Sunburned fruit
Brown leathery areas on the upper side of sun exposed fruit.
Similar Problems
Water damage fruit will be soft and light on the under side of the fruit.
Additional Information
Plants with good canopy and adequately watered will suffer less sunburn than small plants with exposed fruit. Plants exposed directly on black plastic are the most susceptible.
Diagnostic Tips
Sunburn will be on the upper side of exposed fruit.
Corrective Measures
Irrigate prior to hot sunny weather to provide sufficient water.
Avoid varieties that have little foliage and exposed fruit. Provide optimal growing conditions such as correct planting date, fertility and pest management resulting in good canopy during fruit development and harvest.
Useful Resources
North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual
Funding Sources
Funding was provided in part by the National Sustainable Agriculture Program: Sustainable Strawberry Initiative and the following sources.
Publication date: June 27, 2014
Reviewed/Revised: March 21, 2024
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