soybeans.

Green Cloverworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This Soybean Insect Factsheet describes the biology, identification, and control of green cloverworm in soybeans in North Carolina.

Kudzu Bug

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the kudzu bug, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Armyworm Complex in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet discusses the biology, identification, and control of armyworms in soybeans in North Carolina.

Soybean Aphid in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the soybean aphid, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Nonfoliar Yield Enhancement Products in North Carolina Soybeans

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy, Lindsey Thiessen, Michael Buffaloe

This publication discusses trends identified in how nonfoliar yield enhancement products affected soybean yield over the past five years across 15 locations in North Carolina.

Bean Leaf Beetle in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet discusses the biology, damage, and management of the bean leaf beetle, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Rotational Considerations

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy

This publication, chapter 3 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses crop rotation and cover crops in soybean production.

Black Cutworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the black cutworm, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Soybean Looper in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and management of soybean loopers, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Stink Bug in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of stink bugs in soybeans in North Carolina.

Grasshoppers and Crickets in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of grasshoppers and crickets, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Velvetbean Caterpillar in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the velvetbean caterpillar, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Variety Selection

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Ryan Heiniger

This publication, chapter 4 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses how to choose a variety of soybean to plant.

Corn Earworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the corn earworm, a common pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Grape Colaspis in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of grape colaspis, a beetle pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Three-Cornered Alfalfa Hopper in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the three-cornered alfalfa hopper, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.