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Grain products and other foodstuffs kept in kitchen cabinets, pantries, or storage areas can arrive infested or become infested with insects and other arthropods. These food thieves are colloquially referred to as “pantry pests'' since they invade foods that are frequently stored in the pantry. Most human food products, and even pet or wild animal foods, are susceptible to damage by stored product pests. Beetles (Order: Coleoptera) and moths (Order: Lepidoptera) are the most important insect groups responsible for contamination of foodstuffs in the United States, so we will focus on these groups for this fact sheet.
This factsheet describes the biology of the puss caterpillar, Megalopyge opercularis, and provides residential management recommendations.
This Entomology Insect Note describes the biology and control of the Eastern tent caterpillar in North Carolina.
This factsheet describes the biology of the Saddleback caterpillar,Acharia stimulea, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the genista broom moth that is also called the genista caterpillar and sophora worm—Uresiphita reversalis.
This factsheet describes the biology of the Florida fern caterpillar, Callopistria floridensis, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the crowned slug caterpillar, Isa textula.
This factsheet describes the biology of the azalea caterpillar, Datana major, and provides residential management recommendations.
This Insect Note describes the biology and management of greenstriped mapleworm, a caterpillar pest of maple trees.
This factsheet describes the biology of the yellownecked caterpillar, Datana ministra., and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet, part of Insect and Related Pests of Flowers and Foliage Plants, discusses identifying different caterpillars and moths in commercial garden and plant production.
This factsheet describes the biology of the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria, and provides residential management recommendations.
This Entomology Insect Note describes the biology and control of caterpillars that feed on trees and shrubs.
This factsheet describes the biology of the Stinging Rose Caterpillar, Parasa indetermina, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the walnut caterpillar, Datana integerrima, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the cabbage palm caterpillar, cabbage palm worm, or palmetto borer, Litoprosopus futilis, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the skiff caterpillar, Prolimacodes badia, and provides residential management recommendations.
This soybean insect factsheet describes the biology, damage, and control of the velvetbean caterpillar, a pest of soybeans in North Carolina.
This factsheet describes the biology of the pearslug, Caliroa cerasi, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the bristly roseslug, Cladius difformis, and provides residential management recommendations.