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Browse by Author: Luke Gatiboni
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Minimizing Risks of Soil Contaminants in Urban Gardens

By: Luke Gatiboni, Carl Crozier, Lucy Bradley SoilFacts

This publication alerts prospective gardeners to some of the most common contaminants in urban soils, such as lead and other toxic metals, solvents, pesticides and total petroleum hydrocarbons. This will help minimize potential risks to gardeners and to those who consume garden produce. The document includes information regarding site characterization, common contaminants, soil testing, interpretation of results and strategies for reducing exposure risks.

Improving Lawn Care and Gardening

By: Luke Gatiboni, Rich McLaughlin, Erin Rivers SoilFacts

This question and answer worksheet will help homeowners focus on potential problems with drinking water or other water resources that may be caused by improper lawn or garden care. Use and storage of fertilizers and pesticides, watering plants, landscape design and soil erosion are discussed.