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Japanese maple scale is an exotic, armored scale insect pest of several ornamental trees and shrubs, most commonly in urban landscapes. This insect factsheet provides an integrated pest management approach to identifying, monitoring, and managing Japanese maple scale.
Maple spider mites are a common arthropod pest of landscape and nursery-grown maple trees, most commonly red maple and red maple x silver maple hybrids (Freeman maples). This pest factsheet provides an integrated pest management approach to identify, monitor, and manage maple spider mites.
This Entomology Insect Note describes the biology and control of cottony maple leaf scale, Pulvinaria innumerabilis, an insect pest that feeds primarily on maple and dogwoods in North Carolina.
This factsheet discusses the biology and control of ocellate gall midges, which cause red and yellow spots on the surface of red maple leaves.
This insect note contains a pest management calendar for maple.
This fact sheet describes the biology, identification and management of gouty vein gall midge.