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  • Strawberry Disorder

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Neopestalotiopsis Leaf, Fruit, and Crown Rot of Strawberry

By: Bill Cline, Swarna Moparthi, Mark Hoffmann

Neopestalotiopsis leaf, fruit, and crown rot is an important emerging fungal disease of strawberry that can affect every part of the plant (crown, roots, leaves, fruit). The pathogen is thought to be introduced via infected planting stock. The emergence of Neopestalotiopsis, especially the aggressive forms, has resulted in significant crop loss throughout the southeastern US. This publication outlines the disease cycle and best management practices for growers.

Herbicide Injury - 2,4-D (broadleaf weed killer)

By: Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

2,4-D herbicide injury described and management provided.

Poor Pollination

By: Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

Poor pollination is described and management provided.

Wind Damage

By: Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

Wind damage of strawberry is described.

Drought Injury

By: Mark Hoffmann, Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

This factsheet discusses the symptoms and treatment of drought injury in strawberries.

Hail Damage

By: Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

Hail damage in strawberries is described.


By: Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

Sunburn of strawberry is described.

Winter Injury

By: Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

Winter injury/cold injury is described and management provided for strawberry crops.

Lightning Injury

By: Mark Hoffmann, Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

This factsheet covers lightning injury in strawberries.

Fumigant Injury

By: Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

Fumigation related injury of strawberries is described with fumigant management and corrective measures provided.

Frost Damage

By: Rocco Schiavone Strawberry Abiotic Disorders

Frost injury in strawberries is described and frost prevention strategies provided.