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Pests of Sweetpotato

By: Kenneth Sorensen, James Baker, Cathy Cameron Carter, David Stephan

This factsheet, part of the Insect and Related Pests of Vegetables publication, includes an identification key and descriptions of pests that affect sweetpotatoes.

Green Cloverworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This Soybean Insect Factsheet describes the biology, identification, and control of green cloverworm in soybeans in North Carolina.

Kudzu Bug

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the kudzu bug, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Armyworm Complex in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet discusses the biology, identification, and control of armyworms in soybeans in North Carolina.

Soybean Aphid in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the soybean aphid, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Peanut Insect and Mite Management

By: Dominic Reisig

This publication, chapter 5 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, reviews insect control issues in peanut production.

Bean Leaf Beetle in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet discusses the biology, damage, and management of the bean leaf beetle, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Black Cutworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the black cutworm, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Soybean Looper in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and management of soybean loopers, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Stink Bug in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of stink bugs in soybeans in North Carolina.

Hemp Russet Mite in Industrial Hemp

By: Melissa Pulkoski, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet describes the symptoms and management of the hemp russet mite, a pest of industrial hemp in North Carolina.

Twospotted Spider Mite in Industrial Hemp

By: Melissa Pulkoski, Hannah Burrack

This factsheet discusses the symptoms and management of the twospotted spider mite in industrial hemp production in North Carolina.

Grasshoppers and Crickets in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of grasshoppers and crickets, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Velvetbean Caterpillar in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the velvetbean caterpillar, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Corn Earworm in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the corn earworm, a common pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Grape Colaspis in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of grape colaspis, a beetle pest of soybeans in North Carolina.

Three-Cornered Alfalfa Hopper in Soybean

By: Dominic Reisig Soybean Insect Factsheets

This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the three-cornered alfalfa hopper, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.